October 2011 Giveaway: BB-119 Death Quetzalcoatl 125RDF - Passport Holders Only

Count me in I would love to win! Hope i win.Tongue_out_wink
count me in.
I should have the passport, so I'm in Grin
Quetz Joyful_3

Deffinatly count me in
I want to enter,i love quetzalcoatl,its so awesome!
im in!
Enter me...!!!!!! its my first entry in such lotoEee
i got the passport today only....so im also in for this giveaway!!!
I am in this i hope i win this awesome bey
Can I post?! Can I post?! Can I post?!
count me in omg
This contest is now closed. The winner will be announced momentarily.
Hello again!
Ninja Grandmaster
Daegor here! I hope you all had a happy Halloween! I know I did!
I ate most of the candy I was supposed to give out. Oh well.
But enough chit chat, I bet you're all dying to know who the winner of the Death Quetzalcoatl is!

So I'm going to tell you!


is not the winner!
Did I crush your hopes? Hahaha!
So sorry.

The true winner is...

Drumroll, please.


Cooooooooooooongratulations! Please step onto this giant 'X' to claim your prize, and disregard the red smudges. That's just ketchup.

But if you really want to claim your prize, please contact Kei!
(You can post here for your Face Booster choice if you want, though!)

To everyone else, better luck next time! Daegor, away!
So long, and thanks for all the fish!

AND YOU'RE GOING TO LOSE AGAIN ON SATURDAY!!! Not this coming one. The one after that.
Another aussie Grin

We have won so many giveaways.