Recent Games Played [Commentary is mandatory]

- Mario Strikers Charged

I can't believe that I'm still playing this. Online with a guest is excellent.
Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Simply because I have not completed it yet and I want to. I now have 8 people to choose from, how cool is it. Cool Now I have just got to find what I am missing and where to go. XD
Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures - Episode 1 - Fright of the Bumblebees.

Haha, long title. It was a really good and solid adventure game, but I think it was a tad short.
I have Episode 2 - Last Resort installed and waiting to be played, so I'll get into that some time. and then Episode 3 - Muzzled comes out on tuesday.
Kinda got bored of Brawl finally.

So I started playing melee again. lol
(Jun. 15, 2009  4:33 AM)SexyMichael Wrote: Kinda got bored of Brawl finally.

So I started playing melee again. lol


Fail. Play Brawl moar.

Meanwhile, I played more tetris.
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion on the 360- It's an older game but a fantastic one. Really enjoying it right now.
(Jun. 15, 2009  4:59 PM)fragbait Wrote: Melee?

Fail. Play Brawl moar.

Meanwhile, I played more tetris.

Take that back, Melee has Roy in it and he makes it better in every way. Also, smash balls sucks. Angry
1) Roy sucks compared to Martha
2) Don't play with smashballs!
Urban Terror (Mac)

Actually kinda fun.. I have never played Counterstrike extensively before, but this seems like just that.. Okay sure there aren't a heap of guns like in Ghost Recon, but that doesn't stop me from getting some sick nasty headshots. Smile


Mac users, let's play!
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, and I'm really enjoying it Grin.
Took me a while to get used to the controls, since it's the only PSP game I've ever played, but the battle systems decent, and the plot seems pretty good so far.
Actually impressed most by the cut scenes to be honest though, been a really decent amount of them, and I'm only a chapter or two in to the game ^ ^
(Jun. 15, 2009  5:32 PM)fragbait Wrote: 1) Roy sucks compared to Martha

It's Marth and you did not just say that. Angry
Final Fantasy VII
Star Wars: Masters of Terra Kasi
Rock Band:Unplugged
Halo Wars
I like Melee more than Brawl, too.
Turok for 360 i've loved this series ever since I first played it I still play evolution on my gamecube for old time sake aswell. It just makes me wish I kept my n64.
(Jun. 17, 2009  6:27 PM)Zander Soulwind Wrote: It's Marth and you did not just say that. Angry
Both marth and Roy are over rated characters, Peach is actually useful (surprisingly), but my main choice is Samus or Link, no matter what the situation is.
I think both Brawl and Melee are completely overrated games. They are a lot of fun if you can manage to get 4 people on the same couch, don't get me wrong, but they are hardly the killer apps everyone deems them to be.

And before anyone asks, yes, I've played them both and have owned them both in the past. Melee was a lot of fun but Brawl was a huuuuge let down.

I don't really like either of the games, but I'm gonna have to agree with Brad in saying that Melee is probably the better of the two.
Pokemon Platinum :0

Lotsa level grinding...
(Jun. 17, 2009  6:27 PM)Zander Soulwind Wrote: It's Marth and you did not just say that. Angry

I went there. Prove me wrong?
Just finished inFamous. I played as an evil character.

Pretty crazy twist ending. I didn't see it coming. Pretty good game overall, though it's very repetitive.
(Jun. 18, 2009  7:22 AM)Roan Wrote: Just finished inFamous. I played as an evil character.

Pretty crazy twist ending. I didn't see it coming. Pretty good game overall, though it's very repetitive.

Hey, I saw that you were playing yesterday. I was wondering if you were good or evil haha
got me stoked for it moreso now

I played a lot of Burnout Paradise yesterday, bought the Island and completed all billboards, smashes and jumps[in the city].
I would say imma pretty harsh critic of the game but it has become much better than when I bought it last summer...
Custom Soundtrack was welcome[ps3- though it not via xmb] as the original soundtrack really blows imo, the bikes are actually pretty fun[except for no endos, and driver vanishes in a crash], time of day is really great feature [still, theres no moon at night...:\] and the Island is truely sick.

Damn if all of paradise were designed like Big Surf Island I would have called it awsome from the start. the races are even better with multiple check points[intersections] instead of racing from point to point [ie. "wildcats stadium'] which used to bore me.
Most of all there are plenty or ramps and jumps and shorcuts that flow better and less resitrictive. IMHO buy the island if you like the game, its just better

If anyone wants to freeburn this week I'd be down haha
In the end, it is all about what kind of games you like and what characters you are good with, I was really good with Roy that I easierly beat my older bro and next door neighbour by myself, 2-on-1 but then they could have just been really rubbish anyway, it is all about the Player, not the character.
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Demo

Not as stealthy as Ghost Recon, but I like how you can hide behind cover and throw your gun over it and start firing. Going to play more into the demo to see whether or not buying this is worth it (for those of you that have it, is it?)

Urban Terror

Lmao these kids can get pretty hXc. That said it's nice that regardless if you have a Windows or Mac, you can still play with each other!
vegas 2 was fun... but i dunno, i got bored of it.
maybe its because i was busy playing other games like halo 3 and burnout paradise, so i think it was just bad timing.
i would give it a shot, it's like 19.99 new
(Jun. 18, 2009  8:09 PM)bugturtles Wrote: Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Demo

Not as stealthy as Ghost Recon, but I like how you can hide behind cover and throw your gun over it and start firing. Going to play more into the demo to see whether or not buying this is worth it (for those of you that have it, is it?)
did you not play gears of war?

also why's melee better than brawl
Painkiller Black

Was on Good Old Games for $7.50 (Weekend deal), so I decided that was a safe price to grab it at.