My Driger V2 o.O

ok forgive me if this is terrible lol been a long time since I have done this XD

AR- Driger V2
WD- 10 balanced
SG- right spin gear casing with dranzer s casing with driger f core
SP- driger V2
BB- dragoon V2

used in TB stadium, note about the SG lol I didnt know how to explain it XD
Why didn't you just use Driger F's shaft casing?
wouldnt fit into a dragoon v2 base for a strange reason
That's really odd. If I had it right now, I'd check it out for you.

I'm not sure I understand the point of this though. Driger F's BB + SG work together very well, to seperate them seems kind of nonsensical.
meh as I said it has been I lost my driger f base XD just had the sg XD so normally I wouldnt do this XD
As a lot of people know, in the epic Driger V2 Vs. Dranzer V2 war, I'm in the Dranzer V2 camp. I guess I just don't get Driger V2. I think you'd be better off taking a raw Driger V2, changing the WD to 10-Heavy and the SG to an HMC.
lol np I was just goofing off and messing with some parts since its been so long lol maybe I will get my skills back lol XD
No problem. Smile If you have anything else you need critiqued, just post it.
lol oh I Will XD
Tamer Brad Wrote:That's really odd. If I had it right now, I'd check it out for you.

I'm not sure I understand the point of this though. Driger F's BB + SG work together very well, to seperate them seems kind of nonsensical.

It works well if you have enough weight to manage it like with how the SPs do it.
hmm well as I said this was a quick throw together with my I just might find my full driger F XD
what on my combo?
Shadow Wrote:what on my combo?

I'm pretty sure that's what G is referring to. So you can add more control, driger f's tip is known to move really fast, and it pockets itself a lot.
lol I remember that much XD driger F was my first blade lol
hes right it wont fit, due to the prong type things that protect driger fs clutch

nice combo, played with it lots. not to be snooty but i'll swear i developed that bb sg combo. gosh many years ago vforce, grade 9, so four years back.
i thought this was improvement over stock drgrv2, but lil hard to control
Lol I see...hmm let see...I'm just about 20 now...have been blade since it started I was thinking about this combo since driger V2 came out...but at the time I had a full driger f lol but dont really care much jsut found my blades and threw the combo together XD

(lol just a side note I'm a girl XD)
G Wrote:
Tamer Brad Wrote:That's really odd. If I had it right now, I'd check it out for you.

I'm not sure I understand the point of this though. Driger F's BB + SG work together very well, to seperate them seems kind of nonsensical.

It works well if you have enough weight to manage it like with how the SPs do it.

This was really common, really.
SexyMichael Wrote:
G Wrote:
Tamer Brad Wrote:That's really odd. If I had it right now, I'd check it out for you.

I'm not sure I understand the point of this though. Driger F's BB + SG work together very well, to seperate them seems kind of nonsensical.

It works well if you have enough weight to manage it like with how the SPs do it.

This was really common, really.

Well for me, I used it for that SPA (Support Part Attacker). It's on the Beywiki under Driger V2 I think.
I remember the UK rep. for the WCs used it with a tuned bearing, I remember reading a post about it. His name was Nate or something.
Pretty interesting. That's cool. Smile

*mumbles about not having Beyblades*
Tamer Brad Wrote:As a lot of people know, in the epic Driger V2 Vs. Dranzer V2 war, I'm in the Dranzer V2 camp. I guess I just don't get Driger V2. I think you'd be better off taking a raw Driger V2, changing the WD to 10-Heavy and the SG to an HMC.

that custom was actually quite useful. i have tried it before and the defense, attack strength and spin velocity of Driger V2 is raised considerably.
J Wrote:
Tamer Brad Wrote:As a lot of people know, in the epic Driger V2 Vs. Dranzer V2 war, I'm in the Dranzer V2 camp. I guess I just don't get Driger V2. I think you'd be better off taking a raw Driger V2, changing the WD to 10-Heavy and the SG to an HMC.

that custom was actually quite useful. i have tried it before and the defense, attack strength and spin velocity of Driger V2 is raised considerably.

Replace "Driger V2" with almost any Beyblade and this generally still holds true.

G Wrote:Well for me, I used it for that SPA (Support Part Attacker). It's on the Beywiki under Driger V2 I think.

Wow I wonder who wrote that. It fails to mention that this causes your own Beyblade to go horribly off balance, that when I first introduced this customization to this community I recommended Wide Defence for this reason, and that using the Driger F shaft is suicide.
I didn't write it!

I hate Driger V2!