[Mumbai, India] (18/08/2012) Begining of Future


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One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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Hello Bladers..!!
Like past few months, this month also Mumbai is having a tournament....but this one is really special as we are stepping up to the Future!
What could we mean by Future??

Name: Begining of Future

Date: 18 August 2012
Tourney will start at 11.30am

Venue: It is same as every time at Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Borivali (E),Mumbai
(park has entry fee of Rs.30)

Fees: entry fee for one time event is $5( approx Rs.280)
Passport is for $10 (approx Rs.560)[fees in Rupees is subjected to change according to the exchange rates]

ashton pinto
Samith Blader
**New participant**

Format: Round Robin format(Zero-G + MFB)

Hosts: gameboysuperman & nik1392
co-host: ashton pinto

Rule for Zero-G
  • A perfectly flat material such as cardboard with no irregularities in its surface must
    be used below each stadium. Surfaces which are naturally flat, like laminated wood
    floors, are good by themselves.
  • Before each round, the stadium must be steadied by the judge.
  • Players should exhibit strong efforts not to touch the stadium during the launch, or
    at any other moment either.
  • Aside from the traditional methods of winning, a Blader has won a match the
    moment the opponent's Beyblade starts tumbling over, not once its top face touches
    the stadium floor (in case this imbalance actually knocks the other Blader's
    combination before the flip is over). It is likely that the Beyblade has stopped
    completing revolutions anyway, at that point.
  • A Beyblade is considered out, notably, once all parts of the Beyblade are no longer
    contained within the stadium. In the case where a Beyblade gets momentarily stuck
    in an exit and some pieces of it stick out from the hole, the Beyblade is still legally in
    play - even if a part of the Beyblade touches the ground.
  • Beyblades must be launched no higher than thirty centimetres above the Stadium
    Cover. The Stadium Cover is considered legal play area.

* No fake parts are allowed so dont bring them to the tourney. If you found to have any then you'll not be allowed to use them

* As we are having two formats, it will take time to end so get your food packed with you

* If you have any problem or any question then PM me or gameboysuperman
Or else call me
My no. +91 8097140558

Lastly i would like to thank Kai-V for approving the 1st Zero-G tournament in India Smile

Need-to-Know Information

1. Organizers, their Events, and Event Pages are independent of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc.

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Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .

2. Terms of Service

All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.

(Aug. 19, 2012  12:10 AM)Kai-V Wrote:
(Aug. 18, 2012  3:17 PM)nik1392 Wrote: Ok so time for zeroG combos
1st(gameboysuperman)- basalt bull(?) 230JB, Diablo kerbecs 230 JB
2nd(nik1392)- basalt bull 230MS, Earth bull 230MS
3rd(sharven12)- Earth (?) 230MS

as i said 230MS was dominating....i won against Duo aquario 230MB/SD also

I dont know what really is going on for zeroG testings JB and MS both were superb in our zeroG battles!!

Few more combos were also impressive,they were Diblo nemesis X: D, wing pegasis R145R2F and meteo ldrago ED145MF

Did anyone play with BGrin in the Zero-G tournament ? That part dominated all others in Maryland.
no one had B : D..... but B : D dominated, cool...!!!
EDIT : beaten by prandiv123
Quite possible for b:d as that part is eternal
I am confused why es was not used

And how did jb perform
(Aug. 19, 2012  10:21 AM)BEYDEXTER Wrote: Quite possible for b:d as that part is eternal
I am confused why es was not used

And how did jb perform

well me JB performed extremely well! due to its ball like structure it had an semi-aggressive pattern making it attack at sometimes. And as we know that the Zero-G stadium doesnt stay still, JB wqas performing kinda weirdly! First it spins at one place then again moves in an attack fromation then again comes back to spinning camply Tongue_out plus the dot like things in JB helped it in staying in the stadium rather than being knocked out! IT withstood flash!and the heavy weight of basalt mostly made the other bey self KO bcause of it makes the stadium move a lot and the opposing bey mostly goes out by the pockets in the stadium!
(Aug. 19, 2012  11:05 AM)gameboysuperman Wrote:
(Aug. 19, 2012  10:21 AM)BEYDEXTER Wrote: Quite possible for b:d as that part is eternal
I am confused why es was not used

