Mac or Windows What Do You Use??

Poll: Which OS are you running?

Total: 100% 111 vote(s)
I got mine for free also. My uncle is the best.....
But these days, my whole family uses mac, They all used to use windows, but they now use mac instead.
I use windows its better to play games with mac is like for studying eg. assignments
Windows, Mac doesn't always support ROBLOX, of which I am temporarily banned from.
i use a WINDOWS COMPUTER!! i love Microsoft (Xbox forever!) and it is a wierd Verizon(shiver!) computer with Windows 7 Starter(sad!). it takes forever to load things, but I still love it. Ps, My Elementary school used Macs, but Microsoft FOREVER!
I use Windows. Much more familiar with it.

And by the way, random thought on Mac:

Steve Jobs: iQuit.
I use Windows but I prefer Mac's.

Windows 7 was a disappointment for me. Every Windows 7 laptop / PC I've been on has been slow. I prefer Vista over all the versions of Windows.

Mac's is just awesome. The quality of the images and the sprites are sick! Also, YouTube videos always play on HD without lagging like what Windows does.
The lag has nothing it do with your system, it's just your internet.

I use Window's 7 Professional but I prefer my Vista laptop.
(Aug. 02, 2008  3:46 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: Mac, love it, would never go back.

Same here.once you go mac you never go back.
i'm currently using windows. it is for me the greatest thing that mankind ever built. This is because windows can accept everything you threw at them accept viruses. it will go 'BOOM' and says bye-bye to you. XD
(Sep. 09, 2011  5:05 PM)KidTala Wrote: I use Windows but I prefer Mac's.

Windows 7 was a disappointment for me. Every Windows 7 laptop / PC I've been on has been slow. I prefer Vista over all the versions of Windows.

Mac's is just awesome. The quality of the images and the sprites are sick! Also, YouTube videos always play on HD without lagging like what Windows does.

You know nothing about computers.
I love Macs, except the Air *terrible cpu*. I'm getting a Macbook Pro soon...
I prefer windows. Most of the stuff we download don't have a mac version/vice versa. I also found a mac game that I really liked, it's called "Game Salad" you get to make your own app and play it. Too bad it's only for mac.
I Use Windows 7 :b
It's better than Mac...
I run 4 different OS's.

Main computer: Windows 7 Professional - used for work, gaming, random stuff
Media consumption: Mac OS X Snow Leopard Macbook Pro - houses my music, pictures, videos. pretty much a very expensive external HDD, but hey I got it as a gift so I'm putting it to good use.
General development: Custom Gentoo build - vim = best text editor EVER!
Java development: Solaris 11 - I actually hate this OS, but I'm forced to use it...
Windows 7, XP is still good in it's own way.

I also have an iPhone, mad fanbro's?