(Aug. 18, 2011 7:12 PM)gurugulu Wrote: Sorry. I just wanted to see if anyone else had one. But I still need help. I have plenty of ev's left. I just want to know if I'm doing something wrong. Cause my stats sould be rising more often. Yet it takes me like 10 fights to raise my stat by ONE.
EVs are now applied immediately after combat, which means you won't see any huge stat increases anymore like in past gens once the Pokémon levels up. So, if you check in between a couple fights, you should notice the stat gradually rising, but once it levels up, all you'll see is the usual increase of +1 to +5 you get normally since the EVs have already been applied.
Once again, its easier to notice this on higher level Pokémon.
Other than that, make sure to keep track of how many EVs you have; how much you get from X pokémon using a certain item/pokérus, etc. I use mostly pokémon with 100% or close appearance rate and I do one stat at a time. Also, once I know how many pokémon I need to beat to get X EVs, I just keep track of it using the PP of moves with 100% accuracy.
In case you need to re-spec, you'll have to use the Dream World to get the EV reducing berries.
3DS Friend Code: 0318-7783-7967
Pokémon X in-game name: Dani
Friend Safari: Fraxure - Noibat - Sliggoo