And how did jb perform

well me JB performed extremely well! due to its ball like structure it had an semi-aggressive pattern making it attack at sometimes. And as we know that the Zero-G stadium doesnt stay still, JB wqas performing kinda weirdly! First it spins at one place then again moves in an attack fromation then again comes back to spinning camply Tongue_out plus the dot like things in JB helped it in staying in the stadium rather than being knocked out! IT withstood flash!and the heavy weight of basalt mostly made the other bey self KO bcause of it makes the stadium move a lot and the opposing bey mostly goes out by the pockets in the stadium!
you mean diablo... MB would work well on it
yea both diablo and basalt, but due to diablos more weight it was able to tilt the stadium just enough for the opposing bey to exit from the pockets! xD
This is the pic of the bladers after the tourney!
Well MS was also used by many people in the zero g stadium and it is also proves that MS tip is off-balance for zero g stadium when the MS tip was used the bey which it ws a part of was just moving like beywheelz.
(Aug. 19, 2012  5:33 AM)ashton pinto Wrote: EDIT : beaten by prandiv123

Why did you have to type that and any way R2F is proven well for zero g stadium but R145 in the combo which i used that is Wing Pegasus R145 R2F, R145 proved that broader spin tracks like bd145,r145, scrape on the walls of the moving stadium.

(Aug. 19, 2012  11:20 AM)ashton pinto Wrote:
(Aug. 19, 2012  11:05 AM)gameboysuperman Wrote:
(Aug. 19, 2012  10:21 AM)BEYDEXTER Wrote: Quite possible for b:d as that part is eternal
I am confused why es was not used

And how did jb perform

well me JB performed extremely well! due to its ball like structure it had an semi-aggressive pattern making it attack at sometimes. And as we know that the Zero-G stadium doesnt stay still, JB wqas performing kinda weirdly! First it spins at one place then again moves in an attack fromation then again comes back to spinning camply Tongue_out plus the dot like things in JB helped it in staying in the stadium rather than being knocked out! IT withstood flash!and the heavy weight of basalt mostly made the other bey self KO bcause of it makes the stadium move a lot and the opposing bey mostly goes out by the pockets in the stadium!
you mean diablo... MB would work well on it

No mb will not work well with it because mb is kind of a ball and in a moving stadium like the zero g one it will loose balance just like your duo aquario 230 mb.Yeah but in a bb-10 it will work well it will provide better stamina then XGrin

Also noticed that the wing metal wheel can equalize spin in front of spin stealers like meteo l drago it happened when it was my wing pegasus r145 r2f vs. Meteo l drago ?.
ashton pinto Wrote:EDIT : beaten by prandiv123

This means u had replyd quicker than ashton...it doesnt have any relation with tournament or beybattle Smile

and thanks for the pic gbs..Wink
I wonder how rs and es will perform

Doesn't rsf was told to be hoops in zero g stadiums
I an really glad that we have zero g in our country
I didn't live in mumbai so unable to join tournament
Actualy in the match between me and ashton i used basalt 230MS and won against ashton's Duo 230MB so others also started using 230MS and as it was giving easy wins no one bothered about using other tips...so we cant say anything about other sharp tips performances!
(Aug. 19, 2012  2:56 PM)BEYDEXTER Wrote: I wonder how rs and es will perform

Doesn't rsf was told to be hoops in zero g stadiums
I an really glad that we have zero g in our country
I didn't live in mumbai so unable to join tournament

well as i have noticed with zero g stadiums all the rubber tips have great grip in the stadium so rs being rubber will have a lot of grip in the stadium and each i guess all the beys with ms turned into beywheelz.

