MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD (Attack Mode)
Hey guys!
I stumbled upon this combo while playing around yesterday morning. It's gotten some pretty unbelievable results, so I think it'll be pretty interesting.
The concept:
This is a bit hard to explain, so I've provided a video so you can see what I'm talking about.
This is a pure spin equalizer. All it's for is to steal spin... with one huge advantage. Countering this combo by mirroring it with Duo (the surefire way to counter any Dragooon combo) doesn't actually work.
As you can see in the video above, this combo's transition from Precession to Life After Death is just short of invisible. The reason Duo has been able to counter Dragooon so well by mirroring it in the past is because Duo will precess longer, and Dragooon will make a drastic drop in elevation at the end of the match, while Duo remains standing, therefore eliminating Dragooon's ability to steal spin and causing Duo to win by a couple rotations.
However, as you can see, when this combo "falls over", there is an extremely small drop in elevation, to the point where you can't actually see it. EWD lines up almost perfectly with the edge of SA165 in attack mode, to the point where, during Precession, SA165 will actually graze the stadium, and falling over will not result in a visible drop. This eliminates Duo's advantage, because, though Dragooon does technically fall over first, there is almost zero drop in elevation, and Dragooon can continue to steal spin as effectively as if it had still been precessing on EWD's edge.
Basically, the track is so close to the ground that it's touching while the combo is wobbling on EWD, so it never really drops when it falls.
Notice the title says, "The Duo Mirror Neutralized", and not "The Duo Mirror Beaten". There is absolutely no guarantee of a win against a Duo mirror with this combo... using this track - bottom setup does eliminate Duo's advantage, but it doesn't give you one. Once you match this thing up against a Duo mirror, it's a complete toss-up. Either one could take the win. However, it's quite a bit better than losing 90% of the time as you most likely will with most other Dragooon combos.
Aside from neutralizing Duo, this track-bottom setup actually provides quite impressive ability over some other combos as well. For instance, the famous MSF-H Reviser Dragooon SA165EWD (obviously the basis for this custom) will not usually achieve any higher than 20% against Duo W145WD. This combo can achieve up to 85%, as you'll hopefully see in the test results below.
The launch:
Just a straight launch against Most things. The one exception being F230. Use the launch below:
I actually got it to OS on the first try!
Bank steep to make a few sweeps towards the outside, and hope to break F230's stall. If you can get it going outside of a perfect circle you'll have a much better chance.
Parts choice:
MSF-L: MSF-H and MSF-M really just didn't do as well for me... I'm not totally sure why, but I got far cleaner wins with MSF-L.
Girago: This may be what some of you are wondering about... I chose Girago for 3 reasons:
1. This gives you the chance to KO if you do happen to come up against a Duo mirror. Reviser has almost 0 smash. Although I did weak launch for the stamina tests to show how it can out-spin, as LMAO's testing shows, it is capable of KOing as well.
2. I've found Girago capable of OSing Wyvang and Reviser, which are the the most frequently used Chrome Wheels with other Dragooon combos. Although SA165 in attack mode has slightly less stamina than in normal mode in my experience, Girago can push the combo far enough to OS most other Dragooon opponents.
3. I actually noticed Reviser slipping when I used it... being the lighter wheel, obviously if you can't get a sufficient grip on Duo it may slide another quarter of a rotation after you stop. This happened far too often for my taste, and Girago put a stop to it while still maintaining the low recoil I needed for the spin-equalizer.
Girago has, overall, been really good to me on anything Dragooon lately.
SA165: Has a perfectly circular shape, essential for the LAD we need to pull this off. In attack mode, it also lines up perfectly with EWD to reduce to drop in elevation after precession to an almost invisible level. This track couldn't perform better for this combo's purpose.
EWD: Precession. The thing can stay standing for a ridiculously long time. XD plus, it precesses at the perfect level for SA165 to do its part in the custom.
Testing videos:
I sincerely apologize for only doing 8 rounds. My camera ran out of recording space. XD
As you can see, this thing works pretty darn good. I like it a lot.
NOTE: All testing against defense and stamina was done weak launching for the sake of time unless other wise specified.
