Yup. I was in the other room doing a few rounds of testing to confirm what I was going to say.
TBH, Attack Mode is pretty much flat-out-better with EWD in terms of precession/LAD. However, with Dragooon SA165RDF customs, due to RDF's height which does not line up perfectly in Attack Mode, it's really kinda impossible to tell which mode is actually better in terms of Precession/LAD (Normal mode is plainly better defensively, though, which is why I originally went with that when I first tested it).
SA165's normal mode does have the advantage of higher Stamina on Dragooon customs, though, which allows it to OS same-spin opponents better, which can be extremely beneficial in a Dragooon-heavy environment.
Again, you also come to the point where you have to decide if Attack mode's superior performance against opposite-spin is enough to render Normal mode "uncompetitive." There are some benefits to using Normal mode over Attack mode in certain situations, but you have to weigh the consequences and decide if they're too much to consider it a competitive option.
Another thing I think people overlook a lot, is that "competitive" doesn't necessarily mean "absolute, top-notch, flat-out best." Competitive means that it's something you can take to a tournament and do well with against skilled players and good customs (of course, there is a point where you need to draw the line when X is obviously better than Y to the point where you wouldn't consider using X, but still). SA165's Normal mode is certainly a viable tournament choice. IMO leaving it on there would be fine.