Basically, I'm going to use one on a trygle base, which will be extended. Don't ask why. Basically, is left spin gonna make it even more horrible than it would already be?
Actually, my Dranzer GT EG +Wolborg 4 Base + Dragoon GT CEW combo, with Tiger Defense and Wide Survivor, has actually been murdering my attackers the few rounds I played today. :\ Guess lower EG winding probably helped. It's got a huge weight and rubber grip at it's tip, so I guess it's firmly planted? The reverse EG does whatever it does, it can be wound at the start to decrease aggressive movements, other than that it does very, very little, Sometimes seems to spin when you lose grip, which seems to kinda stop the combo.
Yeah, it's probably luck today, but it's still a cool combo to use with the spare EG you have from making the ideal Turbo Left EG setup (Turbo Left EG + Metal Semi Flat CEW), if you have those parts (or if you lose all of the useful parts :\)
Not posting in the top tiers thread for obvious reasons, but it is quite neat, and seems to be able to OS SG Metal Flat 2. :\