MFB Tiers list Last Updated 27/12/11

Poll: Should this be stickied?

Needs more work before it's stickied
Total: 100% 418 vote(s)
(Oct. 03, 2011  1:02 AM)CRUelty Wrote:
(Oct. 03, 2011  1:01 AM)Shabalabadoo Wrote: Hasbro. I've never noticed any particular performance difference from TAKARA-TOMY Dark to Hasbro Dark.
Nyeh, something about bigger gaps in TT so more recoil, I dunno.

No, people always say stuff about Hasbro like that, but they have no basis for what they're saying.
why is Phantom still not in Top Tier 1?
(Oct. 03, 2011  6:01 AM)LR Blader Wrote: why is Phantom still not in Top Tier 1?

While it is impressing people, its exact functions, counters, and practical applications have not yet been thoroughly tested. It is a bit early to huck it up there just because of a bit of post-release hype. It really needs to see some tournament use to be categorized.
more proof hell sucks!
MF-H Hell Kerbecs BD145RSF VS MF Galaxy Pegasis R145RF:
HK:8(5 KO's, 3 OS's)
GP: 12 (All KO's)

please don't ask for Phantom to be added there has not been much testing at all!

Just before anyone puts Blitz as teir one attack,I wanna ask if blitz is good agianst 230
That question makes no sense. 230 in what type of combo exactly?
(Oct. 03, 2011  10:03 PM)pegasusBD Wrote: Just before anyone puts Blitz as teir one attack,I wanna ask if blitz is good agianst 230

Blitz is extremely good on TH170(170 height). 230 won't work, too high to hit. 170 is better though.
er he was asking whether it does well against it not on it.
Oh, my bad. Well 230 is kind of easy to knock out now. But in my experience, it doesnt really kill 230 if Blitz is on a low track combo. But if used with TH170 against a 230, thats an auto win lol.
Hell =/= Tier 1 Defense
MF Hell Aquario BD145CS VS MF Galaxy Kerbecs 130RF:
HK: 8(3 KO's, 5 OS's)
GP: 12 (All KO's)

Need we say more?

Hell goes OFF TIER 1 LIST!

yeah, thats all.
Shouldn't Basalt/Twisted drop a tier or 2 in the Stamina List? I mean, Stam. Types are supposed to be light... And Basalt/Twisted is VEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRYYYYYYY Heavy!!! I haven't tested this out yet, but I'll see if it's better than Earth at Stamina when I go to my cousin's house [Basalt Horogium 145WD vs. Earth Eagle 145WD]

So don't update or criticize me until I test this out.
Basalt can take out Flame and Burn, and defeats Hell with moderate difficulty, thus it has efficient stamina capabilities along with a defensive front, making it a balance. but when paired with Kerbecs, it has better balance than with any other clear wheel known (maybe with the exception of Rex). all in all, I don't agree, Basalt has impressive stamina capabilities and when pitted into the metagame, it has wins here and there. basalt stays on tier 1 for defense and stamina
(Oct. 04, 2011  4:19 AM)UltimaPegasus Wrote: Shouldn't Basalt/Twisted drop a tier or 2 in the Stamina List? I mean, Stam. Types are supposed to be light... And Basalt/Twisted is VEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRYYYYYYY Heavy!!! I haven't tested this out yet, but I'll see if it's better than Earth at Stamina when I go to my cousin's house [Basalt Horogium 145WD vs. Earth Eagle 145WD]

So don't update or criticize me until I test this out.

