Strange Dreams you've had
A weird dream I had was that one day I was in the locker room of my middle school at 6:00 in the morning for PE when school starts at 7:00. Then all of a sudden, the roof was lifted up by an unknown force, and a Lion was standing on top of the locker room walls roaring at me. I jumped on the lion, and it instantly turned 8:00 at night, with the stars shining in the sky. And as I looked from the view on top of the lion which was still on the wall, I saw a bright gas station and a street...Wth...Then, it turned to day time where the sun was setting I think. But this time I wasn't on a lion...I was looking from do I describe this...I didn't have a body, neither was I on anything. It was like how you are looking at a city from your computer screen, but you are just viewing it and your body neither a character you're playing as is actually there. But yes, now I was looking from that kind of point of view, where I saw everything but wasn't there. I saw a car driving on a mountain with a city in the background and water on the side. But there was more than the eye could see...As I was viewing the setting, my vision zoomed in on the inside of the mountains where there was a high tech city. It was amazing. Then my vision start going faster, so I could get a good glimpse of the city. My vision went past a road on a beach (I don't know how a beach could be inside a mountain range, but anything is possible in dreams
) and my vision was on a motorcycle, but me myself wasn't on a motorcycle. Maybe that explains why my vision was going so fast. Then I arrived at a house which was my house (not in real life, I just knew it was my house in the dream, because when I am in the setting of the dream, I also have the knowledge of the setting I am in). All of a sudden I felt this paranormal force coming from up stairs and from another mind, I'm like...this is a nightmare too? I say another mind, because it's like I had two minds in the dream...The mind that was viewing the dream didn't realize that it's a dream, but the outer mind did. But they were both my minds, but it's like they didn't connect...Because even though the other mind stated it was a dream, it still didn't connect with the viewing mind. Doesn't make sense...but hey it's a dream. Then the paranormal force I was feeling turned into an earthquake, and I saw my brother sitting in front of me at a table. Now I wasn't just viewing the dream; I was actually in the dream. Then as the earthquake continued, my vision zoomed throughout the rest of the city and my vision was now on a motorcycle again, driving in a road by some company buildings and some vans. The dream gets even more weird. Mumbo Jumbo from Teen Titans appears on the road! He starts sending his magical bunnies hopping at where I'm viewing from, and they're explosive! Then the dream ends...

wouldn't this reply been too long? I mean that the spoiler button looks like it has no use anymore...
The spoiler button is gone. You have to right [/spoiler] and [spoiler].
I had a few that seemed to partly come true. while the people were different it pretty much happened in the same heartbreaking manner.
one dream a few years ago I ended up using in real life just three months ago. I was told it was probably what have saved my life. Time to time I think there's a reason I remember some of the important ones. or there was a reason I remembered that simple particular one at that instant..........the last thing I should have been thinking about was a dream from a few years ago; but it happened.
funny too because in that dream it didn't seem to help at all! Hahahaha.
one dream a few years ago I ended up using in real life just three months ago. I was told it was probably what have saved my life. Time to time I think there's a reason I remember some of the important ones. or there was a reason I remembered that simple particular one at that instant..........the last thing I should have been thinking about was a dream from a few years ago; but it happened.
funny too because in that dream it didn't seem to help at all! Hahahaha.
So this guy on youtube who goes by the name of Fawful's Minion made a creepypasta about a horrible nightmare he had. This is one creepy nightmare...
I've had dreams of falling. So in the dreams when I land my legs bend to absorb the impact, but the funny thing is that my actual legs bend. And when I feel this, I instantly wake up.
I had another instance like this when I reach out to grab something in the dream, then my actual arm raches out to grab something. I also wake up when this happens.
Has anyone have dreams like those?
I had another instance like this when I reach out to grab something in the dream, then my actual arm raches out to grab something. I also wake up when this happens.
Has anyone have dreams like those?
(Jun. 09, 2014 10:13 PM)Kalthesuperior Wrote: I've had dreams of falling. So in the dreams when I land my legs bend to absorb the impact, but the funny thing is that my actual legs bend. And when I feel this, I instantly wake up.That's actually a natural thing that happens to everyone. It occurs when your body has shutdown, but your brain is still awake. You experience a falling sensation, because of that.
I had another instance like this when I reach out to grab something in the dream, then my actual arm raches out to grab something. I also wake up when this happens.
Has anyone have dreams like those?
