(May. 13, 2018 1:34 AM)chaossilvr Wrote: So we need four people to be able to request for it to be added to the sidebar? Hm...I'll see if I can find anyone who would like to join, even if I have to lend them some beys. Hopefully more people see this thread and comment on it!
Yup. Even just to become an organizer, you have to have to have enough people to run at least a club format event (but be open to run a bigger tournament if enough happen to show up). Can't become one unless you have an actual event planned.
All participating bladers need an account here. And then, if it's an actually ranked tournament (8+ people) then there's a small entrance fee ($5). All participants get at least 1 credit/point and this can be redeemed for prizes over time.
Big list here.
It looks like the winner of the club format gets 1 credit, I'm seeing now? Interesting. But yeah, you can read all about how the tournaments work
over here. There's the Organizer's Guide and the Burst Format Rules. And you can get an idea of how things are set up by looking at the tournaments that are going,
like this one for New York.
The thing is, you need at least one person to take the quiz to be an organizer to run it. And to be an organizer, you already have to have a plan for a tournament
and grading turnaround time seems to be a bit slow at the moment. So might be a little tricky with getting the first official one going, depending on if that turnaround is fixed or not. But you know, getting someone passing would be a good step regardless.
From what I can tell, Michigan used to have a pretty good sized WBO community during Metal Fight. So yeah, I think we can do it again. If we can get some tournament-running practice in prior to doing something huge like Youmacon, that would probably be good. And there's a big community in Toronto, and maybe for Youma some would be by this way or come down to help out.
[[ Michigan Blader | Avatar photo by
Ivan Kislov ]]