(Jun. 14, 2020 3:12 PM)Zeutron Wrote: Can’t say I disagree, Variant is a really weird name for the ring.
The ring's name isn't unusual at all given the whole "shifting" theme it has with its armor. The chassis has a "variant" set of armor spikes but you can't really name the chassis "variant", so why not apply that descriptive name to the ring instead? The name makes perfect sense in the context of what this bey is trying to do overall, so why is it unusual at all? The word is rarely used, yes, but that doesn't make it bad.
It's 100% not a mistranslation of the Japanese though, as I've said before the words aren't even remotely similar. I don't think we've seen the name in English yet, but the Japanese name is clear as crystal as "Variant".
(Jun. 14, 2020 3:17 PM)Ali Baba Wrote: I think it's just a mistranslate, maybe the name is Valiant
I think it's the romanization, they may put the English name Valiant, but spell it Variant, ex: duragon
They have never done this with any Beyblade I'm aware of (please, correct me if I'm wrong), short of the Pegasis line in MFB which they admitted to being a typo they were hesitant to fix due to having to retroactively change the whole line's name. They do sometimes pronounce foreign words strangely (e.g. seeing "dragon" but pronouncing it like "duragon"), but that's due to how Japanese as a language handles foreign words and isn't a typo or mispronunciation at all as much as a language quirk. Heck, I can't even find a "duragon" in TT's lineup of anything, so I don't even know where you're fishing that up from as your example.
To claim the name is actually "Valiant" is to presume they're going to screw it up in English, and I have better faith in TT than to presume they will screw up the name like that over actually getting the right name on the box like they do with almost every single thing they make. If we start presuming they're going to be wrong all the time like this then we're just going to make a mess everywhere, so why bother adding confusing "but what if they mistranslate it" scenarios into the air?
It's a lot better, and less confusing, for everyone if we assume they know what they're doing in terns of English translation.
Cincinnati-based Organizer, and owner of every single currently released TT Burst bey part in at least one color. Hard to think of anything I don't have from MFB either...