Recent Games Played [Commentary is mandatory]

Playing Little Big Planet beta, quite fun so far and of course cute.
World Domination (Myspace app)
Smash Bros. Melee a LOT. xD
Bush Shootout
Bakuten Shoot Beyblade 2002 - Ikuze! Bakutou! Chou Jiryoku Battle!!
that's hXc. (not really)
Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit (which totally rocked, it was unlike any other game I'd played before)

Pokemon Diamond (I've been preparing about four months early for Platinum)

Guitar Hero: On Tour

Best online flash game I've seen so far.
GTA: San Andreas

Dad n Me (online flash game)
Great. Pointless violence is always a winner xd
The last game I played was Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (for Wii) I played it last night >w< And I've also been playing Okami and Guitar Hero III =D
i finished twilite princess almost 2 monthes ago,its one of the best games i have ever played Smile
i participated in the new mario kart compotition yesterday and got level b Unhappy
Little big planet is so fun.
Everything about it just comes across fun. I started playing like 9pm yesterday stopped at 2:40.
At first The Garden section felt really basic but cheery and the jumping tooks some getting use to, but once some ghosts got involved. Jumping, grabing and swinging are very fun to do in this game because it happens so fluid. Physics are great, Im a bit of a nerd on that.

I spent easily like hour and half doing tutorials and messing with level creator. LMAO making a rocket powerd skateboard do a vertical jump. Once airbourne it spiraled out of control to the point my sack boy "died?" LOL

I don't want to overrate this game but it is more than I expected, maybe because the premise and controls are so simple yet replability and the depth of creation tools are awsome. Also if people are grudging this game for any reason they should play some anyway because i swear it can melt your heart. Sackboys are adorable and the platforming is solid.

servers arent up so I haven't been online. but i didn;t notice it either...
Fable 2 is made of win.

Saints Row 2 is a must-buy for any fan of free-roam/sandbox gameplay. I'm carp' serious.
cod 4 gh3 and devil may cry 4 all at a freinds house
Played some PURE ( ATV game ) at work, a really good game! The Scenery is breathtaking, you'd do a massive jump off a cliff and get a crazy amount of air allowing you to do stacks of tricks ( Sorta similar to Skates flick it layout ) and on the way you'd see neat Mountains and Clouds ect.. looks like the real thing.

Good game, pretty similar to the SSX games in a way.
Dwarf Fortress. For like 3 hours.
Dragonball Z Burst Limit

i actually like it

One of my favourite games of all time.

Pro Evolution Soccer 6 + 2008
Far Cry 2

such an open ended game..I love it to death.
I went to an anime convention today (not by choice -- trust me), and they had a gaming area in which I spent most of my time.

I played some Rock Band 2 and Guitar Hero World Tour and I have to say that World Tour is honestly a carp joke. Like seriously, for a game that was supposed to trump Rock Band 2 it feels like its just playing catchup. The graphics and art style are absolutely atrocious. The only good thing I have to say about the game is that the drum set is carp awesome, but that's about the only thing I liked.

I spent the rest of my time alternating instruments at the Rock Band 2 booth.
Halo 3

Just kicking it up in this weeks Double EXP Weekend hopper, Ranked Living Dead, which comes around only once a year for Halloween (well as a ranked playlist, every other time it's social). In my very first match, I finally got the Hell's Janitor medal in a Speed Demons game on Avalanche.
After that, most of the other games sucked though since my internet connection isn't so good, I almost always loose shotgun/sword face-offs, even if in my screen I always see my guy striking first. It's frustrating to say the least...
I wish Speed Demons would show up more often.
DDR extreme 2! my friend kicked my @$$!
Transformers Animated
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
Buzz: Master Quiz

Sackboy: The Game is still my love.

Unbelievably amazing. I love the feel and design of the game.