(Jun. 09, 2014 10:15 PM)RagerBlade Wrote:(Jun. 09, 2014 10:13 PM)Kalthesuperior Wrote: I've had dreams of falling. So in the dreams when I land my legs bend to absorb the impact, but the funny thing is that my actual legs bend. And when I feel this, I instantly wake up.That's actually a natural thing that happens to everyone. It occurs when your body has shutdown, but your brain is still awake. You experience a falling sensation, because of that.
I had another instance like this when I reach out to grab something in the dream, then my actual arm raches out to grab something. I also wake up when this happens.
Has anyone have dreams like those?
Thanks for telling me. But does that mean those dreams aren't dreams?
(Jun. 09, 2014 10:53 PM)Kalthesuperior Wrote:(Jun. 09, 2014 10:15 PM)RagerBlade Wrote:(Jun. 09, 2014 10:13 PM)Kalthesuperior Wrote: I've had dreams of falling. So in the dreams when I land my legs bend to absorb the impact, but the funny thing is that my actual legs bend. And when I feel this, I instantly wake up.That's actually a natural thing that happens to everyone. It occurs when your body has shutdown, but your brain is still awake. You experience a falling sensation, because of that.
I had another instance like this when I reach out to grab something in the dream, then my actual arm raches out to grab something. I also wake up when this happens.
Has anyone have dreams like those?
Thanks for telling me. But does that mean those dreams aren't dreams?
They aren't really dreams, it's just an activity your body worked out unconsciously, tricking your mind into think you're dreaming. Like sleepwalking only this is only a minor issue. You get the point, I'm not good at explaining stuff. I tried it many times. Most of the time, I bumped my head on a wall. Dammit, it hurts.
Heh, that's a tough one! WHn I was in 4th grade, I dreamed that Sonic the hedgehog came to earth to explore the planet and weridly hangout with me, he ran fast, I somehow ran fast with him in the wilderness, then came a CRAZY man and his dog chasing after me. Fourtantly we lost him, but sonic had to return to his home world, so we said goodbye from the camp fire, and then he left like 3 seconds later. That's all I can remember, *sigh, good ol' dreams i should say! :3
I have an actual dream now:
So there was this awesome sniper assassin lady who was out to kill this unknown person that was in this really big estate. Somehow she ended up being a servant/slave to the daughter who owned the really big estate. So the lady went though a montage of servant work like cleaning around the house. Fast forward (cause my brain works like that) the sniper lady was covered in flour in the kitchen, trying to make pastry, which she failed at. So her master, the little girl daughter, looked over the counter and frowned at her failed pastry. She said something about the guests not liking it. The little girl was getting herself prepared for the party and everything was a mess. Then Sebastian (from black butler) came in and started fixing everything up. So, the party started, everyone was chatting, everyone was in fancy clothes, then I saw this green power ranger in the background, drinking a can of beer while talking to a ditto!
So there was this awesome sniper assassin lady who was out to kill this unknown person that was in this really big estate. Somehow she ended up being a servant/slave to the daughter who owned the really big estate. So the lady went though a montage of servant work like cleaning around the house. Fast forward (cause my brain works like that) the sniper lady was covered in flour in the kitchen, trying to make pastry, which she failed at. So her master, the little girl daughter, looked over the counter and frowned at her failed pastry. She said something about the guests not liking it. The little girl was getting herself prepared for the party and everything was a mess. Then Sebastian (from black butler) came in and started fixing everything up. So, the party started, everyone was chatting, everyone was in fancy clothes, then I saw this green power ranger in the background, drinking a can of beer while talking to a ditto!
(Jun. 10, 2014 2:41 PM)Kalthesuperior Wrote: I have an actual dream now:
So there was this awesome sniper assassin lady who was out to kill this unknown person that was in this really big estate. Somehow she ended up being a servant/slave to the daughter who owned the really big estate. So the lady went though a montage of servant work like cleaning around the house. Fast forward (cause my brain works like that) the sniper lady was covered in flour in the kitchen, trying to make pastry, which she failed at. So her master, the little girl daughter, looked over the counter and frowned at her failed pastry. She said something about the guests not liking it. The little girl was getting herself prepared for the party and everything was a mess. Then Sebastian (from black butler) came in and started fixing everything up. So, the party started, everyone was chatting, everyone was in fancy clothes, then I saw this green power ranger in the background, drinking a can of beer while talking to a ditto!
That last part is strangeo... What a uniquedream.
