Spinoff 2009: The OFFICIAL tournament thread.




One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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We now know that the tournament will definitely go ahead. We have one possible venue at the moment:

Royal Victoria Dock
E16 1XL, UK

Your hosts:
Me (ChozenBlader)


The time of day and the specific date are still to be decided, but for any suggestions towards running the tourney, or if you want to apply to be a judge, say so here.

Tournament setup:
There will be a plastics division, MFB Division and HMS division. The winners will get prizes (but we do not know what the prizes will be as of yet). Also, there will be a free-play section as well, for those who want to test combos or simply blade for the sake of it.

The matches will run on the point system. [/b]

For the record, according to the rules, if you break your opponents blade, you win instantly (although I must stress, please don't try to do this on purpose)

There may be a small entrance fee to pay for the prize. The amount is undecided.
Feel free to suggest any ideas.

IMPORTANT: There will be a blacklist. If your name is added to it, you will not be allowed to attend the tourney. This is to prevent trouble makers from spoiling the event.

Also, please, if you can, bring a stadium with you. The more stadiums we have, the more battles we can have at one time. Please note: Only Takara stadiums are legal for competitive play.

You will be allowed to buy and sell beyblades at the tournament. Just make sure your prices aren't outrageous Wink

For further information, feel free to contact me on MSN. My address is: spinoff_2009@yahoo.co.uk

Need-to-Know Information

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Poll: Which is best?

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Total: 100% 46 vote(s)
Anyone seen the logo on the first page? I need feedback please Smile
I like the design and everything but if i didn't know it was for Beyblades already I proberly wouldn't be able to tell.
Yeah, I see where you're coming from. I'm not really a whizz when it comes to this stuff, but I thought I'd try my hand at it, lol

I'm designing another one right now, and this one has a beyblade on it so you'll know.
Lol i'm rubbish at designing things like this you've done a better job than I could do lol. & Keep trying Tongue_out
lol, thanks for the encouragement.
It reminds me of halo, it's good, but I think a more spinny beyblade style thing would be cool.

Maybe a blurred beyblade circle-type shape? =]
The problem I have is that I don't have any Adobe Photshop skills. This means that I'm using PhotoImpact 12 which is not nearly as good...

I have something else here... remember though, I don't really have any experience with graphics etc
surfingpikachao, do you think you'd be able to help by any chance?
[Image: spinofflogo2.jpg]
(Oct. 14, 2008  7:43 PM)ChozenBlader Wrote: The problem I have is that I don't have any Adobe Photshop skills. This means that I'm using PhotoImpact 12 which is not nearly as good...

I have something else here... remember though, I don't really have any experience with graphics etc
surfingpikachao, do you think you'd be able to help by any chance?
[Image: spinofflogo2.jpg]

Personally I think that looks kinda terrible, but remember it's your choice. Plus, I'm not here to criticize.

But I would very much reccomend http://www.good-tutorials.com/

I learned a whole lot from that site.

EDIT: Getting an above view of a plain white beyblade or something spinning, then adding effects like brushing, with opacity etc. would really spice up the design, but I was thinking more of a simple spiky colored circle, nothing too fancy.

The best commercial designs are usually simple, take google for example, an absolute TON of people would recognise it.
That's just it. I want crtiticism
As long as you suggest ways to improve, I don't mind... unless it is total and utter carp in which case I will just start again. xd
(Oct. 14, 2008  7:57 PM)ChozenBlader Wrote: That's just it. I want crtiticism
As long as you suggest ways to improve, I don't mind... unless it is total and utter carp in which case I will just start again. xd

I think it's best you start with a new design, try just having a circle of colour and manipulating it, maybe use a strange brush for it at first or something (you can download them from other sites). Good tutorials offers a lot of complicated effects usually for things like signatures, I'd suggest making it something simple like what has been done here: http://i23.tinypic.com/2db8n50.png

just play around with features and please don't use bevel and emboss a load or spam filters like plastic wrap or watercolors =S

EDIT: You don't even need to add the text yet, just try a logo, plain with one color? Text can come later.

I know it's not much to go by but my signature was made with MSpaint in about two minutes when I was bored, and because it's clean and simple it doesn't look bad because I didn't try to hard when I didn't need to. It's not the best thing but it shows that simple stuff is sometimes better.
I made some basic stuff to show you what I mean, it's really basic and not done at all well but...


and then you could add text like this or something...

Again, just to show you the idea, I'm not exactly great at this seeing as I haven't done it for years and I had like 10 minutes to do it (I didn't even center the stuff properly lol)
I quite liked the first logo I made, but as someone mentioned, it isn't really obvious that it is related to beyblade... such a shame Unhappy
(Oct. 15, 2008  5:36 PM)ChozenBlader Wrote: I quite liked the first logo I made, but as someone mentioned, it isn't really obvious that it is related to beyblade... such a shame Unhappy

Do the same thing to some sort of circular logo maybe?
(Oct. 13, 2008  10:19 PM)Gekiryu Wrote:
(Oct. 13, 2008  8:19 PM)darkbladerx200 Wrote:
(Oct. 13, 2008  6:42 PM)ChozenBlader Wrote: Wow, quick response xd
So, we have:
Tornado Balance
Bladebreaker stadium
MFB attack stadium
Fortress Arena
Flame Field
Thunder Rumbler

pretty good list so far xd

On a side note, a 1st design for the Spinoff logo has been attached to the first post. What are your thoughts?
i can all so get magnadome wiht 64 magnets over all not tht the magnets are needed

64? XD!!!!

yeah from being intrested in thooses hasbro mg packs we i was lil
New logo.
[Image: V200C71-1-12.jpg]
What ya'll think?
I like it alot!!
that's a FANTASTIC logo and a huge improvement!

Well done Grin

i wonder how it would look if the background was black isntead of white?
yay! I feel happy now Grin
erm, I thought it'd be best to just out it up in white, but dreamborn has made two excellent suggestions for a background.

1) a Beystadium
2) a shattered or dismantled beyblade

The possibilities are endless...
It looks like you've just taken a picture of that beyblade and used the twirl filter on it a lot. It's better than before but I was thinking more of something recognisable and simple. Like, just a simple one colour thing but interesting.

Nice work though, better than before.

EDIT: Sorry to be an carp, it's your choice. xD
ChozenBlader, I'll design a logo for you soon.
I think its the best one you've done yet, and the text is really cool.

But it doesn't matter much, since Bey Brad is going to make you one.
I wonder how cool it'll be!
(Oct. 15, 2008  8:51 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: ChozenBlader, I'll design a logo for you soon.


Should be sweet.
Although Brad's logo will probably be spectacular, I still felt like trying my hand at making a logo for this tournament. Here it is:

[Image: spinofflogogy1.png]
oooh snazzy! that's a pretty freakin A design. Grin
(Oct. 15, 2008  8:51 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: ChozenBlader, I'll design a logo for you soon.

Thank you Grin

(Oct. 15, 2008  11:04 PM)Doompenguin Wrote: Although Brad's logo will probably be spectacular, but I still felt like trying my hand at making a logo for this tournament. Here it is:

[Image: spinofflogogy1.png]

Wow. This is amazing! A+
Simple and well made, nice design. =D