Ok, idk if I should post a picture of me here but tbh I don’t care. My parents are cautious cause they think I’m to young for my face to be all over the internet, but so what if it does. It probably won’t, but if it does what’s it gonna do? Nothing. So should I post a picture of me?
Hello? Are you here? Idk. I watched shrek and I’m trying to remember the song where donkey fell in love with the dragon.
Ok DeltaZakuro liked my post, ( thx btw) so I’m gonna post a picture of me. I’m kinda nervous but I’ll get over it. 1 sec.
I tried to look normal, so like not weird faces, not smiling, and I did one kinda close, another one a bit farther away
Btw I’m in my pajamas
Well, I posted my face so even if I have regrets, it’s over. Jk it’s fine. I always imagined I’d feel wierd when showing my face to people I don’t know physically, but it doesn’t feel as weird as I thought
If this post gets to 5 likes I’ll post a picture of me making a weird and cringe but hilarious face that makes my baby cousin laugh.
Anybody here? No reactions? Meh. They’ll come. They always come back 😈😈😈😈😈
Ok this is weird. I posted these images like 5 hours ago and nobody has a response. Huh. It’s fine. They’ll come. They always come back.....
Blader for 8+years, CA Organizer, hoping to improve at the game and meet more people along the way. Let It Rip!