Halo 3
So, another Double EXP Weekend started and I've been having some fun in Grifball. Got myself a Killapocalypse in one of today's matches, only failing to get a Killionaire because I had no one near to me at that moment:
My team won that game btw =)
Also, went in an MLG game yesterday with a friend who hadn't played any matches in the new playlist yet, so mostly for him to see how it plays different, etc, and since I'm not familiar myself with most of the changes made to its maps. Anyways, this kid in our team asks what MLG stands for and I tell him "Major League Gaming". Shortly after, before the game even starts, he leaves. Guess he chickened out.....me and my big mouth lol
Should've known what he was getting himself into before picking this playlist. Heck, I kinda suck at Halo, even more so in this more competitive driven environment, but I'm just trying it out for fun and to see the changes made. Besides, leaving from Team games is carp gay...
Heh, just kinda pissed here since that seems to happen so often in the team I'm in.
3DS Friend Code: 0318-7783-7967
Pokémon X in-game name: Dani
Friend Safari: Fraxure - Noibat - Sliggoo