Recent Games Played [Commentary is mandatory]

(Jun. 18, 2009  8:00 PM)Zander Soulwind Wrote: In the end, it is all about what kind of games you like and what characters you are good with, I was really good with Roy that I easierly beat my older bro and next door neighbour by myself, 2-on-1 but then they could have just been really rubbish anyway, it is all about the Player, not the character.

Of course, I agree on the "it depends on the player" thing, but these arguements come up all the time in the smash community.
"Oh, I beat my friend with this char so that means he's great ololololol....etc"
Did your neighbor or your bro ever enter a tournament? Win one? That gives your arguement absolutely ZERO credibility, aside from the aforementioned one.
Also, consider this. SephirothKen, widely considered to be the best Melee player in the world, plays Marth. So, yeah.
When comes down to it, Roy just doesn't bring as much to the table as Marth. More range, a stronger sweetspot, quickness, and a retarded good air game.
Roy? Slower, not a strong, damage/time ratio is too low, and he can damage himself. I think the choice is clear.
(Jun. 20, 2009  4:06 AM)fragbait Wrote: Of course, I agree on the "it depends on the player" thing, but these arguements come up all the time in the smash community.
"Oh, I beat my friend with this char so that means he's great ololololol....etc"
Did your neighbor or your bro ever enter a tournament? Win one? That gives your arguement absolutely ZERO credibility, aside from the aforementioned one.

(Jun. 20, 2009  4:20 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: PLASTICS BEAT HMS

I don't understand what you are getting at here.
(Jun. 20, 2009  4:21 AM)fragbait Wrote: I don't understand what you are getting at here.

just mentioning that people use similar dumb arguments like that all the time in beyblade, like saying a zombie beating a draciel ms means anything

basically i was backing up your point using a game i know
(Jun. 20, 2009  4:23 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: just mentioning that people use similar dumb arguments like that all the time in beyblade, like saying a zombie beating a draciel ms means anything

basically i was backing up your point using a game i know

Yeah, I wasn't quite sure if you were trying counter point me or not.
(Jun. 20, 2009  8:51 AM)Blue Wrote: Bioshock.

is bloody carp amazing

I wanna play that again.
^ That game looks amazing, I want it. <3

...I've played Pokemon Ruby and Baten Kaitos (did I already post that?) recently.
I've never played bioshock Unhappy
it looks sick, I should really pick it up soon..
bioshock was great

last hour was carp gross though
Rocket Riot (XBLA)
Oh man, this game is fun.
Yeah sofar Bioshock is great, but I hate being low to no ammo [which is often]. Im not used to it and it makes stuff hard. Still Im trying to go through on hard..
btw bought for PS3 to play on my HDTV
(Jun. 17, 2009  6:27 PM)Zander Soulwind Wrote: It's Marth and you did not just say that. Angry

Nah it's Martha.

And brawl has brawl+, which brings me to what I've been playing on and off.
(Jun. 20, 2009  4:06 AM)fragbait Wrote: Of course, I agree on the "it depends on the player" thing, but these arguements come up all the time in the smash community.
"Oh, I beat my friend with this char so that means he's great ololololol....etc"
Did your neighbor or your bro ever enter a tournament? Win one? That gives your arguement absolutely ZERO credibility, aside from the aforementioned one.
Also, consider this. SephirothKen, widely considered to be the best Melee player in the world, plays Marth. So, yeah.
When comes down to it, Roy just doesn't bring as much to the table as Marth. More range, a stronger sweetspot, quickness, and a retarded good air game.
Roy? Slower, not a strong, damage/time ratio is too low, and he can damage himself. I think the choice is clear.

Wait a minute, are you saying Marth is only better because the greatest Melee player uses him? So if he was to suddenly change character and become really good with that character than that character is known to be the best? Anyway, it is like I said, it is all down to the player and who he can use, for example, my younger bro uses Ike in Brawl who is normally really slow and hard to work with but somehow, in his hands he is pretty fast and he normally kicks my carp because i can't get near him or I appear to be slower. Anyway, let's just drop this arguement before it gets way out of hand. If you still want to go through this arguement then PM me instead.