(Jun. 16, 2014 12:28 AM)AZL Wrote:(Jun. 10, 2014 2:41 PM)Kalthesuperior Wrote: I have an actual dream now:
So there was this awesome sniper assassin lady who was out to kill this unknown person that was in this really big estate. Somehow she ended up being a servant/slave to the daughter who owned the really big estate. So the lady went though a montage of servant work like cleaning around the house. Fast forward (cause my brain works like that) the sniper lady was covered in flour in the kitchen, trying to make pastry, which she failed at. So her master, the little girl daughter, looked over the counter and frowned at her failed pastry. She said something about the guests not liking it. The little girl was getting herself prepared for the party and everything was a mess. Then Sebastian (from black butler) came in and started fixing everything up. So, the party started, everyone was chatting, everyone was in fancy clothes, then I saw this green power ranger in the background, drinking a can of beer while talking to a ditto!
That last part is strangeo... What a unique dream.
(Jun. 16, 2014 12:28 AM)AZL Wrote:(Jun. 10, 2014 2:41 PM)Kalthesuperior Wrote: I have an actual dream now:
So there was this awesome sniper assassin lady who was out to kill this unknown person that was in this really big estate. Somehow she ended up being a servant/slave to the daughter who owned the really big estate. So the lady went though a montage of servant work like cleaning around the house. Fast forward (cause my brain works like that) the sniper lady was covered in flour in the kitchen, trying to make pastry, which she failed at. So her master, the little girl daughter, looked over the counter and frowned at her failed pastry. She said something about the guests not liking it. The little girl was getting herself prepared for the party and everything was a mess. Then Sebastian (from black butler) came in and started fixing everything up. So, the party started, everyone was chatting, everyone was in fancy clothes, then I saw this green power ranger in the background, drinking a can of beer while talking to a ditto!
That last part is strange... What a uniquedream.
It is quite unique. The green power ranger somewhat resembled a Saibaman from Dragon Ball Z from what I remember. He also gave ditto a beer. The daughter girl of the owner of estate guy resembled that little blonde girl on the new pokemon X and Y.
(May. 21, 2014 8:58 PM)CyBerSQUaLiX Wrote: Well, it was a dream that i had a really really long time ago...Oh man where do I begin...? I've had a few rare dreams of me being a male...freaks me out.
It had Twilight sparkle from Equestria girls going at my same college.
She was eating an hamburger in a chinese restaurant inside the campus, then Kenny (from the series Kenny the shark, who is an antropomorphic tiger shark) popped out of nowhere and yelled her to be ashamed of herself, she asked why, then Kenny said that it was shark meat and then he shows a photo of a "finned" shark to Twilight...
and now things get nasty...
Twilight vomits on the one near her, then she vomits with the other one near her, beginning a chain reaction that causes all the campus to be covered in vomit...
I get framed and i have to gallop all over the campus trying to find some kind of proof of my innocence.......................
^^; i can't imagine something more strange
Hmmm... Strangest dream I had so far? I'd have to say the one I had earlier this year. All I remember about the dream is me and my L-drago LW105LRF having a rap session! I was coming home from school and so I'm in my room in the dark watching BET awards and all of a sudden I'm hearing a voice saying "Every little thing,It's gonna be alright in a Jamaican accent and all of sudden every hair on my neck is standing up! So I'm turning on the lights trying to see who said that and my bey is on my windowsill looking like it's leaning back. But to sum it up I started making some party music and stupid raps with my bey. I told a few of my friends about it and it had them dying haha.
That's a pretty crazy dream rapping with a beyblade
Had another reoccurring School dream, with the usual "wait, do I even have to be here? Let's get out of here.".
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(Jul. 06, 2014 5:10 AM)Phantomhive Wrote: That's a pretty crazy dream rapping with a beyblade
My craziest one was probably the dreams I had when I was 4 or 5. At night to dream I was going to the bathroom.
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^That dream is a most common one among me!
Right after I finish using the bathroom in my dreams,I wake up in a circle of pee lol.
That hasn't happened for about since I was 5 or 6.
You were astral planing.I wasn't sure until I saw that part.
Right after I finish using the bathroom in my dreams,I wake up in a circle of pee lol.
That hasn't happened for about since I was 5 or 6.
