finally called girl. we both had given each-other the wrong number
k shower time (ryan you stalker)
finally called girl. we both had given each-other the wrong number
k shower time (ryan you stalker)
Roan Wrote:ArtieMLucky (11:35:43 AM): LOL i had a dream that you me and brownbear were some ghostbuster-esque guys who captured indians using these lazers that flung out when you did the spiderman hand flickwhat
ArtieMLucky (11:35:52 AM): it was carp hilarious in hindsight
ArtieMLucky (11:36:15 AM): it was really scary though!
ArtieMLucky (11:36:22 AM): all the indians were carp hXc and scary looking
VxR RoAn (11:36:27 AM): LOL
ArtieMLucky (11:36:31 AM): and the boss was tecumseh and hes like
VxR RoAn (11:36:31 AM): Isn't that how they are IRL?
ArtieMLucky (11:36:43 AM): "i am tecumseh, YOUR BLANKETS DO NOT HARM ME"
ArtieMLucky (11:37:24 AM): then i had a dream that girl i met a is a freak and played xbox live and psn all day
VxR RoAn (11:37:29 AM): LOL
ArtieMLucky (11:37:30 AM): and that sam was a her boyfriend
VxR RoAn (11:37:31 AM): In your dreams
VxR RoAn (11:37:34 AM): HAHAHAHAHA
VxR RoAn (11:37:35 AM): WTF
ArtieMLucky (11:37:38 AM): yes
VxR RoAn (11:37:39 AM): Why were you dreaming about sam
VxR RoAn (11:37:41 AM): Jesus christ
ArtieMLucky (11:37:44 AM): gay lusts
VxR RoAn (11:37:46 AM): LOL
VxR RoAn (11:37:48 AM): Indian lusts
ArtieMLucky (11:37:51 AM): that red skin gets me all steamy
VxR RoAn (11:37:55 AM): HAHAHAHAHA
ArtieMLucky (11:37:56 AM): small pox mmmmmmmhm <3
ArtieMLucky (11:39:09 AM): then i had one of those "woke up from a dream in a dream moment"
ArtieMLucky (11:39:16 AM): where the girl texted me like 8 times
ArtieMLucky (11:39:32 AM): and in the last text was from sam, saying how he was carp her like he rode his horse
ArtieMLucky (11:40:43 AM): HAHAHAHA carp
ArtieMLucky (11:40:46 AM): i just remember
ArtieMLucky (11:40:50 AM): after we beat tecumseh right
ArtieMLucky (11:40:53 AM): we rode off
ArtieMLucky (11:41:02 AM): and raided some indian's food supplies!
ArtieMLucky (11:41:09 AM): i distinctly remember taking their gummy bears
VxR RoAn (11:41:24 AM): LOL!
Artie Wrote:who won
Bey Brad Wrote:rainbow socialism