So combos using the track '230' will dominate zero g tournaments a lot...
well you cannot say dominate but yes they will not scrape on the walls of the moving stadium and will save stamina but if you have a heavy weight bey then it is child play to throw the bey out like during the tourney it was diablo nemisis vs. some 230 bey the 230 beys was sent out flying through the pockets of the stadium i also afterwards tried it with basalt.
Maybe if 230 dOminates the zero-G so well I wonder what wonders E230 wil do as its much more heavier! xD
Dude i war about to trade my ms.now i wont.but what abt my fav cs tip.and i thk w2d will work on it.and did anyone used m145 q XD
But ya.the heayest and non-scrape bey will win.so go for syncrome.maybe...
the tournament looks amazing , hope i ws living in mumbai then i also cld b the part of 1st zero g tournament ,
CONGRATS gameboysuperman on winning the tournament
Just to remind you, the first Zero-G tournament was held by Arupaeo in America. This was India's first event.

Also, it would be better if you people 'cld try tu b betr wid spelingz nd punktuashun' to make things easier to read and understand. Smile

And before I forget (again), Congrats to all the winners and the participants of the first Zero-G event.
Its such a shame that I couldn't come for the tourney... :\
Its commendable that you all managed to pull off this tourney so well; as Sunday was the day when Mumbai received its heaviest rainfall this season. So, kudos to you guys to have still managed to complete the tourney! Grin

Its nice to see that we already have the Zero G tourneys being organized, haha! All thanks to ashton's win in the giveaway, haha!
The winning combos.... Its pretty scary to see all those 4D beys there now, as I myself have none. Earlier, it was only N0body who offered the threat of 4D beys. Luckily, he never used it against me! XD
IIRC, he did use it (he used Flash against me), but only once!

I actually didn't like to see an MS up there winning the Zero G tourneys... Its one tip I hated personally. However, everyone must thank ashton that he allowed people to even use an MS in his stadium! XD

Congrats to the winners! I also congratulate the hosts for getting a new member, haha!
Jan, tournament was on 18th saturday...so there wasn't so much of rain on that day..Smile
But yes it interupted us for half an hour...thats why it took 5.30 to end the tourney
Jsb:ms isnt that bad.even m145 is awesome cos i know a nice combo with it.
But ya es shouldve done better.wired nobody used zero-g beys.or they did but didnt win?
Congrats to all the winners...supergameboyman and others as well ...Tongue_out ...sad though couldn't participate...and am amazed by the combos that came about for winning the zero-g format...gotta do a lot of homework before attending any other tourney...peace... Smile
we missed you all.. but yeah i bet you all will will come for the big event in November, Diwali vacation... hope to see you guys at least at that time.
oh ! carp Unhappy i could not be there cause i was in DELHI!!!!!!!!! YOU RODE AWAY ALL FUN
On a final note,
wing and twisted spin equalize against meteo.
my combo,meteo l-drago ED145MF did perform well,suprisingly.
i was close to getting one extra credit if i got one more extra win in Zero-G
the format gave us too much to learn,and scratches by MS on prandivz123's stadium(prandivz123 bought the Zero-G from ashton pinto)
and thanks to gameboysuperman,ashton pinto and nik1392,the tournament went really smooth,they will surely get metal faces after they host 5 successful tourneys
ashton sold his Zero-G stadium? Why did you do it ashton? Its such a nice stadium! XD

@prandivz123- Well, if you are now the owner of the Zero G stadium, you have to take responsibility of future Zero G tourneys... Smile

nik- Oh, I see... Great then! Grin
@ jan, your right, its a nice stadium, @ prandiv123, give me back my stadium...! , lol
i surely thought twice on selling it, yes i'll try getting a new one.. It will take time. And as pranav has that stadium, nikil can host tourneys in thane... He already got enough members ready to play. Also pranav wont have any trouble bringing the stadium in mumbai, so a two way tournament.