Random Thoughts 4 -- THIS IS NOT A CHAT ROOM.

(Jan. 20, 2011  6:38 AM)Nano Wrote: I just went downstairs to get a snack. And my parents were watching American Idol. There was a 25 year old guy from Japan singing Party in the U.S.A. I almost died laughing!! XD XD XD XD

Yo, Nano you mean This?
Well, the Super Bowl has been decided. I hang my head in defeat, but still hold on to the Bears' mantra, and light at the end of the tunnel. "We'll get one next year." And for once, I believe it. Thanks for 5 months of great football, Bears. I wish you the best going into the off-season. Jay, Hanie, get the Pack next time. Lovie, you'll get a ring very soon. Just you wait. Find a good 3rd stringer, and you've got yourself a Super Bowl. So long, see you guys next year.
Chicago Bears, Final Record: 13-5. Final Score: Packers:21, Bears: 14. It's been a wild ride.
(Jan. 24, 2011  2:26 AM)The Fire Wyrm Wrote:
(Jan. 20, 2011  6:38 AM)Nano Wrote: I just went downstairs to get a snack. And my parents were watching American Idol. There was a 25 year old guy from Japan singing Party in the U.S.A. I almost died laughing!! XD XD XD XD

Yo, Nano you mean This?

Boy does that bring back memories of William Hong.......
(Jan. 24, 2011  4:12 AM)Megablader9 Wrote: Who? Sorry, I'm confused.


i thought it was a vivid part of my memory that i made up when i was younger but it appears to be real...
(Jan. 24, 2011  2:26 AM)The Fire Wyrm Wrote:
(Jan. 20, 2011  6:38 AM)Nano Wrote: I just went downstairs to get a snack. And my parents were watching American Idol. There was a 25 year old guy from Japan singing Party in the U.S.A. I almost died laughing!! XD XD XD XD

Yo, Nano you mean This?

Yes. And I still think he should of made it!
Provincial exam today... Unhappy
Today was math, tomorrow is English.
I think I did well on math, I was pretty nervous though. I'm middle of the line marks for both those classes.
Are provincial exams Canada wide, or is it only British Columbia that does it?
Ok, so you guys were talking about pokemon right?
Smug Hilarious right?
I know, but somebody gave me the link to it here on WBO. He prolly changed his name or so.
I wonder how the Meteo L Drago Hasbro version will look like.....
aww man! i got warned D:

i'll try not to post anymore spam
(Jan. 25, 2011  2:55 AM)Gearfried97 Wrote: aww man! i got warned D:

i'll try not to post anymore spam

Ironically enough, this post would definitely qualify as SPAM.
After that interview things are looking great for USMA! I have a lot of work to get done, but from the looks of it, it shouldn't cause much of a problem. I'm just hoping my SAT scores don't sabotage my chances. With any luck I'll be in the Class of 2015, or possibly the Class of 2016 if I have to go to USMA Prep School.
99 more post until I have 1000! Can't wait to get a face!

Well anyways, I just realised that season 2 of Haruhi is dubbed now! I have been waiting forever!!!
School days is such a fudged up anime. If you love him why are you going to stab him.
(Jan. 25, 2011  11:02 AM)Nano Wrote: 99 more post until I have 1000! Can't wait to get a face!

Well anyways, I just realised that season 2 of Haruhi is dubbed now! I have been waiting forever!!!
Lol. Your just now finding out about that? It's been dubbed since '09.

@Moss - ???

Why are so many members on here from the same area as me?
2.38 am and there is a power cut now most people wouldn't really care but unfotunately most people don't live on a housing estate where every home has a security alarm wired to the mains electric supply and the alarm triggers itself stupidly enough whenever a building has a power cut. The alarm does have it's own battery but that is only used to produce the most bloody annoying sound in history now when you times that by the other few dozen homes round here you get why it's so loud!

Tl;dr: power cut in my area and every alarm is going off at once keeping me awake Unhappy
Then how are you online? And isn't there a code to turn the alarm off?
(Jan. 24, 2011  9:52 PM)SSJfisherman Wrote: Provincial exam today... Unhappy
Today was math, tomorrow is English.
I think I did well on math, I was pretty nervous though. I'm middle of the line marks for both those classes.
Are provincial exams Canada wide, or is it only British Columbia that does it?

We didn't call them exams, but in elementary school we did have the routine EQAO, and CAT3 tests that end with the grade 10 literacy test. They're provincial govenment issued tests. None questioned knowledge of the French language as far as I remember. Yay Ontario.

I have my grade 12 English exam on Thursday. That'll be the last English examination I ever see. Dun dun dun.
GAH!! Today I finished my language arts state testing and I got 1 point away from exceeding! 1 STINKING POINT!!!! I usually exceed on the first try. Now I have a full period to read tomorrow (we get 3 days for the test). But I hate reading and I have no homework to do.
(Jan. 26, 2011  4:22 AM)Nano Wrote: Black_Rose
Then how are you online? And isn't there a code to turn the alarm off?

I was posting on my iPhone and like I said the alarm is connected to the mains so if there is a black out the control pannel for the alarm won't have any sort of power running throught it to put in the code to stop the alarm.
Depends on what you find funny; I have seen that a few times, and not once did I find that humorous in any way.