Vs. Stamina:
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD (attack mode) vs. Duo Cancer SA165EWD (normal mode)
Beys alternated launching first. Both EWD's new. Parts swapped after round 5.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Cancer: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
Ties redone: 6
Yup... takes down the Duo zombie! Very nice. This is what sold the combo for me. This is what I need you guys to test... It's quite unbelievable without confirmation. Just to say, don't expect 100% every time. XD It was hitting 80-90% during my informal testing, but it decided to do exceptionally well during formal rounds.
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD (attack mode) vs. Duo Cancer SA165EWD (attack mode)
Beys alternated launching first. Both EWD's new. Parts swapped after round 15.
Dragooon: wins, 2/30 (All OS)
Cancer: wins, 2/30 (All OS)
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: incomplete
Ties redone: 26
Yah... this test alone took me about an hour. I was stunned that Duo didn't crush it. I decided I would stop at 30 regardless of the win rate, but I had no idea there would only be 4 out-spins the whole time!
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. Duo Cancer W145WD
Beys alternated launching first.
Dragooon: wins, 17/20 (All OS)
Cancer: wins, 3/20 (All OS)
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 85%
Ties redone: 19
Duo W145WD has some serious ability against Dragooon... However, this custom didn't have too hard of a time taking it out.
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. Duo Cancer 230D
Beys alternated launching first.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Cancer: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. Duo Cancer 160PD
Beys alternated launching first.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Cancer: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. Duo Cancer SR200TB
Beys alternated launching first.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Cancer: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
Didn't break a sweat... not that any spin-equalizer does against these three.
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. Genbull Genbull SR200TB
Beys alternated launching first.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Genbull: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. Genbull Genbull TH170TB
Beys alternated launching first. TH170 at 170 height.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Genbull: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
This thing definitely has absolutely no problem with stamina... of course, that's what it's designed to beat, so no real surprise at all.
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD (attack mode) vs. Reviser Dragooon SA165EWD (normal mode)
Beys alternated launching first. Identical parts swapped after round 10. NOT WEAK LAUNCHED.
Girago Dragooon: wins, 12/20 (All OS)
Reviser Dragooon: wins, 8/20 (7 OS, 1 KO)
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 60%
Um... yah. These were all pretty close. I wouldn't be too confident against another Dragooon spin stealer, but this combo does seem to do the job decently.
Vs. Defense:
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. Reviser Reviser BD145RDF
Beys alternated launching first. Mint RDF.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Reviser: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
Ties redone: 5
I was very happy with this. Most Dragooon combos can't touch Revizer BD145RDF. I will say that a more worn RDF probably would've done better, but my worn one is a bit too short to test with.
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. Reviser Killerken BD145CS
Beys alternated launching first. Calm CS.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Killerken: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. Reviser Killerken E230RSF
Beys alternated launching first. Worn-ish RSF.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Killerken: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. MF-H Duo Aquario BD145RB
Beys alternated launching first. Slightly worn RB.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Aquario: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. MF-H Scythe Uranus 85RS
Beys alternated launching first. Barely used RS.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Uranus: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
Not too surprising at all. Even Dragooon attack types can usually OS these consistently.
Vs. Attack:
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. MF-H Flash Orion GB145R2F
Beys alternated launching first. Barely past prime R2F.
Dragooon: wins, 5/20 (All OS)
Orion: wins, 15/20 (14 KO, 1 OS)
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 25%
Yah, um, fail. XD Flash even managed to get an OS in there. Hit Dragooon so hard it scraped to death. Freaky!
Sorry that's all for attack testing. :\ My R2F is pretty much done with formal testing condition-wise, and I was also horrendously bored after 5 and a half hours of stamina and defense testing, so.
Vs. Balance:
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. MF-H Duo Cancer 230MB
Beys alternated launching first.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Cancer: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
No surprise. Dragooon always stomps this thing. XD Just thought I'd throw it in for good measure.
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. MF-M Duo Cancer F230CF
Beys alternated launching first.
