[Product]  BB-122 Diablo Nemesis X:D

I hope the metal wheel is tri-toned. It'd match The Divine Comedy's definition of Satan. (One Crimson face, one white/yellow face, and one pitch black face.)
Haha, sorry. I just found it a while back and I felt like posting it. Maybe it is Nemesis. Joyful_3

I thought literally the EXACT same thing when I first saw it! XD
TT's really going all out with the design if they actually put those faces on the Metal Wheel. Phantom Orion's smirk doesn't really seem that cool anymore :p

Thanks for the news Kai-V, as always!

This bey really looks awesome...the design on the MW seems to be like..a tiger to me though it may not be likely. I hope this isnt the last bey made by TT
And thanks for the updates Kai-V

BTW what does 'Diablo' mean?
Devil, just to clarify AGAIN, this is the Catholic/Dante's Inferno imagining of Satan's physical appearance. Three faces of different suffering and destruction.
It means "Devil" I think.. Or something related to Hell.
In regard of this bey as the possible 'wrap up' of the series. I heard floating rumors that mfbs will end in 2011 prior to this information. The assimilation of faces into one kinda worry me in a pseudo-confirming way.

What happens to the 'supposed' upcoming releases of Thunder Perseus and Ocean Ketos then?

Thank you Kai-V.
D: NOOOOOOO it cant end now tch maan this sucks but anyay Diablo (devil) Nemesis looks promising.
(Oct. 13, 2011  3:12 PM)Kai-V Wrote: Just so we do not get more posts mentioning which Face marks they see in Nemesis', here they are, from bottom left and upwards in a circle :

(a possible Swan Beyblade ?)
Could it be, SCORPIO's tail? Chief - Hmm ...
(Oct. 14, 2011  7:19 AM)Uwik Wrote: In regard of this bey as the possible 'wrap up' of the series. I heard floating rumors that mfbs will end in 2011 prior to this information. The assimilation of faces into one kinda worry me in a pseudo-confirming way.

What happens to the 'supposed' upcoming releases of Thunder Perseus and Ocean Ketos then?

Thank you Kai-V.

Hmmm.. I think Kai V said that they were going to be releasesd in Jan 2012?
That MW is ...just...creepy...it looks like Leone, Gravity, Phantom, and even Aries somewhat. Oh and when the face 'mark' flashes before a special move/Bey-spirit in the anime it's going to be hard to animate it. I was actually thinking it would be like a dark shadow-like figure like it's appearance in the anime. The Metal Wheel has notches and a gap so I don't think it'll stand up to other 4D attack wheels.
I just remembered: the beyblade toy line usually ends with a devil/demon and angel related bey.. :V
I consider Zeus to be a demon (lol) and the name is of a greek god, HMS ended with Bloody Devil and Shining God so maybe we're to expect some form of angelic release?
I would have proposed the fusion of all the legend bladders spirits.. But yeah Nemesis is just that.
Anyway, this is obviously all speculation: no real need to worry yet.
Wow, it's very different from my imagination. The face looks pretty cool! Well designed.
The character looks very serious unlike those other crazy villains. lol
And 'Diablo Nemesis' is better than its other names, IMO.

Thanks for sharing, Kai-V.
Dan- Yes, that's a really interesting observation! Well, for some reason, when I read the word Diablo I thought- I've heard of it somewhere.....Probably in some other toy line. Then I realized- The freaky Bakugan had Diablo and Angelo! Well, I would love to see an Angelo one!
Codeine- Well, what you said might be true. But, just think about it... The 3 colors you mentioned would not blend well into each other, thus creating one of the most ugliest beys. Yes, it did sound like a good idea, but I guess TT doesn't completely agree to the theme of the beys. Grin
They usually forget to incorporate certain characteristics based on the theme of the bey.
It looks cute('tiger' thing) . Would it have high recoil, since there giant gaps between the 3 'things' on the metal wheel?
No.. Uwik... Dont tell me its the end!!! I will be bored to death if MFB ends and beyblades start again when I'm 16
Rest assured everyone : BB-122 cannot just be the last release at all. I really doubt they would just end the third season half-way even if it had the worst ratings ever, they would still want to conclude it properly, and they would need to conclude Metal Fight Beyblade as a whole properly too. Since the episodes were just cut in half, technically we have a few more months of releases than expected.

I really do not believe the rumours of Thunder Perseus and Ocean Ketos until I will see them on stores. I think it might be other releases.

Thank you Dan, BeybladeStation, Raigeko13, Byser, SAM10795, Uwik, and Challenge!.
Kai-V- Well, even I think they'll give it a proper ending. A beyblade that has the powers of all other Legend Blades, will certainly be the most powerful. I guess there will be a huge team face off against Nemesis if it turns out to be against the protagonists. The absence of Anubis Face in there might have some connection with that. But I guess my thoughts belong more to Anime Random Thoughts. Smile
The thing I am wondering about is, unto now, no wheel has had such designs on the sides. Forgive me if I am forgetting some wheel. OK, so I was saying- No Metal Wheel has had engravings on the sides of it. The designs were usually at the top of the wheel. So, how would the Devil Face actually perform? Would it cause some recoil or something?
I am not asking, as I am certain no one would know unless its released. I am just sharing what I am thinking about atm. Grin
mhh, I think they will make nemesis very, very heavy
Hmmm, I wonderd about the facebolt allot where I have seen something like that before. And I remembered where I have seen it. It reminds me of the powers of Wolfborg from the the first beyblade series, a bey that absorbed all the bit beasts to form one monster of a bey. I am looking forward to see this thing in action.
PS is that Bird: Aquila, Phoenix, Beowulf or something else like a Legend beyblade that yet has to be released?
I am taking a guess here, but that thing must weigh more than Basalt Horogium, more wider than Hell Kerbecs and must have more smash attack than Beat, Blitz, and Lightning combined!!!
(Oct. 14, 2011  9:05 PM)stevebak Wrote: PS is that Bird: Aquila, Phoenix, Beowulf or something else like a Legend beyblade that yet has to be released?

No, read the list I made on the first page, and what I posted on another page too.
(Oct. 14, 2011  12:42 PM)Dan Wrote: I just remembered: the beyblade toy line usually ends with a devil/demon and angel related bey.. :V
I consider Zeus to be a demon (lol) and the name is of a greek god, HMS ended with Bloody Devil and Shining God so maybe we're to expect some form of angelic release?
I would have proposed the fusion of all the legend bladders spirits.. But yeah Nemesis is just that.

Zeus is not a Demon. Just a dark (in beyblade) god and if we were really to go along with this, shouldn't Divine Chimera and Genocide Rex have been the end?
But yes, we do have the holy Wing going up a dark fusion of everything seen up until this point and, oddly, even L-Drago seems to have turned good and decided to fight nemesis (just going off of names). I foresee the end of the anime (or atleast this version of it) for sure but the end of MFB? I doubt that.
I'll cut you off at 'Dark Beyblade God'. That is still a god/demonic related bey. Plus it has Holy Dispel as a Sub-AR name..
Divine Chimera? Ending it there would be ridiculous and Genocide Rex..? What the hell does that represent haha?
Obviously you'd assume the beys to be released at a rational time/close proximity to the end.. Those two examples are no where near the end of the series, where as Divine Chimera was released like 2 months after MLD: ending the series at that point would not coincide with Manga/Anime. Come on.
Not to mention that is no where near the ball-park Takara thought Metal Fight would end..