(Aug. 08, 2015 8:52 PM)Wombat Wrote: From the testing results and tournament results I've seen I personally think we still haven't actually decided on the best Disk for Attack yet. Heavy obviously adds weight, but Central, Spread, or Wing might have a better distribution or give more speed. I also think I read somewhere on one of Zoroaste's threads that Spread has the best LAD.
How soon is that going to be? I get that Burst is the current generation of Beyblades but until they become available outside Japan there should still be MFB tournaments at least semi-frequently. Not everyone is allowed to order Beyblades online, and not all hosts are going to have the resources to do this kind of tournament where they buy a bunch of Burst stuff and then give it away/lend it out. If the WBO wants to attract new members at this point in time we don't want to come off as exclusive (for lack of a better word).
That makes sense, especially for Valkyrie which has better Stamina than Spriggan. I was using Spread a lot before the tournament on my Attack combos, but switched to Heavy inexplicably. The use of Heavy at Toronto was probably more a result of people copying what others were doing than anything else. That said, based on my own testing I do believe Heavy is the best for Stamina combos.
Well, when I say it will become the 'standard', that doesn't mean too much in reality. There's going to be nothing stopping people from hosting MFB tournaments. I just mean that since it is the new series, it obviously will become the most popular as time goes on because it is an ongoing and evolving series, unlike Plastics, HMS, and MFB/Zero-G which are all old and established to a greater degree. So, it makes sense to invest in Burst than it does in MFB right now because activity in that format will decrease slowly.
Even right now I don't think it makes any sense for the WBO as an organization to be placing any importance on Plastics, HMS, and MFB: we have to look towards the future with Beyblade Burst because that's the series that is more likely to draw new people to our site, or draw old people back out of retirement (as we have already seen). It's the series we need to support if we want our community to have a healthy and prosperous future. After Burst becomes more established, supporting old generations in any meaningful way beyond special nostalgic "Remembrance Day" events, or as secondary tournaments to Burst Format events to appease hardcore players doesn't make sense. Looking to the past won't push us forward; it will only hold us back and over time, make us appear more "exclusive" than supporting Burst right now may appear. I mean, just think about what Plastics and HMS events are like these days.
If we want to attract new members right now, we need to do more events like Beyblade Bursts Onto the Scene where everyone can go home with a new Beyblade and have a chance to try out the new series in an unranked, fun, but still competitive atmosphere. And it is absolutely our intention to continue the campaign in other regions if we can afford it moving forward. We're not asking hosts to find the resources to buy a bunch of Beyblade Burst products to give away/lend; we're asking the community to help us out through hosting more events and through donating to help us afford to continue purchasing these "Starter Packs" for hosts!
So in fact, even though we are promoting Burst heavily right now, the fact of the matter is that MFB tournaments for the time-being are what will support us financially. There needs to be a balance, though. People should host those tournaments because they love MFB, but they should also be striving to support Beyblade Burst and take the opportunity to host an event with them as soon as it becomes feasible for their community (which we can hopefully help with by sponsoring more "Beyblade Bursts Onto the Scene" events

(Aug. 09, 2015 1:16 AM)Thunder Dome Wrote: I honestly didn't expect many people to show up at 10 AM and earlier. Registration began before 11. I was even more surprised when the majority of people who arrived had not posted on the thread. I was quite shocked regardless that it was first come first serve.
Is is true that you started registration before 11am, Dark_Mousy? Did the tournament start at 12pm? Although, I guess it might not have mattered for Thunder Dome if there was 7+ people already there before 11 ...
(Aug. 09, 2015 1:16 AM)Thunder Dome Wrote: (May. 07, 2015 2:44 PM)Dark_Mousy Wrote: Also the winner of this event will have a guaranteed spot in the Beyblade Burst event on August 8th in Raleigh.
Also this didn't happen. I won that event and got in to see Zackbob and Dark_Mousy playing out to see who got the last burst (also the both already had a burst beyblade themselves). So yeah all the Bursts ran out...thought I had one guaranteed but oh well.
That's really terrible ... unfortunately we can't do anything about that since that was a promise Dark_Mousy made independently.
(Aug. 09, 2015 1:16 AM)Thunder Dome Wrote: Yeah those things plus the fact I'd have to pay $20 to play (10 for passport, 5 for Burst fee and 5 for store fee) while actually getting no beyblade burst at all made me not play.
The only advantage to buying a Passport at this event was an extra Credit, so you could have just paid $10. Sucks that there has to be a store fee, though. I know you guys really love Game Theory, and they sound like a great venue, but especially in the summer you guys should maybe try some outdoor venues sometimes.