Dragooon: wins, 8/20 (7 OS, 1 KO)
Cancer: wins, 12/10 (All OS)
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 40%
Testing from other users:
As you can see, in the above tests, the thing stomped Duo... 9 OS to 2 OS, and that's not even including all of its KOs. Thanks to LMAO for confirming these...
Quite impressive against Duo, but it doesn't seem like this holds down against Phantom 90MF very well. :\ I'll try to get some tests on this later. Thanks to UltimateOrion!
Wuh-oh... :\ Seems we have a bit of a problem here. Conflicting results for sure. More testing guys!! Thanks to Ingulit for helping out!
Definitely helps... quite positive results.
Well guys, thanks for reading! Thanks to LMAO for helping me out with this. I think I'm done with testing for a couple months at least... 6 straight hours yesterday has me wiped out.
Post and tell me what you think! Testing is encouraged (like, really encouraged XD).
Hey guys!
I stumbled upon this combo while playing around yesterday morning. It's gotten some pretty unbelievable results, so I think it'll be pretty interesting.
The concept:
Spoiler (Click to View)
This is a bit hard to explain, so I've provided a video so you can see what I'm talking about.
This is a pure spin equalizer. All it's for is to steal spin... with one huge advantage. Countering this combo by mirroring it with Duo (the surefire way to counter any Dragooon combo) doesn't actually work.
As you can see in the video above, this combo's transition from Precession to Life After Death is just short of invisible. The reason Duo has been able to counter Dragooon so well by mirroring it in the past is because Duo will precess longer, and Dragooon will make a drastic drop in elevation at the end of the match, while Duo remains standing, therefore eliminating Dragooon's ability to steal spin and causing Duo to win by a couple rotations.
However, as you can see, when this combo "falls over", there is an extremely small drop in elevation, to the point where you can't actually see it. EWD lines up almost perfectly with the edge of SA165 in attack mode, to the point where, during Precession, SA165 will actually graze the stadium, and falling over will not result in a visible drop. This eliminates Duo's advantage, because, though Dragooon does technically fall over first, there is almost zero drop in elevation, and Dragooon can continue to steal spin as effectively as if it had still been precessing on EWD's edge.
Basically, the track is so close to the ground that it's touching while the combo is wobbling on EWD, so it never really drops when it falls.
Notice the title says, "The Duo Mirror Neutralized", and not "The Duo Mirror Beaten". There is absolutely no guarantee of a win against a Duo mirror with this combo... using this track - bottom setup does eliminate Duo's advantage, but it doesn't give you one. Once you match this thing up against a Duo mirror, it's a complete toss-up. Either one could take the win. However, it's quite a bit better than losing 90% of the time as you most likely will with most other Dragooon combos.
Aside from neutralizing Duo, this track-bottom setup actually provides quite impressive ability over some other combos as well. For instance, the famous MSF-H Reviser Dragooon SA165EWD (obviously the basis for this custom) will not usually achieve any higher than 20% against Duo W145WD. This combo can achieve up to 85%, as you'll hopefully see in the test results below.
The launch:
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Just a straight launch against Most things. The one exception being F230. Use the launch below:
I actually got it to OS on the first try!
Bank steep to make a few sweeps towards the outside, and hope to break F230's stall. If you can get it going outside of a perfect circle you'll have a much better chance.
Parts choice:
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MSF-L: MSF-H and MSF-M really just didn't do as well for me... I'm not totally sure why, but I got far cleaner wins with MSF-L.
Girago: This may be what some of you are wondering about... I chose Girago for 3 reasons:
1. This gives you the chance to KO if you do happen to come up against a Duo mirror. Reviser has almost 0 smash. Although I did weak launch for the stamina tests to show how it can out-spin, as LMAO's testing shows, it is capable of KOing as well.
2. I've found Girago capable of OSing Wyvang and Reviser, which are the the most frequently used Chrome Wheels with other Dragooon combos. Although SA165 in attack mode has slightly less stamina than in normal mode in my experience, Girago can push the combo far enough to OS most other Dragooon opponents.
