[Raleigh, NC] 1/18/14 - Raleigh - Revival - Taking Back the City


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One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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[Image: L_U_qKas5ZHn8XvVyqp5HiPiQROaUkRJkCeimAUX...45-h205-no]

Welcome Bladers of the East Coast! Raleigh North Carolina has been one of the most active tournament scenes in the world, but now, it's on a downhill slope. So, Team GT is hosting Raleigh - Revival - Taking Back the City! Our goal for this tournament will be attendance-based! We're shooting for the goal of 30 competitors! We're taking back the city, with a Beyblade revival!

To help us accomplish this goal, we're going to need Bladers from across the southern East Coast! We'll be giving away prizes for whichever Beyblader can bring the most people to this event! The prize will remain a secret until the winner is determined! Bring whoever you can get (and make sure they're all registered!).

We only have space for around 40 players maximum, so if you want to come, confirm fast! If you're bringing people with you, make sure you specify how many you're bringing!

For any Blader to come, whether they are active or coming with a friend, if they want to confirm, they must have absolute 100% assurance that they will, beyond a shadow of a doubt, be able to make it (barring serious injury or other unforeseen events)! They also MUST be registered before they confirm!

Neither Game Theory nor the World Beyblade Organization will take responsibility for any damaged, lost, or stolen property.
If anyone is caught stealing/intentionally destroying property, they will be asked to leave the tournament. Anyone caught stealing will be permanently banned from the World Beyblade Organization.

It's also very, very important that you remember the $5 entrance fee. If you don't pay the fee, unless you have a passport you cannot play.


1st place - Limited Edition Gravity Perseus S130MB Silver White Version

2nd place -Limited Edition Burning Claw Fang Leone W105R2F

3rd place - Limited Edition Divine Chimera TR145FB

Wow! What great prizes to play for! I hope this will be motivation for players to come compete with us.

What time is it? - Registration will begin at 11:00 A.M., and the tournament itself will begin at 12:00 P.M., on January 18th, 2014.

Where is it? - Game Theory - Pleasant Valley Promenade, 6260 Glenwood Ave, Suite 109, Raleigh, NC

What format is it? - For this special event, we'll be doing two tournaments back to back! Our first tournament will be Standard Format, and our second, starting immediately after, will be the new Limited Format!

Standard format will be our main event. Due to cost issues, there will not be prizes given out for Limited format, but faces, beypoints and credits are plenty to compete for!

Now, we're gonna need to whip up a bunch of participants for this thing! So, here we go!

Standard Format:

Thunder Dome
Unknown username
Unknown username
Kerbecs Kid
Pegasus Pride
AKB flame


Death Phoenix!

Limited Format:

Thunder Dome
Unknown username
Unknown username
Kerbecs Kid
Pegasus Pride
AKB flame


Death Phoenix!

There you halve it folks! Come, compete, and bring your friends! :D

If you want to help us out with spreading the word, put this in your signature!
[Image: L_U_qKas5ZHn8XvVyqp5HiPiQROaUkRJkCeimAUX...45-h205-no]
Just click the "Quote" button, copy and paste the text!

Need-to-Know Information

1. Organizers, their Events, and Event Pages are independent of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc.

Event Organizers are users independent of the World Beyblade Organization website, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, staff, or volunteers. Event Pages and Events are coordinated and operated separately from the operations of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc, controlled solely by individual Event Organizers.

Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .

2. Terms of Service

All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.

I'll try to convince my parents to go on a road trip but, It really depends if there are any tournaments in Toronto that day. Possible, for now. Oh yeah I love the logo Smile
(Jan. 04, 2014  10:30 PM)MidnightLWBO Wrote: I'll try to convince my parents to go on a road trip but, It really depends if there are any tournaments in Toronto that day. Possible, for now. Oh yeah I love the logo Smile

Awesome! It would be amazing to see some bladers from out of the country. Grin
I have a friend that lives near there. I'll try contact him to come.

I'm envy! I really want that Gravity Perseus! So many CC parts!

Hope it goes well. Smile
Put me on the maybe list for both Standard and Limited format.
Got him. Put Kai-Zer as a possible for both please. He's not sure if he's got work that day.
BTW guys, if you haven't yet, make sure to edit your sig with what I put at the bottom of the OP!
I just added this event to the BeyMap and sent invites to the Bladers in the region, however there are still only twelve people on the map in that area ... If you see Bladers at a tournament who seem like they are not that active on the site, make sure they at least register on the BeyMap so you can contact them later on when it is important.
Call me maybe plz. I will try to convince my mom for a flight. Also if I'm a maybe, Round Shell MS is also a maybe.
Going to expand on something TBD Said. Anyone caught stealing will be banned from the World Beyblade Organization, Game Theory, and every Game Store in North Carolina and Virginia. And Ill make sure your name is blacklisted in Card Games and MLG/ALG. GT does have cameras. Abe is more then willing to review footage if anything is missing.
Alright guys, Dark_Mousy told me that the day we get 30 people would be the day he takes a pie to the face in the parking lot.

LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN! Who here can bake?
Wow, those prizes are awesome!
You guys can put me down as a maybe on this event
Hopefully this turns out to be huge! Good luck guys!

I wish I could come, but if there is such thig as a negative percentage, that's my chance of coming XD.
(Jan. 05, 2014  12:23 AM)TheBlackDragon Wrote: Alright guys, Dark_Mousy told me that the day we get 30 people would be the day he takes a pie to the face in the parking lot.

LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN! Who here can bake?

I was thinking a whip cream pie. And it would be caught on camera.
(Jan. 05, 2014  2:18 AM)Dark_Mousy Wrote:
(Jan. 05, 2014  12:23 AM)TheBlackDragon Wrote: Alright guys, Dark_Mousy told me that the day we get 30 people would be the day he takes a pie to the face in the parking lot.

LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN! Who here can bake?

I was thinking a whip cream pie. And it would be caught on camera.
Dark, That be hilarious! I swear you guys better make it to 30 attendees! Grin #DarkTakesPieToFace xd
That's right! You heard him! We are going to hit Dark_Mousy in the face with a Cream Pie in the middle of the GT parking lot!

IF we make it to 50 people I will take a pie to the face at this event and Anime North 2014.

Alright, I need 46 people up here fellas! Git on yer Facebook accounts and yer Emails and invite THE ENTIRE WORLD!
Put me as a maybe. That weekend is a long weekend for me, I think, and I might be able to convince my parents to go.

Either way, the video needs to go on BeyChannel or at least Youtube.

EDIT: I might actually be able to sell my near mint Burn Wolf now, because Limited.
Can't come. Sorry
That stinks. Unhappy

Well, I have the OP updated. If anyone is on the maybes list, it would help with preparations if you could tell us whether or not you can make it ASAP.
Ok i can't come this time sorry.
Confirm Me! It's a 5-day weekend and I will be there!