MFB Tiers list Last Updated 27/12/11

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I dont think Pegasis should be in tier 3.Sagittario can though.I think you should exchange them.Pegasis is way better than Saggitario.And then,a question.Why two Hell's?
No, Hell stays Tier 1. Also, Big Bang hasn't had the best testing, that's why I'm testing it soon. But I do think hell can stay. Hell combinations in attack rule Italian Metagame. I've seen it n DrigerGT's videos and it is used in an honorable way. Also, it has had testing, its in the back of the customization forum.
Whatzzer: edit out the hell in tier two. pegasis is not that good, IMO it should be tier 3, and i guess the same with saggitario as well


for big bang, read th!nk's post. hell is good, but not as good as the other beys in tier one
(Jun. 07, 2011  5:11 PM)lord Wolfblade Wrote: Whatzzer: edit out the hell in tier two. pegasis is not that good, IMO it should be tier 3, and i guess the same with saggitario as well


for big bang, read th!nk's post. hell is good, but not as good as the other beys in tier one
Let me pull up some old tests, believe me, it can do destruction like Fang.
Ok then,what about LDD?I think it has the potential to go to tier one.It's testings are pretty good too.
(Jun. 07, 2011  5:16 PM)Whatzzer Wrote: Ok then,what about LDD?I think it has the potential to go to tier one.It's testings are pretty good too.

oh, i forgot about it, i will edit now...
(Jun. 07, 2011  5:11 PM)lord Wolfblade Wrote: Whatzzer: edit out the hell in tier two. pegasis is not that good, IMO it should be tier 3, and i guess the same with saggitario as well

I disagree with everything you said here. Pegasis was very good against WB defence and is still all right. Same with saggitatio. Do you even own either of these since don't you only buy Hasbro?
(Jun. 07, 2011  5:42 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: I disagree with everything you said here. Pegasis was very good against WB defence and is still all right. Same with saggitatio.

i do agree with sagittario still being good, but isn't WB defence combos like pathetic compared to now?

IIRC pegasis does nothing VS defence now, it even did nothing when RS and earth was used

pegasis does not deserve tier two. for saggitario, i do not know, but it seems that many members like it allot (thats why i said maybe tier two for saggitario)

(Jun. 07, 2011  5:42 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: you only buy Hasbro?

no, i have some takara beys <- offtopic
(Jun. 07, 2011  5:42 PM)Ultrablader Wrote:
(Jun. 07, 2011  5:11 PM)lord Wolfblade Wrote: Whatzzer: edit out the hell in tier two. pegasis is not that good, IMO it should be tier 3, and i guess the same with saggitario as well

I disagree with everything you said here. Pegasis was very good against WB defence and is still all right. Same with saggitatio. Do you even own either of these since don't you only buy Hasbro?

People these days use CS or RS, sometimes they use WD, I don't know. But my point is that if you go to a tournament theres 3 out of 10 chance that WB will be there. Even worse, if your unlucky, Pegasis will have to go up against Basalt on a CS...
Pegasis would still do alright against earth combos with rubber bottoms. I wouldn't expect it to do much against basalt since it's the best defence wheel. Only tier 1 wheels do a lot to basalt. Tier 3 is for the carp attack wheels with a bit of ability. I don't think it does fall in that category. If you've only only got access to Hasbro stuff(which is the majority of the members I'd say) then pegasis is a very good attack wheel. Also before anything happens testing should be done.
(Jun. 07, 2011  6:07 PM)LeoneLione Wrote: theres 3 out of 10 chance that WB will be there.

How did you make this calculation?
Also, with Big Bang I've seen it get good results on TH170 (220); better than 230, IIRC.
(Jun. 07, 2011  7:14 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: Pegasis would still do alright against earth combos with rubber bottoms. I wouldn't expect it to do much against basalt since it's the best defence wheel. Only tier 1 wheels do a lot to basalt. Tier 3 is for the carp attack wheels with a bit of ability. I don't think it does fall in that category. If you've only only got access to Hasbro stuff(which is the majority of the members I'd say) then pegasis is a very good attack wheel. Also before anything happens testing should be done.