3. I actually noticed Reviser slipping when I used it... being the lighter wheel, obviously if you can't get a sufficient grip on Duo it may slide another quarter of a rotation after you stop. This happened far too often for my taste, and Girago put a stop to it while still maintaining the low recoil I needed for the spin-equalizer.
Girago has, overall, been really good to me on anything Dragooon lately.
SA165: Has a perfectly circular shape, essential for the LAD we need to pull this off. In attack mode, it also lines up perfectly with EWD to reduce to drop in elevation after precession to an almost invisible level. This track couldn't perform better for this combo's purpose.
EWD: Precession. The thing can stay standing for a ridiculously long time. XD plus, it precesses at the perfect level for SA165 to do its part in the custom.
Testing videos:
Spoiler (Click to View)
I sincerely apologize for only doing 8 rounds. My camera ran out of recording space. XD
As you can see, this thing works pretty darn good. I like it a lot.
Spoiler (Click to View)
NOTE: All testing against defense and stamina was done weak launching for the sake of time unless other wise specified.
Vs. Stamina:
Spoiler (Click to View)
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD (attack mode) vs. Duo Cancer SA165EWD (normal mode)
Beys alternated launching first. Both EWD's new. Parts swapped after round 5.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Cancer: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
Ties redone: 6
Yup... takes down the Duo zombie! Very nice. This is what sold the combo for me. This is what I need you guys to test... It's quite unbelievable without confirmation. Just to say, don't expect 100% every time. XD It was hitting 80-90% during my informal testing, but it decided to do exceptionally well during formal rounds.
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD (attack mode) vs. Duo Cancer SA165EWD (attack mode)
Beys alternated launching first. Both EWD's new. Parts swapped after round 15.
Dragooon: wins, 2/30 (All OS)
Cancer: wins, 2/30 (All OS)
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: incomplete
Ties redone: 26
Yah... this test alone took me about an hour. I was stunned that Duo didn't crush it. I decided I would stop at 30 regardless of the win rate, but I had no idea there would only be 4 out-spins the whole time!
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. Duo Cancer W145WD
Beys alternated launching first.
Dragooon: wins, 17/20 (All OS)
Cancer: wins, 3/20 (All OS)
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 85%
Ties redone: 19
Duo W145WD has some serious ability against Dragooon... However, this custom didn't have too hard of a time taking it out.
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. Duo Cancer 230D
Beys alternated launching first.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Cancer: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. Duo Cancer 160PD
Beys alternated launching first.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Cancer: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. Duo Cancer SR200TB
Beys alternated launching first.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Cancer: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
Didn't break a sweat... not that any spin-equalizer does against these three.
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. Genbull Genbull SR200TB
Beys alternated launching first.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Genbull: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. Genbull Genbull TH170TB
Beys alternated launching first. TH170 at 170 height.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Genbull: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
This thing definitely has absolutely no problem with stamina... of course, that's what it's designed to beat, so no real surprise at all.
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD (attack mode) vs. Reviser Dragooon SA165EWD (normal mode)
Beys alternated launching first. Identical parts swapped after round 10. NOT WEAK LAUNCHED.
Girago Dragooon: wins, 12/20 (All OS)
Reviser Dragooon: wins, 8/20 (7 OS, 1 KO)
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 60%
Um... yah. These were all pretty close. I wouldn't be too confident against another Dragooon spin stealer, but this combo does seem to do the job decently.
Vs. Defense:
Spoiler (Click to View)
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. Reviser Reviser BD145RDF
Beys alternated launching first. Mint RDF.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Reviser: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
Ties redone: 5
I was very happy with this. Most Dragooon combos can't touch Revizer BD145RDF. I will say that a more worn RDF probably would've done better, but my worn one is a bit too short to test with.
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. Reviser Killerken BD145CS
Beys alternated launching first. Calm CS.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Killerken: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. Reviser Killerken E230RSF
Beys alternated launching first. Worn-ish RSF.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Killerken: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. MF-H Duo Aquario BD145RB
Beys alternated launching first. Slightly worn RB.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Aquario: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. MF-H Scythe Uranus 85RS
Beys alternated launching first. Barely used RS.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Uranus: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
Not too surprising at all. Even Dragooon attack types can usually OS these consistently.
