So I recently picked up the new Hasbro recolor Perfect Phoenix and I have to say it is one of the best Hasbro Bey out there. I battled my wife and nephew and went undefeated, even by my nephew's Turbo Spryzen. (which before phoenix I thought it was the best and it was my arch rival) Now I've been debating on using Perfect Phoenix in my main Hasbro team which right now consist of Turbo Achillies, Buster Xcalius, and Super Hyperion. Who do you all think I should switch out for Phoenix, or should I make a B team that I can alternate between? Also, let me know your thoughts and Experiences with Phoenix, whether if it regular Phoenix, Dread Phoenix, or Perfect Phoenix.
Have a great day and........ LET IT RIP!!!!!!!!
Have a great day and........ LET IT RIP!!!!!!!!