Can you do some testing on the track and bottom please if you can cause that would be awesome.
Sol Wheel Testing!!!! OMG
(Oct. 06, 2010 7:39 PM)megablader2 Wrote: Can you do some testing on the track and bottom please if you can cause that would be awesome.I'm not RエスコルピオT125JB but I did some Stamina tests on AS in this thread.
Thanks a lot. To bad that it sucks for stamina though.
Thanks for tests, I was quite curious about this. Haha, still getting it for collection purposes though, one of my favourite looking beys.
You guys obviously do not know how powerful sol really is...
Just because a Beyblade is pretty to you doesn't mean it's good. Very few are.
Just because a Beyblade is pretty to you doesn't mean it's good. Very few are.
Despite this depressing news, Sol Blaze is still awesome. V145 isn't a bad spin track for attack & I swear someday I'm going to use AS on a stamina combo and win. I don't care.
I will be getting a new sol blaze in the mail soon and I'll make a video demonstrating what I mean.
Don't get me wrong, I completely believe that the testing was done and I am impressed by the specifics that were given. However I have been learning and studying this wheel and many other, what I believe to be underrated parts like it and have found impressive results. So trust me when I say that you will see what I mean in my video.
Don't get me wrong, I completely believe that the testing was done and I am impressed by the specifics that were given. However I have been learning and studying this wheel and many other, what I believe to be underrated parts like it and have found impressive results. So trust me when I say that you will see what I mean in my video.
(Jul. 21, 2014 6:38 AM)Nionis Wrote: I will be getting a new sol blaze in the mail soon and I'll make a video demonstrating what I mean.
Don't get me wrong, I completely believe that the testing was done and I am impressed by the specifics that were given. However I have been learning and studying this wheel and many other, what I believe to be underrated parts like it and have found impressive results. So trust me when I say that you will see what I mean in my video.
I thought you already had the wheel... The reason you said so
Anyways you can test the wheel again
I had 2 wheels from the gold version plus one from the original version
The wheel is kinda too smooth.
Track and Tip may have a use.
Track and Tip may have a use.
I do already have a sol wheel, if I didn't then how would I know how good it is? I just wanted a new one. On top of the sol wheel I also have amazing combos for dark.
And by the way... Why would think that earth is not good!?
And by the way... Why would think that earth is not good!?
Earth is good... Very smooth; no contact points really.