Vs. Attack:
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MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. MF-H Flash Orion GB145R2F
Beys alternated launching first. Barely past prime R2F.
Dragooon: wins, 5/20 (All OS)
Orion: wins, 15/20 (14 KO, 1 OS)
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 25%
Yah, um, fail. XD Flash even managed to get an OS in there. Hit Dragooon so hard it scraped to death. Freaky!
Sorry that's all for attack testing. :\ My R2F is pretty much done with formal testing condition-wise, and I was also horrendously bored after 5 and a half hours of stamina and defense testing, so.
Vs. Balance:
Spoiler (Click to View)
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. MF-H Duo Cancer 230MB
Beys alternated launching first.
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Cancer: wins, 0/10
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 100%
No surprise. Dragooon always stomps this thing. XD Just thought I'd throw it in for good measure.
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. MF-M Duo Cancer F230CF
Beys alternated launching first.
Dragooon: wins, 8/20 (7 OS, 1 KO)
Cancer: wins, 12/10 (All OS)
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 40%
Spoiler (Click to View)
OK, I need to say something...
The reason Duo won was because it stalled, and when it got to the middle it shoved Dragooon over, causing it to lean and roll in a wide circle around the stadium. Now, when this didn't happen, Dragooon actually either tied or won.
The launch I explained in the OP to use against F230 came a bit late. I only figured it out after round 11 in that test :\. If you use the aggressive launch (and get it right), we get:
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. MF-M Duo Cancer F230CF
Beys alternated launching first.
Dragooon: wins, 15/20 (13 OS, 2 KO)
Cancer: wins, 5/10 (3 OS 2 KO)
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 75%
Now, that's getting the launch right. If we get the launch wrong, and we can't break F230's stall, we get:
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. MF-M Duo Cancer F230CF
Beys alternated launching first.
Dragooon: wins, 1/10 (1 KO)
Cancer: wins, 9/10 (All OS)
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 10%
So this is very dependent on you launch, and I may get some hate-mail for saying this, but, if you can get the launch right at a tournament, I would say that you have a very good chance against this. Definitely no guarantee, but I think it is possible.
But let's not talk about it beating F230. Like I said, you'll most likely lose, but if you get the launch right you may have a very good chance.
The reason Duo won was because it stalled, and when it got to the middle it shoved Dragooon over, causing it to lean and roll in a wide circle around the stadium. Now, when this didn't happen, Dragooon actually either tied or won.
The launch I explained in the OP to use against F230 came a bit late. I only figured it out after round 11 in that test :\. If you use the aggressive launch (and get it right), we get:
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. MF-M Duo Cancer F230CF
Beys alternated launching first.
Dragooon: wins, 15/20 (13 OS, 2 KO)
Cancer: wins, 5/10 (3 OS 2 KO)
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 75%
Now, that's getting the launch right. If we get the launch wrong, and we can't break F230's stall, we get:
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD vs. MF-M Duo Cancer F230CF
Beys alternated launching first.
Dragooon: wins, 1/10 (1 KO)
Cancer: wins, 9/10 (All OS)
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD win rate: 10%
So this is very dependent on you launch, and I may get some hate-mail for saying this, but, if you can get the launch right at a tournament, I would say that you have a very good chance against this. Definitely no guarantee, but I think it is possible.
But let's not talk about it beating F230. Like I said, you'll most likely lose, but if you get the launch right you may have a very good chance.
Testing from other users:
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LMAO Wrote:Here are some tests:
Spoiler (Click to View)MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD (attack mode) vs MF-F Duo Cygnus SA165EWD (normal mode)
Girago Dragooon Wins: 17 (8 KO's, 9 OS's)
Duo Cygnus Wins: (2 OS, 1 KO)
GD Win Percentage: 85%
Tests against SA165BWD:
Spoiler (Click to View)
MF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD (attack mode) vs. Duo Cygnus SA165BWD (normal mode)
Girago Dragooon Wins: 19 (7 KO's, 12 OS's)
Duo Cygnus Wins: 1 Win (1 OS)
GD Win Percentage: 95%.
