(Jul. 05, 2021 2:12 AM)LuinorShirosagi Wrote: Even if Aiga bought in Sword or Shield it would makea difference in power for Achilles but he still isn't beating Lucifer sadly
hm, u right
(Jul. 05, 2021 2:45 AM)God Dragruler Wrote: (Jul. 05, 2021 2:12 AM)LuinorShirosagi Wrote: Even if Aiga bought in Sword or Shield it would makea difference in power for Achilles but he still isn't beating Lucifer sadly
I think fans were mostly angry cause aiga didnt use them at all (even though aiga said why he didnt use them & thats why he went without either armor). But yea either way lane would've won regardless of what aiga brought, althought fans complains about it aiga did good he did wore the barrier lane Just use aiga last attack to regain the full barrier (even though lane can do fine without it either way lol).
like, either way in episode 24 aiger pushed back the barrier, he couldv'e used that in episode 28 and vice-versa, yet he decided to do that. the logical thing to do would be to at least bring one ring because yet again, in episode 24 aiger pushed back the barrier and although lean just sped up and regained the barrier, if aiga had a brain (jk) he would have used sword or shield.
"If you fail to prepare, your prepared to fail." - Mark Spitz