This is a thread for joining Team Grand Rush. Here is the criteria:
*If you live in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania or Tennessee, you may enter.
*You must be 13-18 years old. We will not accept 12 year olds, even if their birthday is tomorrow, sign up tomorrow. When you turn 18, you are discharged with lifetime friendship.
*You must agree to the TGR code of honor:
WE will beyblade with respect, and not cheat. IF we see cheating, we will do the right thing and report it. WHEN we are asked to leave, we will do it with respect.
*You must have at least one Metal Fight beyblade. The more, the better!
*You must have good knowledge of beyblade. Ex: What a part does, what it's name is, what type of beyblade one is.
*You must have mediocre skills, and one week of battling experience.
I reserve the right to kick you out if I have reason to do so. I will not treat one person differently from another.
Members so far:
Nick (no account on WBO)
Please post requests, and we will approve you as soon as possible. If we confirm you don't live in the radius of our team, we will ban you.
NOTE: There will be some talk about this being the wrong forum for this, it isn't, so just skip that and start applying!
*If you live in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania or Tennessee, you may enter.
*You must be 13-18 years old. We will not accept 12 year olds, even if their birthday is tomorrow, sign up tomorrow. When you turn 18, you are discharged with lifetime friendship.
*You must agree to the TGR code of honor:
WE will beyblade with respect, and not cheat. IF we see cheating, we will do the right thing and report it. WHEN we are asked to leave, we will do it with respect.
*You must have at least one Metal Fight beyblade. The more, the better!
*You must have good knowledge of beyblade. Ex: What a part does, what it's name is, what type of beyblade one is.
*You must have mediocre skills, and one week of battling experience.
I reserve the right to kick you out if I have reason to do so. I will not treat one person differently from another.
Members so far:
Nick (no account on WBO)
Please post requests, and we will approve you as soon as possible. If we confirm you don't live in the radius of our team, we will ban you.
NOTE: There will be some talk about this being the wrong forum for this, it isn't, so just skip that and start applying!