Random Thoughts 5 - READ RULES IN FIRST POST

My boarding school didn't have any kind of library which was a bit surprising considering it's a private school so it should have had the money to spend on one.
Yeah, about Superwholock... It seems like the largest fandoms are prone to the most obnoxiousness in general, Homestuck included.

Anyways, I uh, got cut from Softball. Ha. Hahaha. I might do an outside league anyway so I can get better.
(Mar. 07, 2013  10:58 PM)NoodooSoup Wrote: Anyways, I uh, got cut from Softball. Ha. Hahaha. I might do an outside league anyway so I can get better.

On topic of sports, everybody trying out for the tennis team (13) are in. Only the top 6 get seeded and seeding starts next week. I hope I'm not too worn out, considering this week I obtained a pulled tendon in my elbow and a tense left calf.
Ok, I know this isn't the right place to post this, but im not sure where I should post this Tongue_out but in which thread would I post questions about music?
Media Forum brah.
I remember in Primary School when, if you didn't have a hat during recess or lunch during Summer, you wouldn't be able play. Luckily for me, I don't think I ever forgot my hat or anything. But if you did, you'd be a lonely duck sitting in the shade for 1 hour.

"No hat, no play, no school for you today." Hahah, gotta love being Sun Smart.
Man, I can't stand when someone random just like calls you out. It happens anywhere Internet is involved, goodness gracious. Like just now, I got a message here from somebody saying "carp u", and you can probably guess what the filters substituted carp for. What could I possibly do to someone that needs them to tell me off... who knows, haha.

Certain days just work my nerves, hah.

For a bit of good news, we finally found a house that we liked (we've been searching for months) that actually keeps me in the same high school. The house is definitely an upgrade to the current one we're renting (we're looking to own a house, now) and I get to stay at my current high school! We'll be moving mid-April, so I really can't wait to get everything set up now that I have a bigger room.
Cannon that happened as well in my primary school

but when i forgot my hat my friends would play with me in the shade Smile

Congrats Mino!

ok my random thought:

exams are a poor way of gaging people's learning abilities. yeah i know they have extra time for people who need more time to think and laptops for people with bad handwriting, but some people just arent good at regurgitating facts. loljustmy2cents
"I'm not good at taking tests" is often a very acceptable way of also saying "I'm lazy, have poor memory, and probably won't do well in any given task that requires memory or effort". The best way to find out if someone remembered anything is to ask them, and that's precisely what exams are; a long pre-typed/written/spoken inquiry as to how much you remembered. If you don't perform well under pressure on something as trivial as a highschool or middleschool exam, I cannot expect you'll do well when your financial stability/family/ability to acquire food is put on the line.

Academic exams prepare you for the world outside, where whatever you're doing, you will be expected to recall information relevant to it at the drop of a hat and execute the actions relating to that information with reliability, or you will be fired. If you cannot make it through mandatory educational courses(the standards for which, in North America at least, are pathetic), it does say quite a lot about your functional brain activity levels.

There are studies of thought dedicated to diverting away from test-taking, some of them focusing on trying to trigger different parts of the memory more efficiently through mental excercises, others on simply letting people fumble around stupidly for the rest of their lives, but the fact is that this is the most efficient system available right now.
Yesterday at my school dance (not prom) they had some great songs. But I think it was weird because they played the Harlem Shake and we all went crazy. XD
(Mar. 16, 2013  10:47 PM)BeybladePants11 Wrote: Yesterday at my school dance (not prom) they had some great songs. But I think it was weird because they played the Harlem Shake and we all went crazy. XD

Haha ...
Me & my friends are doing the Harlem Shake for our dance assessments XP
Harlem Shake isn't as funny now...

Oh and Hazel lol its not me if youre wondering but i know some people who really can't write all the facts down in the exam but they can express it through different drawings or some methods...

again, justmy2cents
It really depends, only other form of evaluation would be interviews. Which would take forever in large schools.
Exams are, as Hazel said, the most effective current method (I hate exams and the concept as well, so it's opposite bias... If such a term exists).
Happy St.Patricks day! (Yes it was yesterday)
You want to see the streets now.
I didn't get to go to the parade yesterday but I went to wear the parade was.
(Mar. 16, 2013  10:13 PM)Hazel Wrote: "I'm not good at taking tests" is often a very acceptable way of also saying "I'm lazy, have poor memory, and probably won't do well in any given task that requires memory or effort". The best way to find out if someone remembered anything is to ask them, and that's precisely what exams are; a long pre-typed/written/spoken inquiry as to how much you remembered. If you don't perform well under pressure on something as trivial as a highschool or middleschool exam, I cannot expect you'll do well when your financial stability/family/ability to acquire food is put on the line.

