Friendly reminder that leaked media is not to be posted anywhere on our platform. Officially, that includes via DMs too. You can talk about leaked information 100%, we have zero issue with that. But images, videos, anything containing the actual leaks is against the rules and we will actively remove the content and warn the individuals.
Similarly, please don't go "leak begging" amongst yourselves. Please don't be the guy who clutters up threads begging to see what is essentially a sneak preview of a breach of copyright, haha. This just ruins it for everyone, and we won't hesitate to lock the thread to prevent it from happening either.
Thanks guys!
Similarly, please don't go "leak begging" amongst yourselves. Please don't be the guy who clutters up threads begging to see what is essentially a sneak preview of a breach of copyright, haha. This just ruins it for everyone, and we won't hesitate to lock the thread to prevent it from happening either.
Thanks guys!