Pegasus was beaten two times and one 5 to 5 by Earth Bull GB145 RS/RSF/CS
Then in Kei's testing MF Earth Aquario R145RS beat Pegasus with Pegasus having once RF and the other R2F. MF Earth Aquario GB145CS also won against MF Pegasis 145RF...

(Jun. 07, 2011  7:22 PM)WhyD125 Wrote:
(Jun. 07, 2011  6:07 PM)LeoneLione Wrote: theres 3 out of 10 chance that WB will be there.

How did you make this calculation?
Also, with Big Bang I've seen it get good results on TH170 (220); better than 230, IIRC.

It was an estimate.
(Jun. 07, 2011  7:14 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: Pegasis would still do alright against earth combos with rubber bottoms.

Quote:MF Pegasus 145RF VS MF - H Earth Bull GB145RS
0 - 10: RS’s win rate 100%

Quote:MF Pegasus 145RF VS MF - H Earth Bull GB145RSF
3 - 7: RSF’s win rate 70%

:\, yeah, no it doesn't

sorry, but pegasis is outclassed

tier one: best of the best

tier two: not as good as tier one, but still can get decent win rates VS current top tier combos

tier three: only used if tier one/two wheels are unavailable, practically useless vs top tier defence (and in the current metagame, stamina as well)

which one of these does pegasis fit into?

(Jun. 07, 2011  7:14 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: If you've only only got access to Hasbro stuff(which is the majority of the members I'd say) then pegasis is a very good attack wheel.
hasbro will release RS soon...
Test Tornado! I think this might be like tier 2 or something.
(Jun. 07, 2011  8:20 PM)The Ryuga Wrote: Test Tornado! I think this might be like tier 2 or something.
I don't think 1 test is enough to prove how good/bad Tornado is.
Lord wolfblade

Thanks for your assumptions about the tiers by they're wrong. Tier 1 is the best, tier 2 in the middle and tier 3 is the worst stuff. Maybe it's at the lower part of tier 2 but it's much better than the stuff in tier 3.
You should call it tier 2.5 or 2.7
(Jun. 07, 2011  8:39 PM)The Ryuga Wrote: You should call it tier 2.5 or 2.7

i can imagine people getting confused with all that
(Jun. 07, 2011  8:39 PM)The Ryuga Wrote: You should call it tier 2.5

that i agree with (but like poseidon said, it may be confusing for some), though pegasis may be better then most in tier three, it is not as good as the parts in tier two


i guess i consider the tiers differently then you

the thing is, the wheels in tier two are still usable in this metagame, yes they are not good compared to tier one, but they can still get decent results

the wheels in tier three are not usable in this metagame. is pegasis that usable in this metagame? no.
(Jun. 07, 2011  8:40 PM)poseidon Wrote:
(Jun. 07, 2011  8:39 PM)The Ryuga Wrote: You should call it tier 2.5 or 2.7

i can imagine people getting confused with all that

You can imagine but that does not mean it will happen.

Quote:that i agree with, though pegasis may be better then most in tier three, it is not as good as the parts in tier two

EDIT: 3.5 better than 3 worse than 2.
(Jun. 07, 2011  8:42 PM)lord Wolfblade Wrote:
(Jun. 07, 2011  8:39 PM)The Ryuga Wrote: You should call it tier 2.5

that i agree with (but like poseidon said, it may be confusing for some), though pegasis may be better then most in tier three, it is not as good as the parts in tier two


i guess i consider the tiers differently then you

the thing is, the wheels in tier two are still usable in this metagame, yes they are not good compared to tier one, but they can still get decent results

the wheels in tier three are not usable in this metagame. is pegasis that usable in this metagame? no.

Yes, I agree. In todays Metagame, people use Gravity Perseus, Hell, Basalt, Libra, etc. in defense combos which Pegasis won't be able to stand up to. Like lord Wolfblade said, tier two is for parts that stand up to Tier one, but aren't necessarily better. Tier three are for parts that don't stand up against 1 and 2 but are better than useless parts like Dark, Killer, etc...
I don't even see why Killer should be on defense even on tier 3.
its not ...
lord wolfblade
i think that your list is cool but Hell Tier 1 and if rock is going to be tier 3 counter needs to be as well Wink
@ LeoneLione liar
RustyXD Yes I agree counter has high recoil and should be in tier 2 or 3