MFB Tiers list Last Updated 27/12/11

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IMO, although I agree with your sentiment, I don't think Hell is better than Vulcan...
Hell with BD145 most likely is though...
Vulcan only works well on low tracks and low tracks don't do nothing these days because of 230 and bd145 and hell is an awesome attack MW when combined with BD145 it destroys 230 . And SW145 should be on the attack track list IMO , i can test if needed Wink
You're wrong. Vulcan can be paired with AD145 to produce decent results, maybe a good as Hell on BD145.
My Bad but i still think that Vulcan doesn't deserve tier 1 , and can i suggest the removal of R145 for stamina , it carries to much recoil , for me so i use it in attack Wink
(Jun. 06, 2011  5:47 AM)Hero Wrote: You're wrong. Vulcan can be paired with AD145 to produce decent results, maybe a good as Hell on BD145.

IIRC VS MF-H earth bull GB145RS, vulcan did best on low height. so how does vulcan+ad145 do against MF-H earth bull GB145RS?

if on low height it could only get up to 50% win, i am guessing on AD145 it should do worse...
MF-H Earth Bull GB145RS? Are we not playing in a metagame where Basalt and 230 is dominate? It's simple. If you are against 145 or lower you would put Vulcan on 85, if it were 230 then you would put it on AD145.
Wait a sec i thought we were in a metagame were BD145 is dominant ? and ch120 does pretty well on vulcan , but not as good as LLD and is there going to be an "Anti Meta" type of thing because if there is i suggest gravity perseus F: D
In attack, CH120 and BD145 should be higher up. In defense, BD145 should be higher than R145. Just my opinion...
(Jun. 06, 2011  6:11 AM)Hero Wrote: MF-H Earth Bull GB145RS? Are we not playing in a metagame where Basalt and 230 is dominate? It's simple. If you are against 145 or lower you would put Vulcan on 85, if it were 230 then you would put it on AD145.

yes i know, what i mean is that though you say that vulcan+ad145 is good, back when MF-H Earth Bull GB145RS was the defence combo to use, vulcan did best on low height to mid height, yet it did bad VS MF-H Earth Bull GB145RS. so basically vulcan+ad145 should get easily beaten by a outclassed defence combo, and that shows that vulcan is still outclassed :\ . if you read my post correctly you would of seen that
I'm sorry, did you just call me a kid? Look at yourself, you type like a 7 year-old. I was here when Vulcan reigned supreme for your information. Vulcan on 85 just doesn't do well nowaways. The best track for Vulcan is AD145 nowadays. BD145 blocks Vulcan 85-height combos and 230 prevents any contact whatsoever. If you want any chance at those combos you would put it on a 145 height track, AD145 just gives it that extra push. I've had enough of you, stop acting as if you are superior to me, you aren't.
(Jun. 06, 2011  6:37 AM)Hero Wrote: I'm sorry, did you just call me a kid? Look at yourself, you type like a 7 year-old. I was here when Vulcan reigned supreme for your information. Vulcan on 85 just doesn't do well nowaways. The best track for Vulcan is AD145 nowadays. BD145 blocks Vulcan 85-height combos and 230 prevents any contact whatsoever. If you want any chance at those combos you would put it on a 145 height track, AD145 just gives it that extra push.

first off, i was completely joking dude, don't take it seriously. second i am sorry i have bad grammar do to the fact that i may have a writing disorder (and FYI, what you just said hurt me do to that fact)

yes, i know all that already

let me simplify it as you do not seem to understand my point:

vulcan+145 height=bad VS MF-H Earth Bull GB145RS

vulcan+low height= better but still bad VS MF-H Earth Bull GB145RS

MF-H Earth Bull GB145RS=outclassed defence combo

therefore, if vulcan in general can not beat a outclassed defence combo, then how good is it truly?
Okay. If you have an open mind then you would try it for yourself. MF Vulcan Horuseus AD145R2F vs. MF-H Basalt Bull 230CS. RS is the downfall to Vulcan, however, people trust CS to do better nowadays. Give it a shot, it certainly won't give you the best results but comparable, if not better, to MF Hell Kerbecs BD145R2F.

Do remember that it started with RustyXD saying that "Vulcan can only be used with low-tracks".
(Jun. 06, 2011  6:48 AM)Hero Wrote: Okay. If you have an open mind then you would try it for yourself.

unfortunately i cant test it as i do not have the correct stadium :\

but i would if i could to back up what i am saying FYI

IMO hell should be tier two with vulcan, it may be good, but not as good as the others in tier one
... wait so you insulted me and you did NOT have evidence to back up your claim at all? I'm sorry but that's just rude.

Trust me, I've tested it myself today since Dan gave me the idea to do so. I can say that Vulcan is on par with Hell.

I agree with you on the last statement, Vulcan and Hell should at tier 2.
(Jun. 06, 2011  6:58 AM)Hero Wrote: NOT have evidence to back up your claim at all? I'm sorry but that's just rude.

i may not have my own tests, yet i have read all the tests and posts on vulcan when earth was the best to support my claim

just because i do not have a stadium doesn't mean i do not no much, and i did not mean to insult you that much, i have even edited that part out because it offended you Wink
I would just like to mention Hell BD145RF destroys Basalt 230CS im not sure about BD145 i might test eventually but i think hell deserves it spot on there , but i would understand if it was in tier 2 Wink
And Counter is Better then rock so i think rock should go down or counter up i have test's to back it up Wink
and EWD tier 2 for stamina ?
Not sure about counter being better since I've never used mine. No one has really ever bothered to test EWD properly so i'm not sure how good it is. Which I had an attack stadium Unhappy
well from my observations it seems to be slightly worse then WD because it gets knocked around way easier , that said it does have better solo spin time.
The Difference between rock and counter
Rock hits are less powerful then counters but they happen more often , counter seems to hit the bey and only slightly move it but then the next time they touch it is a huge smash.

And why isn't big bang on the list ? and if it goes on i would say tier 2 . and what about HF/S? or JB as a destabilzer?
I believe we should have a 'Spin-Stealing' section as it is now popularly used at tourneys.
For example, Meteo LDrago ED145WD is used and very good, as well as others such as LDrago and Gravity Perseus.
Strictly speaking they're equalisers. I don't really think one is required unless some parts are very good for it (very well could be.Not saying there aren't at all). Most of the wheels that are quite obvious since it's only left spin unless you're facing alert then you'd use a right spin combo. Equalisers need to be investigated and tested thoroughly I think.
Does anyone else feel bigbang is tier 2.5 or something i think Big Bang should go in Tier 3 or 2 but i could be horribly wrong after hearing some people
Hey, Ultrablader, do you think it's possible to now add L Drago Destroy [ATK] Mode in Tier 1? Seriously, I don't think you have seen the tests. If something is defeating 230 not to hard, on an 85 track, shouldn't we look into it?

Well, yeah! I agree with you! But you see, the list is just updated with a few 4D parts. So, yeah!
Looks good. I'll put it up later. Who else thinks LDD should be in tier 1?