Note: Links go to photos I took to help explain this stuff.
So I was messing around with some illegal base mods and noticed something –
the flat part of seaborg's tip bears a striking resemblance to Uriel 2's flat tip – both have two circular sections, both of which are of roughly identical size to each other – odd considering there seems to be no reason for this particular size, at least looking at the bottom of Spin Gears etc, and a hole in the middle. In addition to this, with its tip inserted from beneath, Defense Grip Base is pretty much exactly the same height as SG Grip Change Base.
Seaborg's inner circle section is obviously much shorter, but nonetheless given the fact that these are the two rubber sharp tips, it seems to me that Takara intentionally modelled Uriel 2's tip after the popular Tip Inversion with seaborg's base. Probably because they thought it was neat and released it, but perhaps they were cool with it and wanted to give the rather tall setup support parts or something along those lines?
Okay, that probably sounds crazy, but you know, the more I think about it the more possible it seems they actually intended it or at least were okay with it:
First off, their rules don't prohibit the Defense Grip Base "Mod" at all – there are no foreign parts or substances, parts are not filed down or otherwise physically altered, and no metal balls are added (yes that is in their rules – but I'd like to stay on topic here, there are valid reasons at least Draciel S's base is used with four balls). In fact, our rules don't cover it either – the tip is being used in its own base, and again no foreign substances are added and nothing is physically altered.
Next off, I *think*, based on the spin up guide books, that permanent part modification was banned between the release of Dragoon S and the release of Seaborg. Yet, they made seaborg's tip fit tightly in its base when inverted – of the four bases with tips that are inserted from the inside of the base (Storm Grip Base, Defense Grip Base, G Special Base and SG Wing Base), Seaborg's is the narrowest.
Furthermore, I own two defense grip bases, two G Special Bases, and one SG Wing Base, and of these, only Defense Grip Base and SG Wing Base are able to hold their tips in when they are inverted, and my SG Wing Base could well be an anomaly, as it should be identical to G Special Base's tip (the two share an SAR and Tip which come on the same separate runner frame), but its tip is slightly thicker for some reason, and doesn't fit into the G Special Bases at all, whereas their tips fall out when placed in upside down in SG Wing Base.
It seems odd that they didn't make the tip slightly thinner to prevent this, seeing as judging by Vol 1 including a Storm Grip with an inverted tip, they were aware that people would invert tips, and as above, their rules didn't prohibit it. Looking at the design of the tip, it looks like they could have easily done this without altering the sharp part of the tip at all –
the base of the actual tip section is slightly smaller than the cylindrical section that sits inside the base, at least on the two I own.
Lastly, why that pattern on the base of the tip – something usually reserved for things that will be seen, not hidden inside a base. Storm Grip Base's tip is completely flat, SG Wing Base/G Special Base's tips are completely flat with a small hole in the centre (they are hollow). Strikes me as odd.
I believe Hasbro altered the tip so the wider section is completely flat and missing about an eigth or so of its circular shape, at least I have one like this and my Hasbro Dragoon S tip is the same. Not sure why they did this, but it results in the tip skipping like a less extreme Quake Tip from MFB. If this is to be legalised, what to do about that presents a minor issue, though I guess the fact it doesn't work well means making it illegal isn't really worth bothering with.
Performance Wise: It's slightly less grippy rubber doesn't have the same recoil control (both regular and rotational) as Uriel 2's tip, but many of the Hyper Aggro AR's still work on it. It can be used with a Heavy Metal Core, though this slows it down noticeably, to the point the hyper aggro AR's I tried lacked the speed to be fully effective, and even then the rotational recoil control didn't seem quite as good as Uriel 2's. It's also a tall base, significantly taller than Grip Base, but at least it can be used in both directions, it's a little taller than Uriel 2's tip in Wolborg 2's casings. It's not as insanely fast as Storm Grip Base with an inverted tip, about the same as a mint Uriel 2 tip, but slightly harder to control (though an HMC and a decent launch pretty much means you won't self KO). Its LAD is probably pretty poor, though the height mean the WD/AR make a lot of contact with the ground, but at least unlike Customize Grip Base (the best rubber tip available to most people – and even then Dragoon V2 currently sells at stupidly inflated prices thanks to Y!JA) it can handle recoil.
Basically, it's no better than Grip Base or SG Grip Change Base's tip, but is around that level.
I'm aware I may just be talking myself into believing Takara actually intended this or at least were okay with it. It's not any secret that I strongly feel plastics needs an affordable, highly competitive attack base given that even with the best attackers counted, the metagame still leans in favour of the already versatile and easy to use defense type combinations. This doesn't change that, but it would mean more bladers could use attack – and given seaborg is one of the more common blades, having multiple recolors, a full rerelease as BBA Defenser and a Hong Kong release (H-12) and is thus a relatively cheap Beyblade, and the fact Ten Wide and Triple Tiger are easily available, Attack would become one of the easiest and cheapest types to assemble a competitive combination from – and in a generation with relatively poor part availability, this would be a pretty excellent thing.
Of course, that doesn't mean squat if it's unreasonable, however, this is a very conservative "modification", so conservative that our current ruleset doesn't actually cover it as an illegal modification, even though it is generally considered such, and I think there is some evidence it was intentional, and we do know that Takara had a propensity for giving parts hidden functions without mentioning it – just look at customize grip base.
So yeah, I'd like to see the insertion of Seaborg's tip upside down (from below) legalised, if it is [to continue being, I guess] illegal then the rulebook needs to be altered to cover it, as it doesn't in its current state. It wouldn't affect other tips unless my SG Wing Base is an anomaly (and this would be the only tip where it is actually useful anyway). I'm happy to write up a specific statement that this is legal for the rulebook if that is needed. Would be pretty neat to have it legal in time for remembrance IMO, would make things a little more competitive haha.