Academic exams prepare you for the world outside, where whatever you're doing, you will be expected to recall information relevant to it at the drop of a hat and execute the actions relating to that information with reliability, or you will be fired. If you cannot make it through mandatory educational courses(the standards for which, in North America at least, are pathetic), it does say quite a lot about your functional brain activity levels.

There are studies of thought dedicated to diverting away from test-taking, some of them focusing on trying to trigger different parts of the memory more efficiently through mental excercises, others on simply letting people fumble around stupidly for the rest of their lives, but the fact is that this is the most efficient system available right now.

Do they have exams that are spaced out throughout the year over there? That's a much more efficient system than what we have here. We have one exam and it's at the end of the year. It's worth 60% of your overall grade.

Kujikato: Coursework? The idea of learning throughout the year (and being evaluated over this prolonged period) rather than cramming all the info in a week before such a heavy exam is appealing to me. I wouldn't mind if final exams were done away with completely.
(Mar. 18, 2013  5:44 PM)3-Dog Wrote: Do they have exams that are spaced out throughout the year over there? That's a much more efficient system than what we have here. We have one exam and it's at the end of the year. It's worth 60% of your overall grade.

Not Hazel, but at my uni/college we generally have 3 tests per semester (two semesters per year, not counting summer classes); topped off with a final. Grade distribution is usually something like 15% homework/quiz, 20% for each test, 25% Final.

Unless you get the weird ones who do a 20% Quiz, 40% Midterm, 40% Final (I have one of these lol).
Better than Hazel! Good to hear from you buddy! That system sounds a lot better to cope with than mine, mostly cos they expect you to remember in May the stuff they taught in September! And you have to do that for all of your exams (I have 5, all 3 hours).
Speaking of exams, I am appearing for a major one here in India. Wednesday is the day of my last exam. So yeah.

A few exams here are hyped to a large extent at times. The importance of scoring well conforms to setting the foundation to one's future. Score well, you have a solid future. Score bad, and things will go wrong. The level of competition prevailing here redefines the meaning of a "good score" and a "bad score". Of course, the situation may not be different in other parts of the world but, this is just my point of view.

At least for the exams I am appearing for at the moment, it is all about the final examinations. The various examinations spread out through the year (as 3-Dog mentions) are present, but they are of no importance (in a way). These examinations are said to be "just another preparatory phase" before the final examinations at the end of the year. Yes, these exams do help us prepare for our stuff- and that is their only significance.

There is a strong opposition against exams that test only the memory of students. Ironically, most exams are deemed as "tests of memory". Several anti-mug-up campaigns and stuff has also been prevalent. A person is expected to understand the concept well, rather than using the rote method. However, as soon as the exam results are out, its the "memory machines" that excel. So in a way, most people tend to label the system as an unfair method to gauge anyone's intelligence. Of course, a certain person may understand things better and be equally good at applying it in practical situations. In exams however, he may not prove the better- as people with greater memory usually excel in these. So I understand why the topic was first brought up here...
At the same time, I do not see any way to be able to oppose whatever Hazel said.

Of course, I may not know much about the entire system as such, but yeah- this is how it seems on the surface- to any student.
So yeah, just my opinion on the matter (and probably my first post in this thread?)
Anyone else have this happen: you say something funny, then someone else says it louder and gets all the credit.
Yes, all the time. I'll say it, he laughs, then says exactly what I said to his friends. At least my other friends are like "Did you hear what Zane said? Haha!"
Yup, but at least it keeps me out of the spotlight Grin
Plus, when I say it, if I'm in high school, no one would laugh, so at least it lets other people laugh Tongue_out
The only scary problem with living in a Suburban Texas area are you'll deal with Waterbug breeding packs....
Finally, Easter Break..

Now to start Photoshopping and whatnot... As well as a WLPaA update?
I don't get my break until next week. Since I'm in an engineering school, their schedule is all screwed up. Man, I wish this semester was like the last. We had so many days off last semester...