MFB Tiers list Last Updated 27/12/11

Poll: Should this be stickied?

Needs more work before it's stickied
Total: 100% 418 vote(s)
Although, it is outclassed by Earth (I'm quite sure both molds).
Yeah that means earth mold 2 should become tier 1 for stamina , if it can beat what burn can't

I think Libra above hell for defense as hell has a carp tone of recoil Wink
I don't think anything is in order there.

And honestly, Bakushin needs more testing. Given it's differing success against burn and earth. I've got one in the mail, and it's black so I don't care about scratching it up, so yeah, I'll do a bit.

As for Earth mold 2, the only reason it works for stamina is due to it's added defensive properties, it definitely belongs in Tier 2. Remember, there's not a HUGE difference in performance between tier one and tier two stamina there, so yeah.
Has the rush l'drago been tested to full extent because I believe it shows potential.
(Jun. 11, 2011  1:01 PM)Perseus3 Wrote: Has the rush l'drago been tested to full extent because I believe it shows potential.

Rush Ldrago has been tested and its other versions, absorb and assault are far better. If you would like to prove your point by doing tests, no ones stoping you.
Okay thanks.
How good is assault l-drago?
Depends what your looking for, it would probably about as good as Lightning LDrago in upper mode when equalizing, but better smash than Absorb, or at least I think.
Yes it is, look :
In the testing, absorb is way better in equalizing, but assault is more like Ldrago 1...
So if it is good as l-drago 1 than it should be in tier 1.
Why are you all so quick to post such stupid things like 'it should be tier one. -no testing ever done-' validate what you have to say.

Ryuga; He never said it was as good as the LDrago CW is on Lightning. If it was, don't you think it would be used more often?
LeoneLione; Thanks for reiterating what I said.. :\
Sorry, I was just proving your point...

Isn't Aquario (Hasbro) better than Bull for defense? I mean, it is heavier, and according to th!nks thread about clear wheels, for defense you are supposed to pick the heaviest clear wheel... Correct me if I'm wrong.
If you read the last parts of that thread , most clear wheels vary in weight some peoples bulls might be heavier other peoples kerbecs might be heavier and i don't think they are in order Wink
Yeah, turns out aquario is lighter than bull, ever so slightly (like, .01g, about the weight of a grain of sand), and hasbro parts are the same as TT's. I've edited the guide, thanks to arupaeo pointing it out to me (dude is seriously smart). The hasbro heavier thing has come from one set of abberant weighings, and everyone who's done correctly calibrated/comparable tests has found no difference.

Kerbecs, however, may be heavier than both. However, it's not as well balanced with earth, and it's only, like, 0.2g at best. Still, for basalt, as it can be oriented to slightly compensate for the "staircase", it's probably a better choice.
Inferno for tier 3 anyone? it does have some potential , its better then most in tier 3 right now IMO anyway.
Needs testing.
Tier 3
>> GALAXY <<
Cyber Counter

Gasp can somebody tell me why Galaxy is there? Is there a "decent" combo for it?
galaxy wheel is is outclassed by other attack wheel..thats's why it is in tier 3...
It's there because it has some attack use but is heavily outclassed.
Well, the Galaxy wheel reminded me of the Pegasus series... So, what about Big Bang? I heard it had OK Defense... Could it be added in the Defense List?
hey Ultra blader update date this pUT LF in tier 2 or 1 check my thread and see the coments
No chance, dude... LF was never all that good... Still, I saw the comments in one of your threads, but I saw nothing related to LF...
(Jun. 16, 2011  2:55 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: Well, the Galaxy wheel reminded me of the Pegasus series... So, what about Big Bang? I heard it had OK Defense... Could it be added in the Defense List?

Big Bang does have better attack capability than its defense ... but , yep , I still agree with you that Big Bang is OK in defense so it should be added to the defense list. By the way , L-Drago Destroy be added in tier one for attack too ? It does beat Basalt and Hell based combos ?
Big bang and L drago Destroy i'm uncertain about. Big bang does great in some modes but not very good in others.
Both show great attack potential and you could add the mode names with the bey as in bbp (omni/barrage mode)
and ldd works great in any mode and on any track. I also think that gravity should be added for defense as gravity BD145CS is awesome. take it into consideration.