Here's another test against Balro Balro TR145MF:
Spoiler (Click to View)
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD(attack mode) vs. MSF-H Balro Balro TR145MF
Dragooon always launched first. Mint EWD used.
Girago Dragooon Wins: 5 (All OS's)
Balro Balro Wins: 15 (All straight KO's)
GD Win Percentage: 25%
Did some testing on this, against Duo Cancer W145WD, and here are my results:
Spoiler (Click to View)
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD (Attack Mode) vs Duo Cancer W145WD
Girago Dragooon Wins: 8 (2 KO's, 6 OS's)
Duo Cancer Wins: 12 (All OS)
Ties redone: 20
GD Win Percentage: 40%
As you can see, in the above tests, the thing stomped Duo... 9 OS to 2 OS, and that's not even including all of its KOs. Thanks to LMAO for confirming these...
UltimateOrion Wrote:MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD Vs MF-H Duo Bull W145BWDDragoon Win Percentage:100%
- Dragoon Wins: 20 OS
- Bull Wins: 0
MSF-L-Girago-Dragooon-SA165EWD Vs MSF-L Killerken Dragoon SA165BWDMSF-L-Girago-Dragooon-SA165EWD Vs MF-H Duo Aquario SA165BWD
- Girago:4 OS
Killerken:16 OS
Girago Win Percentage: 20%
MSF-L-Girago-Dragooon-SA165EWD Vs Phantom Lynx 90MF
- Girago:20 OS
Duo: 0
Girago Win Percentage: 100%
- Girago: 0
Phantom: 20 OS
Girago Win Percentage: 0%
Quite impressive against Duo, but it doesn't seem like this holds down against Phantom 90MF very well. :\ I'll try to get some tests on this later. Thanks to UltimateOrion!
(Oct. 18, 2013 3:36 AM)Ingulit Wrote: How close are the results you guys have been getting? Cause I did some tests, and while there were TONS and TONS of exact ties (good god this took basically all the time I had to test today), in almost every case that it wasn't a tie, Duo won by more than a rotation:
MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165[Attack]EWD vs. Duo Cygnus W145WD
Duo launched first on even launches, Dragooon launched first on odd.
Dragooon: 2 (2 OS, 0 KO)Detail Results (Click to View)1. Duo OS
2. Tie; Tie; Duo OS
3. Duo OS
4. Tie; Tie; Tie; Duo OS
5. Duo OS
6. Dragooon OS
7. Duo OS
8. Tie; Duo OS
9. Duo OS
10. Tie; Tie; Duo OS
11. Tie; Duo OS
12. Duo OS
13. Tie; Tie; Duo OS
14. Tie; Dragooon OS
15. Duo OS
16. Tie; Tie; Duo OS
17. Duo OS
18. Duo OS
19. Duo OS
20. Tie; Duo OS
Duo: 18 (18 OS, 0 KO)
Dragooon Win %: 10.0%
(see the "Detail Results" spoiler to see how many ties there were)
Wuh-oh... :\ Seems we have a bit of a problem here. Conflicting results for sure. More testing guys!! Thanks to Ingulit for helping out!
(Oct. 19, 2013 3:51 AM)Shining God MS Wrote: As of now, Dragooon is doing great! I will edit my post with the test! I'll do it in Attack Mode later since I'm playing Halo. Also theblackdragon, yes you can call me Shiny, it's cute XD
EDIT: Girago Dragooon SA165(Attack Mode)EWD vs Duo Cygnus SA165(normal mode)EWD
Alternating launches. EWDs are both in good condition
Dragooon wins: 17/20(15 OS, 2 KO)
Duo wins: 3/20(2 OS, 1 KO)
Dragooon win percentage: 85%
The KO from Duo was really weird... I hope this helps!
Definitely helps... quite positive results.
Spoiler (Click to View)
Well guys, thanks for reading! Thanks to LMAO for helping me out with this. I think I'm done with testing for a couple months at least... 6 straight hours yesterday has me wiped out.
Post and tell me what you think! Testing is encouraged (like, really encouraged XD).