uh they don't have to be. That's really bad reasoning there. Also good stamina wheels have decent weight on the outside. It's there cause it wins consistenly...
Basalt should be tier 1 in stamina 'cause although it has a terrible spin time it performs well in real battles. Even the regular Basalt Horogium 145WD can throw out most other stamina types like Hell Kerbecs (not to mention Burn, Earth and perhaps Scythe) like twigs in the beystadium. Also don't forget that stamina types are actually designed to "take constant hits over a period of time and remain spinning " and basalt can not only take hits but also delivers knockout blows itself so yeah, it deserves its place.
Don't listen to that guy. He wrong. Also stamina types aren't designed to take hits. That's what a defence type does.
Also, basalt sucks on wd against any low-recoil stamina wheel (well, earth, burn even). It's good at outspinning opponents when it's in defence customs, but it is not a top-tier stamina wheel.
It might just be that I launch aggressively but Basalt WD kills Earth and Burn WD's either by slight OS or by KO.
(Oct. 06, 2011  6:28 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: Don't listen to that guy. He wrong. Also stamina types aren't designed to take hits. That's what a defence type does.

Then can you explain to me what a stamina type is meant to do ? And also make sure you see these links and get the difference -
There's a good difference between the two and Basalt fits in both the definitions. That's what I'm trying to say...
(Oct. 07, 2011  4:09 AM)Shirish Shukla Wrote:
(Oct. 06, 2011  6:28 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: Don't listen to that guy. He wrong. Also stamina types aren't designed to take hits. That's what a defence type does.

Then can you explain to me what a stamina type is meant to do ? And also make sure you see these links and get the difference -
There's a good difference between the two and Basalt fits in both the definitions. That's what I'm trying to say...

In practice, such as against another Bey, the objective of a Stamina Beyblade is to be one that has a long spin time INSIDE of battle conditions - one that can take the continuous grinding from another MW and still out-spin it. Stamina Beys usually, by nature of the beast, need to have much longer spin times than Defense/Attack.

In theory, it's not very different from Defense - however, Stamina types typically have little to no meaningful friction in the Stadium, to provide maximum spin time/minimal spin loss from contact. This is why Attack often chucks Stamina clean out of the stadium, but why Defense, which often has little momentum, is outspun by Stamina.
I get your point, Hazel. Stamina types NEED to have a better spin time than others, but wouldn't something like a Basalt Horogium AD145EDS have more stamina than most of the current (rubber-bottom based) top-tier attack and defense customs ? (Btw we were discussing about the use of basalt in top-tier stamina customs, not about the definition of stamina and defense, right ??) Also, in the opening post of this thread, it is mentioned that Tier 1 wheels aren't in any order (only defense in in order, not attack and stamina) so it isn't necessary that Basalt IS THE BESTEST STAMINA WHEEL available, therefore no more discussion.
And I forgot to say that my above mentioned combo (Basalt Horogium AD145EDS) is just a part of my imagination, as I actually dont have such a bey. I meant to say that Basalt _____ AD145/230/TH170 WD/SD/D/EDS (or even B:D) should be a very good stamina type. If anyone can post some test results for such a combo, I would be glad :) .
Scythe is really undoubtedly the best STAM wheel out there. Basalt I'd say is in a close second, but definitely not the first. I still think it should stay in tier 1 though.
Surprisingly, tests have shown that Basalt BGrin haven't done too well. (well the ones I've seen at least, haven't been up to date much on that) It's quite odd, actually.
Basalt + AD145 is great for stamina, since AD145 is amazing at what it does for stamina. I'd say EWD, possibly EDS like you mentioned.
Basalt AD145EWD is a tank. I would actually have to say Phantom is the best pure stamina wheel as in any stamina match it easily takes the win although against Defense and higher recoil wheels it looses , while as Scythe can hold its own against anything , except phantom. It is like Earth and Burn all over again.

I think in the list Lightning needs to be mentioned as only BD145. Do you guys really think any other lightning combo can hold its own against Top Tier Defense?
(Oct. 07, 2011  8:43 AM)RustyXD Wrote: I think in the list Lightning needs to be mentioned as only BD145. Do you guys really think any other lightning combo can hold its own against Top Tier Defense?

It does well on CH120 which can KO basalt 230CS and sometimes even BD145CS.

I do not own CH120 but on a regular 145 or D125 it gets about 25%.
I am gonna start working on the things people suggested about the format of tier list today and hopefully have it done by Sunday/Monday.