(May. 22, 2014 1:47 AM)Mixoris Wrote: A weird dream I had was that one day I was in the locker room of my middle school at 6:00 in the morning for PE when school starts at 7:00. Then all of a sudden, the roof was lifted up by an unknown force, and a Lion was standing on top of the locker room walls roaring at me. I jumped on the lion, and it instantly turned 8:00 at night, with the stars shining in the sky. And as I looked from the view on top of the lion which was still on the wall, I saw a bright gas station and a street...Wth...Then, it turned to day time where the sun was setting I think. But this time I wasn't on a lion...I was looking from do I describe this...I didn't have a body, neither was I on anything. It was like how you are looking at a city from your computer screen, but you are just viewing it and your body neither a character you're playing as is actually there. But yes, now I was looking from that kind of point of view, where I saw everything but wasn't there. I saw a car driving on a mountain with a city in the background and water on the side. But there was more than the eye could see...As I was viewing the setting, my vision zoomed in on the inside of the mountains where there was a high tech city. It was amazing. Then my vision start going faster, so I could get a good glimpse of the city. My vision went past a road on a beach (I don't know how a beach could be inside a mountain range, but anything is possible in dreams) and my vision was on a motorcycle, but me myself wasn't on a motorcycle. Maybe that explains why my vision was going so fast. Then I arrived at a house which was my house (not in real life, I just knew it was my house in the dream, because when I am in the setting of the dream, I also have the knowledge of the setting I am in). All of a sudden I felt this paranormal force coming from up stairs and from another mind, I'm like...this is a nightmare too? I say another mind, because it's like I had two minds in the dream...The mind that was viewing the dream didn't realize that it's a dream, but the outer mind did. But they were both my minds, but it's like they didn't connect...Because even though the other mind stated it was a dream, it still didn't connect with the viewing mind. Doesn't make sense...but hey it's a dream. Then the paranormal force I was feeling turned into an earthquake, and I saw my brother sitting in front of me at a table. Now I wasn't just viewing the dream; I was actually in the dream. Then as the earthquake continued, my vision zoomed throughout the rest of the city and my vision was now on a motorcycle again, driving in a road by some company buildings and some vans. The dream gets even more weird. Mumbo Jumbo from Teen Titans appears on the road! He starts sending his magical bunnies hopping at where I'm viewing from, and they're explosive! Then the dream ends...
You were astral planing.I wasn't sure until I saw that part.
Oh this is a recent dream
I went to this camp and met this hot girl
We were like 16 and the only visions of the camp were us making out and the sleeping chamber
I went to this camp and met this hot girl
We were like 16 and the only visions of the camp were us making out and the sleeping chamber
I had this dream just yesterday:
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So like a week ago I had a dream that I was in a prison cell (I fear being locked in a small spaces, so this counts as a nightmare.) and I get released and go to a convience store to get some nom noms(now this is starting to make sense) and the moon explodes. A wasn't a huge explosion that destroyed the solar system, but it just exploded like with fire and stuff (wait, how Tf would there be fire in space...). Everything basically goes dark. In the later days there is a series of electrical storms (I am kinda freaked out by that giant red storm on Mars that's been there for like 300 years, so yeah.) that I later learn is our atmosphere shielding is from moon debris (now it's making sense
). I'm now traveling with a caravan of people and we meet Indian (not native Americans, actual people from India.) soldiers (they like were starting a base or something out of a warehouse, I guess they were trying to occupy the area, but it seems weird since the moon exploding had just happened the day before. That or it had skipped to a while after ... That would explain the glitch where the terrorists took a country over in a day ...) and they tell us that a terrorist organization (you know who I'm talking about, but I don't know if it's ok to mention it since it might lead to political discussion. Think of abbreviations. Anyways I've been following the news and stuff pretty closely about the situation, hence why it appeared in my dream) had somehow knew what was about to happen and saw it as a chance to make a move and completely took over Pakistan and island off the coast of India that is owned by a bank. That's where it cuts off ( thankfully).
This was one of the most detailed and long dreams I've ever had...
EDIT: carp. This isn't the nightmare thread. Whatever.
EDIT 2: I think the reason behind the Indian soldiers in my dream was because I know that India has the largest or one of the largest militaries in the world... Now that I think about it, it's starting to make sense...

This was one of the most detailed and long dreams I've ever had...
EDIT: carp. This isn't the nightmare thread. Whatever.
EDIT 2: I think the reason behind the Indian soldiers in my dream was because I know that India has the largest or one of the largest militaries in the world... Now that I think about it, it's starting to make sense...
That's very strange. Terrorists and land owned by banks?