Just to ask, is SephirothKen just as good with any other characters?
Fallout 3 (Specifically playing Point Lookout)

Man, Point Lookout was utterly amazing. Easily the best DLC out of the bunch.
Amazing atmosphere, cool weapons, a good handful of quests.
Addictive to the point where I lost track of time and spent SEVEN hours straight playing it.

After finishing it all up, I looked at the clock and my jaw nearly dropped. I didn't realize I had gotten that into it.
Double-Barrel Shotgun is the best gun in the game. Smile So satisfying.

I got all 4 new achievements. So still at 100% completion Tongue_out.
I really hope Mothership Zeta lives up to this quality.
UFC Undisputed.

Really really really hooked on this game, they've done a awesome job getting the fighting system right, complements on how it really is in the UFC. The game has managed to get me into UFC aswell, planning to grab the Ultimate Fighter seasons soon and I'll probably order the UFC 100 PPV.
Street Fighter IV life. =P

Meh, started on Heat the Soul 6 and Soul Carnival. Fun Fun Fun!
(Jun. 24, 2009  11:06 AM)Sega Wrote: UFC Undisputed.

Really really really hooked on this game, they've done a awesome job getting the fighting system right, complements on how it really is in the UFC. The game has managed to get me into UFC aswell, planning to grab the Ultimate Fighter seasons soon and I'll probably order the UFC 100 PPV.

haha yeah its a bloody great game do you play online? ive been into the ufc/mma scene for years and hoping to make my amature debut next year dont bother buying the tuf seasons you can get them for free off the net of if u have foxtel or cable tv they should be constantly playing re runs
i was playing assassins creed the other day and got 5 achievements within like 10 minutes Grin
i'm thinking about shooting for 100% achievements but the i'd be missing a few that i can't go back to get, and i'm not gonna be playing this game a second time through .. :\
maybe i'll aim for 950 or whatever it ends up being.
just be like me: pretend 300 is maximum for a game

way more rewarding hahaha
Jade Cocoon 2 (PS2) and Harvest Moon Tree of Tranqulity (Wii).

Pinching_eyes_2 I'm hating the final boss on Jade Cocoon 2.
Harvest Moon ehh it okay but the game play progress way to fast. Two hours equals 9 days and that starting from 6:00 in the morning in the game to 12:00.
(Jun. 24, 2009  2:51 PM)peterkin Wrote: haha yeah its a bloody great game do you play online? ive been into the ufc/mma scene for years and hoping to make my amature debut next year dont bother buying the tuf seasons you can get them for free off the net of if u have foxtel or cable tv they should be constantly playing re runs

Yeah I have a freind who has Foxtel, just watched some episodes last night, I think it was Season 7, Forest vs Jackson. I don't think im that good to play against other online, I still need to work on the takedown positions ect... If i go on now i'll probably get flogged Chocked_2
(Jun. 24, 2009  9:23 PM)Guitar_Legend Wrote: i was playing assassins creed the other day and got 5 achievements within like 10 minutes Grin
i'm thinking about shooting for 100% achievements but the i'd be missing a few that i can't go back to get, and i'm not gonna be playing this game a second time through .. :\
maybe i'll aim for 950 or whatever it ends up being.

HEy just curious bro, do you go hunting for flags? To me that was mad tedious so I eventually gave upSpeechless
(Jun. 25, 2009  6:31 AM)Blue Wrote: HEy just curious bro, do you go hunting for flags? To me that was mad tedious so I eventually gave upSpeechless

Well, I only have one achievement at the moment for flags, the rest I'm at about 40%
There are 10 minute video tutorials for each city showing all of the flags, so I was planning on looking off those..cause it would be impossible without a guide.
That goes for Templar's too. Man I hate it when a Templar join a fight, they usually finish me off.