Random Thoughts


finally called girl. we both had given each-other the wrong number

k shower time (ryan you stalker)
haha works for you though!

I passed my IB test so I won't need to take freshman composition Smile
ughhhh she called me twice to hang out with at fireworks and her party

[Image: 060512.jpg]

oh well i have a date friday
LOL i doubt it

im going to her house and her family's gonna be there

though that would be incredibly arousing (albeit kind of creepy)
maybe you could fingerbang her in front of her family

just a suggestion
Glad i'm not the only one who's been glued to wimbledon all day.
D&D is fun.
Gonna go campagin it up.
Roan Wrote:ArtieMLucky (11:35:43 AM): LOL i had a dream that you me and brownbear were some ghostbuster-esque guys who captured indians using these lazers that flung out when you did the spiderman hand flick
ArtieMLucky (11:35:52 AM): it was carp hilarious in hindsight
ArtieMLucky (11:36:15 AM): it was really scary though!
ArtieMLucky (11:36:22 AM): all the indians were carp hXc and scary looking
VxR RoAn (11:36:27 AM): LOL
ArtieMLucky (11:36:31 AM): and the boss was tecumseh and hes like
VxR RoAn (11:36:31 AM): Isn't that how they are IRL?
ArtieMLucky (11:36:43 AM): "i am tecumseh, YOUR BLANKETS DO NOT HARM ME"
ArtieMLucky (11:37:24 AM): then i had a dream that girl i met a is a freak and played xbox live and psn all day
VxR RoAn (11:37:29 AM): LOL
ArtieMLucky (11:37:30 AM): and that sam was a her boyfriend
VxR RoAn (11:37:31 AM): In your dreams
VxR RoAn (11:37:34 AM): HAHAHAHAHA
VxR RoAn (11:37:35 AM): WTF
ArtieMLucky (11:37:38 AM): yes
VxR RoAn (11:37:39 AM): Why were you dreaming about sam
VxR RoAn (11:37:41 AM): Jesus christ
ArtieMLucky (11:37:44 AM): gay lusts
VxR RoAn (11:37:46 AM): LOL
VxR RoAn (11:37:48 AM): Indian lusts
ArtieMLucky (11:37:51 AM): that red skin gets me all steamy
VxR RoAn (11:37:55 AM): HAHAHAHAHA
ArtieMLucky (11:37:56 AM): small pox mmmmmmmhm <3
ArtieMLucky (11:39:09 AM): then i had one of those "woke up from a dream in a dream moment"
ArtieMLucky (11:39:16 AM): where the girl texted me like 8 times
ArtieMLucky (11:39:32 AM): and in the last text was from sam, saying how he was carp her like he rode his horse
ArtieMLucky (11:40:43 AM): HAHAHAHA carp
ArtieMLucky (11:40:46 AM): i just remember
ArtieMLucky (11:40:50 AM): after we beat tecumseh right
ArtieMLucky (11:40:53 AM): we rode off
ArtieMLucky (11:41:02 AM): and raided some indian's food supplies!
ArtieMLucky (11:41:09 AM): i distinctly remember taking their gummy bears
VxR RoAn (11:41:24 AM): LOL!
Artie Wrote:who won


Called that carp from the beginning yo
I was all about Hewitt back when he was playing decently.

Over the past two years Nadal has become my fav. player.
Ok so say I was going to theoretically do a gaming podcast.

What would be a few theoretically good names?
rainbow socialism
Bey Brad Wrote:rainbow socialism

Optimal Artie And The Precise Shock
Games Anything
Extra-strength Videogames
Ryan Of The Crack
Squad Of The Rainbow Army Garden
Lethal Videogames
Videogames Of The Bipolar Dinosaur
i like "dinner"
i used a generator and got all of those rofl