Recent Games Played [Commentary is mandatory]

I beat Mirror's Edge for the second time last night.

Now I'm finishing up Gears 2.
(Nov. 17, 2008  11:10 PM)Roan Wrote: I beat Mirror's Edge for the second time last night.

I am taking my time. On Chapter 5 lol

Did you beat it on hard the second time through?
No I played through on Easy the second time so I could get the Achievement for beating the game without using a gun.

Now I'm going to play through it on Hard and use guns. lol
(Nov. 18, 2008  12:25 AM)Roan Wrote: No I played through on Easy the second time so I could get the Achievement for beating the game without using a gun.

Now I'm going to play through it on Hard and use guns. lol

Oh, hahaha. I'm playing through Normal without guns. When I beat it for the second time, on hard, I'll be evil and use guns. B)
Is it fun? I'm downloading the demo right now Grin
The game is amazing, just buy it. Most interesting/unique game I've played this year, that's for sure.
well, i can't buy it today so I might as well try it now.
- Fallout 3

Played for about two hours earlier today. I really wasn't feeling the game at all at first, but now its started to get its hooks into me and I'm really enjoying it. Its pretty carp hard though and it gets frustrating sometimes since you have to constantly heal yourself and most of the healing items you find in the world only give you between 5-10 HP. You can buy Stimpacks, but early in the game its really hard to come by enough bottle caps to be able to afford very many of them. Basically the beginning of the game sucks, but it picks up after that.

- Gears of War 2

I played some matchmaking by myself earlier and got my carp kicked. Then I played some Horde with Artie and we got to wave 21 on Casual. Horde mode is really addicting, which is strange because when it first got announced I thought for sure I was going to hate it.
Torus Trooper
uhhhh fable 2 <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

(also: trying to get xbox live be patient, got new xbox woohooooo)
(Nov. 22, 2008  10:00 PM)Sam Wrote: uhhhh fable 2 <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

(also: trying to get xbox live be patient, got new xbox woohooooo)

wow i went on xbox live:

roan: offline for 20 minutes
artie: offline for 5 minutes

I don't know why it says I was online 20 minutes ago, I'm in a hotel room miles away from my house right now without my Xbox. I definitely wasn't online.
Pokemon Emerald.
Until it went "carp YOU!" and asploded.
Before that: Guilty Gear Dust Strikers for the DS.
and in all honesty, it blows compared to that of the Wii version.
(Nov. 23, 2008  12:25 AM)Roan Wrote: LOL

I don't know why it says I was online 20 minutes ago, I'm in a hotel room miles away from my house right now without my Xbox. I definitely wasn't online.
what the hell rofl

(also do love nxe)
Sonic Rush Adventure. As much as i want to kill the raccoon, the level design is pretty darn sweet.
(Nov. 24, 2008  7:36 PM)Nikku Wrote: Sonic Rush Adventure. As much as i want to kill the raccoon, the level design is pretty darn sweet.

Love that game. I still need one more Sol Emerald though before I can go to the Final Zone. It's such an annoyance since you have to defeat the last boss again to obtain it.
I just played a little bit of Far Cry 2.

Let me just get this out of the way: Fist my carp the game is gorgeous. I'm amazed that the developers were able to pack in so much graphical detail yet were also able to keep the framerate locked solid without a hint of screen tearing. The enemy animations are canned and unrealistic, but otherwise the game looks phenomenal.

On the downside, however, the shooting in the game feels very clunky and I have to say that I don't really like the controls. The right stick, which controls your aim, has this weird sort of rubber band thing going on where the longer you hold the stick in a certain direction the faster you turn. At first it turns pretty slowly and then suddenly you're whipping around and I'm just like wtf. I don't like that and I have a really hard time telling when or if I actually shoot someone in the game. There's not enough visual cues or responses in the enemies.

The voice acting is pretty awful so far and the story is pretty much take it or leave it.

Oh well, I only played for like twenty minutes. I want to give it a little more time, hopefully it gets better.

Just cleared the 50th Wave in Horde mode in Gears 2 with Artie. carp yeah seaking.
(Nov. 26, 2008  8:49 AM)Roan Wrote: w00t

Just cleared the 50th Wave in Horde mode in Gears 2 with Artie. carp yeah seaking.
i am stuck on wave 7...
half beat starforce 1 havent played 4 a while btw it gets better near the end of the game, i hated before that
Mirror's Edge.

Just beat the game on Hard difficulty in just under 3 hours. Talk about a speed run. LOL
Ben 10: Protector of Earth... or something like that, lol. On PSP.
The game is pretty darn fun!
this week in games i got cod 5 waw lil big planet and guitar hero 4 guitar pack
all of them are awsome games