I wanted to open up this thread so as to possibly allow Z Achilles into Limited format once it goes into experimentation as I have heard it has about the attack power to Seig Xcalibur, especially since Turbo layers will supposedly be allowed in limited. This is a testing and discussion thread for Z Achilles for Limited Format.
Z Achilles 7Expand Ultimate Reboot’ Vs. Twin Nemesis (MGC and Upper Mode) 7Expand Octa
Z Achilles 1’Expand Ultimate Reboot’ Vs. Arc Bahamut (MGC) 7Cross Revolve
Z Achilles 1’Expand Ultimate Reboot’ Vs. Deep Chaos 7Cross Revolve
Z Achilles 7Expand Ultimate Reboot’ Vs. Twin Nemesis (MGC and Upper Mode) 7Expand Octa
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