Make your suggestions!

Someone tell Aquaman to get a move on, then Wink

That said, I like the new system. Seeing as I generally send my results and money in within a day of tournaments, it's no worry for me.
We have been trying to reach him for a few days ... I do not know what is wrong with him.
He's probably just busy, it's an odd delay but I doubt Daegor would be causing the issue intentionally.

That said, I'm kind of curious, does the system itself require the strictly ordered input of tournaments, or is that a choice you've made to keep the beypoint ratings as accurate as possible at all times, at the cost of having bottlenecks like this?
The system itself datestamps the matches at the time they are input (not the date the battle occurred), runs them through the points engine, and then writes the results to the match table and updates the Beypoints table. After this, the secondary rank order table is updated.
Hm, perhaps you should look at getting it recoded to allow for different datestamps. It would require the system to check for and recalculate each players points for any matches already entered with later datestamps, but surely it wouldn't be too hard to code for, and would make errors easier to correct.

That said, it wouldn't be a problem if all hosts did their job quickly and adequately, and reducing the pressure on them to do so might create more issues than it solves.

Plus, there's the cost of re-coding. But perhaps something to consider in the longer term, anyway.
We are evaluating options here, yes. Wink
I am not certain how else than chronologically we are supposed to process tournaments while staying fair ... Or is that not what you are suggesting ?
I believe he is suggesting a system that will properly modify the points no matter what date you enter each tournament, as long as you input the right date the tournament was hosted on.

IE: We have tournaments from a while ago that need to be added, but "cannot". If we adjust the system so that, if we add those now, and then go back and add the preceeding ones and the system properly calculates the points to adjust for that new information, it would be less restrictive.
Oh. Still, the current system allows to place even more pressure on the hosts who have not 'cleared' their tournament(s). If we could process tournaments regardless of their order, then they would see that subsequent events can be done and they do not feel any need to hurry up in sending us all the material ... It would also make our new policy of not approving tournaments for a region until all the events before it there are cleared pointless. The situation is as it is currently only because we had not installed this policy before, but some hosts' behaviours urged us to establish that recently. In the future, such things could not happen.

Today, I was actually thinking about how good it was for a community, for organisers, to see that they are not independent, that their actions are really accountable, and that they really ruin a lot of people's experiences by not completing their task.
(Mar. 06, 2012  10:03 PM)Hazel Wrote: "Send in your results cleanly and quickly, or the slow queue is entirely on your head" is what is essentially the reality of it, hosts.

Of course, and I did mention that being a downside of a more flexible system. Now that Arupaeo is doing such a great job, it's not really a big deal anyway, haha.
Other Committee Members processed tournaments too, by the way, hah.
Of course, and thanks to you all, it is just that pretty much everyone has said Arupaeo has done the bulk of the work, haha.
Kai-V and I have been partnering on tracking down the really tough cases where we have to reach out to members to try and resolve disputes, find out what really happened, etc. etc. It's been a bit like Sherlock Holmes meets CSI in some cases... Smile
I think we should have a thread in the beywiki section to comment on progress. I know some comments were made here but it doesn't deserve any more for this thread. The main reason i'm suggesting this is because Beywiki has completly stalled once again. There are loads of articles drafts just sitting there which are basically done which is really annoying especially since me and others like Th!nk and Dan have put effort into and nothing is happening. I know me and Th!nk must seem like broken records in regards to complaining about beywiki but it's important and I feel the need to say something when things stop happening.
Perhaps it would be a good idea, but it would just be everyone yelling at kei and kei getting upset by that or whatever.

I would like a general beywiki project discussion thread though, just discussing the progress of the project as a whole, ideas and so on.
A "Beywiki Project Suggestions" topic seems more appropriate. We all know the progress is long sometimes, so saying it one-hundred-and-forty-five times does not really help ...
Right, it should work just the like the British Parliament and the Prime Minister's questions.

"Number 3, Mr. Speaker!"

"I refer the right honorable gentleman to the answer I gave some posts before"
Looking at the members list, I noticed lots of members that are banned.
So here is a suggestion with reasons.

Reasons for this:
1. Members' information are stored as data in WBO website.
2. It takes up space for data to be stored.
3. Those banned members are likely not to come back to this website.
4. I suggest WBO to remove those banned users' data, and whilst keeping only a list of the IP address that was used by the banned users. That way, it saves way more space. Like, no banned member in member list or WBO site but only a record of their IPs.

Sure this going to work? Give me some replies.....
A fair majority of those people who are banned, are Spam bots, which are deleted anyway. They aren't "supposed to delete regular members anyway. By deleting members, there post's still remain here, which would cause a problem. This board has 65,000 members, a small amount of those have been banned anyway.
It's also been suggested before, and declined.
(Mar. 18, 2012  9:52 PM)th!nk Wrote: It's also been suggested before, and declined.

Really, sorry about that, I tried searching in this thread and saw nothing here. So I posted.
HDD space is cheap. There is no need for such actions.
Even banned members who are not deleted often try to come back - more often than people seem to realize.

Spambot accounts are not usually deleted, either, just banned with all their posts pruned.
We have infinite disk space, infinite bandwidth, etc.