Purchase Consultation (MFB + Burst)

Of course I have more.
I meant of TT stuff, I was going to buy it from AD and was wondering what I should get next.
I thought having the usual top tiers etc were implied.
Well what else do you have then cause that would help a lot in making a decision.
Storm Peg (x4)
LLDrago (x2)
D. Bull
D. Wolf
R. Leone (x2)
D. Cancer
E. Aquila
F. Sag (x2)
G. Peg
R. Aquario (x2)
F. Bull
Get Earth Virgo.
Who should i get: Storm Capricorn or Storm Pegasus?
(Nov. 07, 2010  2:32 PM)MrPYNOG Wrote: Who should i get: Storm Capricorn or Storm Pegasus?

STORM PEGASUS 105RF, You have asked for a few times.
Just want to make sure, but this Super Attack Stadium is real right? Not sure if there have been any reports of fake stadiums, and the shipping on this just can't be beat, so I want to make sure that this is real.

EDIT: Nevermind, seems that it is not.
Wow nice deal, i think ill consider that even if it is fake or not, but should i buy Rock Giraffe and Gravity P. or The Perseus set since the pieces have been released?
I've Asked someone to buy me a g. Pegasis. Should i just leave it alone or exchance the R2F for RF and put he R2F on my MFpegasis 145 RF?
The only useful part is R^2F from G Pegasis. Other than that, everything else isn't of competitive value.

(Nov. 07, 2010  1:54 PM)Dan Wrote: Okay, I already have Unicorno and Meteo.
Which starter should I get:
or Other? (From AkirasDaddy.)

I'd suggest Gravity Perseus. It's really showing potential as an Attack Type Wheel(s), plus it wouldn't hurt to buy something you already own, right? =P Also, I need more than one person to test it out.
which should i get, phantom force wolborg or slash riger?
Phantom Force Wolborg if you're buying it from me :V
But really, HMS vs. Plastics is sort of a difficult comparison to make.
nah i have one, it's just i wanna trade for slash riger, but i dont know if it's fair...
Definatly not a fair trade since slash riger is pretty hard to find.
what about DEMS or thunder dragon? it's just i really want them it's just i cant buy them so i must trade for them, and i dont have many beys...
I've got a DEMS. I'll trade it for you Master draciel and Wolborg.
do you live in england?
also do you have any other HMS beys?
I do live in England. Send me a PM if you want more info since this doesn't belong here.
Poison Serpent is worth getting, yes?
It has a good bottom, but that's pretty much it. You're better off getting Dark Bull for the bottom 'cause it also comes with a great clear wheel.
Okay, thank you. I saw a lot of peope excited that they were finding it, so I thought maybe it had potential. Went back and found its thread and realized it just wansn't so. Thanks again.
there all the same but the red and black ones are cooler
but i think they may cost more