But sokka liked the name combustian man.HIs boomerang is really cool.Anybody know were to get an ACTAULLY WORKING boomerang
The Last Airbender: Legend of Korra! (New Avatar Show)
Normal boomerangs don't throw that crazy. And they take time to master. And they hurt like hell if you don't have what's necessary to catch it (thick, thick gloves). I almost got headshotted by my boomerang. It dug 6 inches into the dirt 2 feet behind me after I ducked.
So u have aboomerang. is it made of steel? Did u ever use it again?
This is sooo awesome, a new Avatar series
CABBAGE MAN IS ALIVE!!in all of our hearts
CABBAGE MAN IS ALIVE!!in all of our hearts
My Theory: (Click to View)
Cabbage Merchant is dead. He was part of the original avatar cast and they all died. I still thin he has a descendant unlike sparky sparky boom man. I hope they have a new Iroh cause he is pwnage! He destroyed Ba Sing Se's wall with one ball of fire!
Yeah, Cabbage Man will have a descendant that will talk, act, and look like him.
What if there isn't a random vegetable selling merchant in the anime at all?
But whatever, this is still awesome
But whatever, this is still awesome
there has to be a random vegetable selling merchant in this show
does anybody know wen this show airs on televison
What about Zuko did he find his mother?
all the new shows and new season for shows start on fall and end in like summer
i really wanted to know that too tanith elite. but i didnt see her wen everybody was in the tea shop on the last episode
i really wanted to know that too tanith elite. but i didnt see her wen everybody was in the tea shop on the last episode
That will probably be explained through flashbacks in the new series.
i hope it is but y would they back in time so far just to show if he found his mother
That sucks really wish Zuko was there
i also hope that they change the theme song. i mean the old one was great but it got kinda old after they didnt change it once the whole series
the show starts in november
Yeah it has to change it cant be I believe aang can save the world
ya but maybe they will change one word like i believe korra can save the world and wat exactly is she trying to save the world from
aang didnt save the world he saved that haif of it
ya but in the show the whole world was just the four nations
really its starts in 2012 ray joker said fall 2011. if they released the trailers and stuff y wait a whole nother year to release it. it makes more sense to me that it release in fall and i reallly want to watch it
oh sorry i misread i was really excited and my brain told me wat i wanted to hear