Chose a number from 1 to 8.
All combinations will be TT.
peek:dP 0 Om
Nik P.: GD(Grand Dragon) 5C Tr Zan
UltimateMaster: ID2 Dr At
Blader Boy7: Cho-Z Valkyrie Hurricane Defense
BuilderROB: Cho-Z Spriggan Blitz Yard
GreenK9148: PA 3D Ds
GeneriCringe: EF 8'M Tr
bekfastblader: Cho-Z Achilles Outer Charge
All combinations will be TT.
peek:dP 0 Om
Nik P.: GD(Grand Dragon) 5C Tr Zan
UltimateMaster: ID2 Dr At
Blader Boy7: Cho-Z Valkyrie Hurricane Defense
BuilderROB: Cho-Z Spriggan Blitz Yard
GreenK9148: PA 3D Ds
GeneriCringe: EF 8'M Tr
bekfastblader: Cho-Z Achilles Outer Charge