Random Thoughts

carp snow carp sucks carp
I know!!! I used to like snow, but the weather is all carp up so it melts and comes back a day after it's completely gone.
snow is fine when it dosen't melt. once melting begins, slush and mud is carp :6 but i still love winter
haha it's 60 degrees here
what the hell, DA changed everyone's avatar to [Image: herduliekis8.gif] lol
You know how you all really love me and that I'm a huge carp dork? Yeah? Well... you're all going to sign up for Neopets right now because when you do I get free carp and I like that >8(


You can just sign up and never touch it again or, if you want, continue playing and become a huge nerd. Either way, just carp do it, jeez

Kei - I WANT YOUR BABIES. Thank youuuu! 8)


Sorry to be a negative nancy guys but you have to 'activate' the account by clicking on the link sent to your e-mail or by copying and pasting the code into the box provided on neopets.com. If you could do that, I will seriously consider doing something completely amazing for you both. I have no idea what. But thank you very much anyway. 8D
Alice Wrote:Kei - I WANT YOUR BABIES. Thank youuuu! 8)


Sorry to be a negative nancy guys but you have to 'activate' the account by clicking on the link sent to your e-mail or by copying and pasting the code into the box provided on neopets.com. If you could do that, I will seriously consider doing something completely amazing for you both. I have no idea what. But thank you very much anyway. 8D

Well, I do actually already have an account. I'm fairly certain I added you a while back, my accounts name is xbackurax. It won't let me login to that one though because I have no clue what birthday I entered, and it isn't my real one for some reason!

No problem, it only took a few minutes anyways. (:
I love how the main links on YouTube today are all Rick Rolls.
So, I was REALLY bored. Did you get the stuff Alice?
whats up guys. im using my cell to do this so ill keep it short. im still looking for a permanent computer to use till then ill try to keep in touch. bye
Thank you Kei, Toto, Cye and Sam! I'm still waiting for the referral list to update because it says that your accounts haven't been activated (just click on the link sent to your e-mail if you haven't already) but I drew all of us in a big happy picture:

[Image: yaymv8.th.png]

There's me with my knockers out, Toto looking suave, Sam with his little Halo headset on, Kei and his hat and Cye and his 'COOL' Air Gear rollerblades. Don't we make a lovely group?
that picture is basically the best thing i have ever seen
i will only join if i get a detailed pic of you naked
I love how my left leg is detached from the rest of my body. Tongue_out Those are some amazing portraits though!

Just activated my account, must not have worked the other day.
Artie Wrote:i will only join if i get a detailed pic of you naked


Thanks much, also, I actually did verify my account yesterday.
Roan Wrote:Well, I started work on my newest musical endeavor today, which I'm temporary referring to as "Celestial". I may stick with the name, but for now its just a working title.

With this project I'm aiming for a 12 track disc that explores some very ambiguous and subjective things -- spirituality, morals and absolute truth.

But perhaps most interestingly of all, I'm using the solar system and its planets as a backdrop or theme for this exploration.

I spent three hours doing research for this project and writing out a detailed plan describing each song and what direction I want to take with it. I don't want to say much more for fear of revealing too much too soon, but know that I have every intention of making this the best piece of work I've ever done.

I look forward to finishing it and sharing the results with you all. Smile

Well, the project is coming along pretty good so far. I've completed a few of the tracks and begun work on the narrative side of the album. I'm having a little bit of trouble with this as there are so many ideas and whatnot that I want to explore but just can't find the right words with which to explore them.

Oh well, just thought I'd let you all know that I am currently very hard at work on this project. Its really all I've been doing in my free time and all I've been thinking about when I'm doing other things.

And I'm sure none of you care to read this but I don't really care all that much, I'm going to keep posting updates here whether you like it or not. Tongue_out

I'm pretty sure I verified my account.

I just finished watching all of Lost. Like 75+ episodes.

finding astroglide fortuitously in your brother's drawer sure is awkward...
fan girls at cons aren't as bad as people think them to be are they?
depends on the type of convention.
but if they are giddy and make constant yaoi references then yes. they are bad.