Team Ωmega Nova Main Thread (New Meeting Date Up!)

Poll: Do you think that the new ranking system should go ahead?

Yes, it is a good idea
Ok, it needs improving
No, it is horrible
Total: 100% 55 vote(s)
well if any of you may not know, rookie259 was at the meeting, but he wasnt signed up... but now its cool. cant wait to see the other recruits Grin
More Bladers, More Awesomenessssssssssss~~~~~ soon we'll have Female Bladers~~~~~ Stupid
(Aug. 18, 2011  2:34 PM)R0ckBULL Wrote: More Bladers, More Awesomenessssssssssss~~~~~ soon we'll have Female Bladers~~~~~ Stupid
We can hope that someday, someday we will have female bladers in our ranks. Unfortunately I think it is unlikely due to the fact that there are hardly any bladers in Perth, let alone female ones
which team am i in
(Aug. 19, 2011  7:35 AM)rahiksayed Wrote: which team am i in
It appears you signed up for the Melbourne team and this unit system is only for the Perth bladers as there are no other teams to challenge us, so we are using this to entertain ourselves. In other words you won't need to be issued a unit.
Guys, I have looked at the attendee list and it seems that including leaders, each unit has 6 members! Yay for even teams! There are three people who cannot come to the meeting Unhappy Own-Ray, Nick3000 and Fggdyg. It happens that they are each part of a different team, so we all still have even teams!
Anyway, for all those who were wondering this tourney is going to be done in a form somewhat like this:

2:00-2.30 - Free Battle Time
2:30-3:30 - Block Tourney
3:30-4:00 - Challenge time

Challenge time is where bladers can either have a free battle for fun, or challenge someone to a battle for points. This is a good way to get revenge on someone you lost to in the tourney Tongue_out
Scoring system is simple:

Win = 3 Points
Draw = 2 Points
Loss = 1 Point

I will put a mark next to your name for each battle you win/lose and at the end we will add up all points the team members have and whichever unit has the highest wins! Points will continue through to our next meeting, so it is a continuous point build up.

Really looking forward to seeing you all there!
Put a limit on five challenges only per blader otherwise the person who has the most challenges wins the most points for there team. You may only challenge a person from another team and you may only challenge the same person once.
Good idea, that will help balance out people like Tokyo Boyy, who will get a truck load of challenges. Or for Challenge time we could make it 0 points for a loss, 2 points for a win and 1 for a draw?
(Aug. 20, 2011  2:16 AM)SDamonCronous Wrote: Good idea, that will help balance out people like Tokyo Boyy, who will get a truck load of challenges. Or for Challenge time we could make it 0 points for a loss, 2 points for a win and 1 for a draw?
That sounds better. It seems stupid to give a point even if you lose.

And also you really shouldn't say in the pm if you don't reply it means your coming because it most likely means they haven't seen it. Say you must reply in order to come.
(Aug. 19, 2011  12:15 AM)SDamonCronous Wrote:
(Aug. 18, 2011  2:34 PM)R0ckBULL Wrote: More Bladers, More Awesomenessssssssssss~~~~~ soon we'll have Female Bladers~~~~~ Stupid
We can hope that someday, someday we will have female bladers in our ranks. Unfortunately I think it is unlikely due to the fact that there are hardly any bladers in Perth, let alone female ones

You Never Know, there is Deikailo =D
(Aug. 21, 2011  3:14 AM)R0ckBULL Wrote:
(Aug. 19, 2011  12:15 AM)SDamonCronous Wrote:
(Aug. 18, 2011  2:34 PM)R0ckBULL Wrote: More Bladers, More Awesomenessssssssssss~~~~~ soon we'll have Female Bladers~~~~~ Stupid
We can hope that someday, someday we will have female bladers in our ranks. Unfortunately I think it is unlikely due to the fact that there are hardly any bladers in Perth, let alone female ones

You Never Know, there is Deikailo =D
But she lives in Canada or something doesn't she? Or is she in Sydney, I really don't know.

See you guys all in a few hours, I'm in the middle of doing some last-minute combo testing. The tension is building XD
btw how many people are coming?
jedwards can't make it and Schwammofy is at a party so they can't come.
See you guys soon. Kinda weird that I have to pick SDamon up when he made the meeting.
Hey guys
Pretty disappointing turnout of people, the following people will be suspended from the next meeting for failure to turn up to the meeting without a valid reason.
  • Hoiboi
  • Gabsta
  • BeyMan!
  • Shadow234
    Shawmoffy, jedwards and Caz gave me a very late notice that they could not come, but I will let them off this time. Please give more notice next time.
    Those that were there had fun, I think. Tokyo Boyy, RaiKou and Melvyn900 had to leave early but after they left it started to rain Unhappy The remaining just took shelter and talked tactics and such for the remaining 45 mins.

    In all, this meeting may have been a flop. But do not fear, the next time we meet we will be in an official tourney (hopefully). Perth is not done yet!
mm yea what a disappointing turn out Tired but i think most people werent active at the time
And I think the date was too late notice as well, but do not fear. I am planning an official tourney for Sunday the 25th of September. I need at least 8 people to say they can certainly come for it to be made official. So anyone who would be ablest make it to kings park on that date PM me.
(Aug. 22, 2011  1:08 AM)SDamonCronous Wrote: And I think the date was too late notice as well, but do not fear. I am planning an official tourney for Sunday the 25th of September. I need at least 8 people to say they can certainly come for it to be made official. So anyone who would be ablest make it to kings park on that date PM me.

Hell Yeah~~~~~ don't forget to offer your phone Number Tongue_out
Guys, I'm posting this here because a majority of perth bladers are in this team.
I am trying to organise an official WBO supported tourney, that means all your wins, losses etc get recorded and you get a cool beyrank like I have Tongue_out
I am hoping to hold it on Sunday the 25th of September at the usual place, kings park variety pavilion form 1.30-3.30. I promise it will be better than the meeting we just had. And to make you feel better, we are doing a block format, so it will go nowhere near as long as the last one (that was an exhausting but awesome day).
BUT! In order for this to happen, I need a list of at least 8 people who can defiantly come. So far I have 5 people confirmed:
  • SDamonCronous (me)
  • Caz
  • legendunicorn
  • R0ckBULL
  • Own-Ray (I think)
So I need at least 3 more people, so if RowDog, Fggdyg and TokyoBoyy say the can come then we are good to go. Plus, we have people like pheonixboyy, Melvyn900 and RaiKou who I would think would be keen to come, so I am estimating a turnout at 15 people.
i dont think 2 hours would be enough for this tourney if we were to have that amount, remember th!nk's tourney?
This tourney is a block format, you are paired up with another blader and the winner of that battle moves onto the next round while the looser is immediately knocked out. Because you are not versing everyone in the tournament it will be much shorter.
Or I can extend the time by a few hours and we can do it the way we did before, but have more then one battle going on at the same time. Then the problem is having enough judges to judge them all.
if im going, can i judge when im not in?
Sure, the more judges the more battles will be going on at once and the quicker we will get the tourney over and one with.
And you get the cool Blue and White face I have Tongue_out_wink
Can I judge aswell (i need faces)