Midwest Beyblade Summit: Wichita, Kansas


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One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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This event has been canceled.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=621]


Midwest Beyblade Summit is an official WBO event to take place at Anime Festival Wichita, in Wichtia, KS. The con itself lasts 10-12.

Newest are at the top
JUNE 2: Added a request for support
JUNE 1: Removed Wolfmonkey as a volunteer.
MAY 21: Volunteer signups reopen. Looking for an unspecified number of volunteers.
MAY 1: MFB tournament is confirmed! Prize list TBA. Will be using Draft format for those who don't have an MFB.

Planned events:
2. Q and A session
3. Panel Discussion (only I will be participating as far as I know)
4. Giveaways for new players

Volunteers do not need to pay to get into the con. I am also in the process of finding housing for volunteers. I will make this as cheap as possible for you.

Even if you can't make it, there are other things you can do to help, such as ads on your websites, social networking, blogging, and just spreading the word!

If you plan on attending this event (its fine if you change your mind later) post here. I would like a rough sketch of how many WBOers are coming.

So everybody knows, the best rates for staying in Wichita for the event would be calling the hotel it's at, and asking for the "Anime Block". You will get a discount for being in the Anime Festival! By the way, you will need to buy tickets to the fest, but that's not my thing, I can't help you there. Tickets are also available on the event's website!

Fragbait (event organizer)
Deikailo (Tentative, Plastics supplier and resident expert)
G (Tournament, MFB)

Thank you for your time, and please try to make it out!

Unfortunatly, at the moment, funding is low. I am trying to secure funding through a couple sources, but for right now, all costs are coming out of my own pocket. Which is currently empty.
I am looking for some donations of either funding or supplies (unopened MFB boosters, stadiums you can lend, etc) to offset costs.
I know I'm not Brad and that most of you don't know me. However, if you could help out just a little to make sure that the biggest Beyblade event in the Midwest, EVER, goes smoothly, I would be forever thankful.
Please, if you have any questions, PM ME.
DO NOT POST HERE. PM ME.I don't need people thinking you will donate to just any tourney, and I will keep all donations confidential unless you ask me to publicize it.
Thank you very much for your consideration.

Need-to-Know Information

1. Organizers, their Events, and Event Pages are independent of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc.

Event Organizers are users independent of the World Beyblade Organization website, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, staff, or volunteers. Event Pages and Events are coordinated and operated separately from the operations of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc, controlled solely by individual Event Organizers.

Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .

2. Terms of Service

All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.

If you get an approval to put me up in a hotel room, could you contact me directly so I can book a plane ticket?

I think all the effort you're putting into this is great! I really hope we can recruit some new members through this.
For sure, Deikailo. And thanks! I want WBO to succeed!
July right? haha I'll need to think about this more, but I might be able to take a road trip for this.
Awesome! Please tell me whereabouts you live and I'll look into lodging if you are volunteering to help. If you just want to come to blade, I can't help you there, but the AFW site has discount lodging up for grabs!
St. Paul, Minnesota. It'd be like a 9-10 hour drive I think. If I do go, I could probably be a judge and provide some stadiums.
That would be awesome! Let me see if I can get rooming. WOuld you mind sharing a room with someone? I'm just concerned that if I go and ask for another room I might get turned down. Still waiting on word back for that one BTW Deikailo. Guy checks his Email like 1 time on Sunday and then leavs it alone.
(i realize this won't exactly win any awards, but it does its job)
(Mar. 20, 2009  9:45 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: (i realize this won't exactly win any awards, but it does its job)

Looks good. Midwest is one word, but a minor gripe, better than anything I've done so far.
haha i'll correct it
(Mar. 20, 2009  5:36 AM)fragbait Wrote: That would be awesome! Let me see if I can get rooming. WOuld you mind sharing a room with someone? I'm just concerned that if I go and ask for another room I might get turned down. Still waiting on word back for that one BTW Deikailo. Guy checks his Email like 1 time on Sunday and then leavs it alone.
For the record, I'm a girl. >_> So if I get paired up with a guy in rooming accommodations, could you please run that by me? Not that I don't mind rooming with a guy, I just might feel funny rooming with a guy I don't know.
Depending on finances and how things are going, me and my brother are down to come.

I'm debating if we'll be driving or taking the train.

If we do drive, anyone else in our area is welcome to join us. As long as they help with gas xD

Also we have to find a place to stay =T
The best rates for staying for the event are in the "Anime Block" at the hotel. Check the website for Anime Festival Wichita for the links. Oh, maybe I should update the OP with that.
Any word from the gaming director?
(Mar. 25, 2009  6:49 PM)Deikailo Wrote: Any word from the gaming director?

Why do people make posts like this?

If there's news, it will be shared. Otherwise, there isn't any news.
He didnt even send me his normal Sunday one liner. I'm about to just yellow pages him.
(Mar. 25, 2009  10:40 PM)fragbait Wrote: He didnt even send me his normal Sunday one liner. I'm about to just yellow pages him.
Email him again? Maybe it got deleted, or marked as spam somehow...

Is there anyone else you can contact about the idea?
Much better, good job Brad.

Niiiiiice. Looks good. I'll start putting together advertising materials.
The new logo looks better.
Yep. You can thank Brad for that one B)
UPDATE: Official green light given, spot guaranteed, and a promise to buy a prize pack for the tournament! Thats right, if there is enough interest,

Get hype.
Haha, awesome. Good luck.