(Oct. 02, 2008 11:08 PM)Surfingpikachao Wrote: Pretty much sums up what my second high school year was like in every class ever. The teachers stopped coming to our classes because we didn't bother learning, not that we weren't smart, we just couldn't be bothered.
Year 8 and 9 to us were pretty much 'piss about time' - you weren't doing anything important, GCSE'S didn't start until year 10 so it was common parlance to drive supply teachers INSANE with childish pranks and generally be huge pains in the backside to authority figures.
I hid in a cupboard in Geography class for 30 whole minutes before bursting out, much to my amusement, to see a disgruntled Mr. King looking very blankly back at me, aaaahahahhaa. He was so calm when he gave me a detention, I'm sure he wanted to laugh. I'm pretty sure the sniggers that echoed throughout the classroom when my name was called on the register was a big clue we were messing with his head, but there you go.
And just to rub it in his face, I didn't go to his detention. I hated after-school ones, you always had to do something completely inane like sort books alphabetically or write an essay on why it's wrong to play immature games, LOL.