Recent Games Played [Commentary is mandatory]

(Dec. 10, 2008  8:30 AM)xboxteam Wrote: xbox reviews kz2

get out brandonk
Playin that FIFA 08.

I think it's about time to upgrade though.
Fifa 09, lost $40 playing aganist a friend lol Unhappy I guess i was too confident of my own skills
I've been playing Mass Effect pretty much all day.

Love this game.
Just cleared Mass Effect for the second time.

I got the "evil" ending. Still love this game.
(Dec. 11, 2008  4:21 AM)Roan Wrote: Just cleared Mass Effect for the second time.

I got the "evil" ending. Still love this game.

wow that was like two days jesus

I had a save game already like 1/3 of the way into the game from when I rented it a few months ago.
Peggle Nights. <3

Can't wait to go back and play it more! Joyful_3
(Dec. 11, 2008  10:12 PM)Pikachao Wrote: Peggle Nights. <3

Can't wait to go back and play it more! Joyful_3

Haha. That game is so addictive. ^^;
Finally played MotorStorm again and it was SOOOOOO carp good.

Still best racer in my books, notched beside GT1. SO much awsome carp happens on screen. AI was snarky. Online was fun, good dude with a headset. carp imma play some more

I can't(but do) wait to get Pacific Rift for christmas.
Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy

One of the weirdest games I have ever played

The endings were stupid, too, what the hell happened to that black guy
Played Motorstorm And Burnout.

This time in HD. OMFG. soo many grins.
I stopped my "evil" file on Fallout....blowing up Megaton was so not worth it. My new good file pwns.
Marvel vs Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes.
Best Capcom crossover. Yea, better that 2.
I'm still playing brawl like 5 days a week.
(Dec. 19, 2008  8:45 PM)SexyMichael Wrote: I'm still playing brawl like 5 days a week.

It's the only game I can honestly say I'm carp good at lol.

And I have no xbox.
My bro got Brawl a few days ago. I like it!!
- Tales of Symphonia
After four years, I finally beat it. So sad, I know.

- Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
I bought this a couple weeks ago and was waiting until I finished off the original to start this. Played through about four hours so far; anybody who played and loved the original owes it to themselves to at the very least, rent this.

- Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories
Absolutely adored the GBA version, this is fun so far. Took a little while for me to get used to the fact that this was in 3D though lol

- Sonic Unleashed
The daytime levels are very well done, and the nighttime levels are as well, although I can foresee them becoming tedious if no new elements are added to them as the game progresses. Story sucks so far, but whatever.

- Halo 3
Played it on Xbox Live at my friends house for a bit, fun fun fun

- Chrono Trigger DS

Thanks for the time Christmas break!
I played Fallout since 9 this morning >_> I hit level 14, got a bunch of the rare guns, and nearly finished the main quest