
Switchin' It Up

  London, UK
Tournament Results
Regent's Park Bandstand
Chester Road
  Meet at the bandstand.
1:00 PM on 03/04/2017
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Most official Beyblade Burst gear can be used.

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One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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4 cash

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In case you didn't realise, we're very excited for the Switch,
which releases the day before this tournament! Go buy one! ;D
(We'll be bringing ours!)


The tournament itself will start at 12:00pm, so as a guide, aim to arrive for 11:30am. The Tube and public transport services are not very reliable, so plan your journey well in advance.

Regent's Park. We shall be at the Bandstand as always, but in case of congestion, we may relocate to the smaller shelter on the way to the Ready Money Drinking Fountain. Please check this thread on the day for updates or like us on Facebook for any quick location updates.

Here is a map of Regent's Park. Click on the tab labelled "Monuments, Fountains and Statues". Head to the area marked Bandstand or in some cases, head to the Ready Money Drinking Fountain. We suggest taking the London Underground or Bus to Baker Street.

Ordered! Just gotta make sure they arrive on time...

Hosts and Judges:
This tournament is being hosted by ~Mana~, with Syphon serving as co-host. If you have any queries about the event, feel free to PM us or post in the thread and we'll be happy to help!

Important Advice:
Despite being around friends and rivals, please remember we are in a public park. Bad behaviour and swearing will not be tolerated and will result in a ban from future events. Please keep your personal belongings with you or in a safe place while at the bandstand. If you see any personal items left around with no apparent owner, please hand it in to a judge, so we can return it to its rightful owner. Your cooperation is much appreciated.

Remember to turn up on time. If you arrive later than 12:10pm, your place will be forfeit and you will not be able to participate. If you know you'll be late, please let us know via PM or a post in-thread!

Spread the Word!
Are you as excited about the festivities as we are?! If so, be sure to tell your friends about it! And if you haven't already, follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook!
[Image: twitteric.png] @worldbeyblade
[Image: facebookic.png] WorldBeybladeOrganization
[Image: facebookic.png] WBO UK Division

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Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .

2. Terms of Service

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Make sure you're hitting that "Join Tournament" button if you're attending guys! I know ten of us confirmed via Doodle, but we should also keep track of this on-site! If you haven't already, make sure you're filling out the Doodle poll for the rest of March as well, as more events may take place!

@[Manicben], @[ClaraM], @[Basedsamuraij], @[Syphon], @[Chimera], @[Balance Blader], @[Ultra], @[Haramblader], @[Graverobber216], @[BlitzDragon], @[Ryan Valkyrie], @[Mr LT], @[KiddLamy], @[philo1114]
Bandstand or Imperial? The choices... The danger... Who knows?
Rip warmth of the imperial, but with a full tournament I don't think it would be as easy to pull off as with just a few of us. Looking forward to the event, but I refuse to buy a switch till better games come out haha
(Feb. 14, 2017  7:58 PM)Manicben Wrote: Bandstand or Imperial? The choices... The danger... Who knows?

I didn't list the Imperial as I thought we discussed on Saturday that it was impractical with too many people. Unless you're confident at getting 11+ people in, the Bandstand is probably the better option here.

(Feb. 14, 2017  8:22 PM)Syphon Wrote: Rip warmth of the imperial, but with a full tournament I don't think it would be as easy to pull off as with just a few of us. Looking forward to the event, but I refuse to buy a switch till better games come out haha

Consider yourself uninvited m8. Day 1 or riot  DJ - Yeah!
Hi as I said won't have burst beys sadly
Still need to buy
90% coming but fingers crossed if my dad changes his mind
No worries Ryan! I have parts that I can lend you on the day if needed, as I'm sure others will as well! Don't let that stop you from attending Tongue_out
Consider yourself uninvited m8. Day 1 or riot
(Feb. 14, 2017  10:05 PM)~Mana~ Wrote: I didn't list the Imperial as I thought we discussed on Saturday that it was impractical with too many people. Unless you're confident at getting 11+ people in, the Bandstand is probably the better option here.

Consider yourself uninvited m8. Day 1 or riot  DJ - Yeah!

My dude. All I would play is Zelda. PASS.
oh yes dudes, here we go me and my son are coming lol, im like the oldest blader but im still young at heart lol, i will do a video on our channel in about a week maybe, that way we may get more people but who knows, the more the better i always say, if you dudes what to check our channel out its called super gaming family, we look forward to seeing you all there dudes!!
i just put my son on the list as well his mini me lol
(Feb. 14, 2017  11:17 PM)Mr LT Wrote: oh yes dudes, here we go me and my son are coming lol, im like the oldest blader but im still young at heart lol, i will do a video on our channel in about a week maybe, that way we may get more people but who knows, the more the better i always say, if you dudes what to check our channel out its called super gaming family, we look forward to seeing you all there dudes!!

Awesome! I am not in Great Britain at all personally, but I just want to thank you for helping out that community and I am sure everybody appreciates it.
hey dudes, ok so ive never bin to Regent's Park Bandstand part, if i get off at baker street station, how long will it take to walk there? just so i know my times to plan out, thanks for the help
I'm Ryan's sister . We have never been before and we are thinking of going by car
Does anyone know a free street parking near the place that won't be congested
Pls tell
It takes about 10 minutes to walk from Baker Street!
I cant make it, I have to study for School during school Weekends and plus I'm never free Saturday, If you hold a Tournament Easter Holiday, Please try not to make it on an Saturday please. Manicben or Not BUT PLEASE TRY.
hey dudes check this video out that me and my son done its Beyblade METAL FIGHT VS Beyblade BURST, here is the link to the video

if you cant use the link go to our channel, super gaming family

it was some epic battles dudes
(Feb. 15, 2017  8:06 PM)Syphon Wrote: It takes about 10 minutes to walk from Baker Street!

thanks dude
(Feb. 15, 2017  7:33 PM)Amazing blader Wrote: I'm Ryan's sister . We have never been before and we are thinking of going by car
Does anyone know a free street parking near the place that won't be congested
Pls tell
Hi can someone please answer
(Feb. 16, 2017  11:13 PM)Ryan Valkyrie Wrote: Hi can someone please answer

I mean it's right in the middle of London. From memory there aren't really many good parking spots about.
(Feb. 17, 2017  12:52 AM)Syphon Wrote: I mean it's right in the middle of London. From memory there aren't really many good parking spots about.

I don't think there's any free parking at all around. There's paid parking quite close to the venue, if you're up for that.
There are two NCP car parks nearby, albeit a bit expensive unless you pay for your stay in advance. The other alternative is parking onsite, but I'm not sure on this option. Didn't even know the park had it's own car park until I saw that page, haha.
(Feb. 17, 2017  4:28 AM)~Mana~ Wrote: There are two NCP car parks nearby, albeit a bit expensive unless you pay for your stay in advance. The other alternative is parking onsite, but I'm not sure on this option. Didn't even know the park had it's own car park until I saw that page, haha.
I just seen the on site car park but stay is only 4hr how long is tournament
I can't see the tournament taking longer than three hours honestly (recent ones have been shorter than that), so you should be fine there.
I might be there I might not I don't know yet?