MFB Tiers list Last Updated 27/12/11

Poll: Should this be stickied?

Needs more work before it's stickied
Total: 100% 418 vote(s)
Don't we all have malicious plans for Vari Ares? >:} Even then, as gravity still can beat top-top-tier defence in the right combo, it's still deserving of top-tier (vulcan doesn't even manage that Tongue_out).
Ahh, see, I got the impression that you meant he'd tried it and considered it to suck.

Well, you can mention that in the Competitive Combo's discussion, last I checked, you're the only one of us that can post there, ahahah Tongue_out
I think Gravity should stay since it is still one of the best wheels for attack and very versatile being good on many tracks at different heights and can go in both directions. I'll update the list tonight. Also I think MF Hell Kerbecs BD145RF is a very good attack combo. Was mowing down the competition when I used it in my last tourney.
Um, just another question, Ultrablader, shouldn't we give a little explanation for Basalt? Because, I have seen that when Basalt is used uncustomized, it wobbles a lot, and has a lot of imbalance.... So, shouldn't we write-
Basalt(only when used with ____)
I may be wrong, but I am asking this just because of that imbalance...
UltraBlader: Oh, I don't think anyone would want it removed. We were kinda being off-topic and discussing how it's no longer in the "Competitive Combo's" list.

jan: Ehh, maybe, but even on 145D it can outspin a bunch of stuff IIRC. Vulcan/Beat do very little on WD, for example, so yeah. Still, we could.
Gravity is going to be up, apparently though, they haven't decided on a track list yet, but mine was sufficient. (Page 6)
Ahh, yep, that looks good (Metal Flat is pretty cool on GravityBD145, too, btw Tongue_out)
Gonna say this is on topic as I'm pointing out gravity still has it's uses, and given that they're gonna re-add it, there's definitely no reason for us to remove it.
It has uses for ATK and DEF. But its pretty beast with BD145MF based on what I seen on Galaxy4Ever's thread. it has more uses than MFH BasaltKerbecsBD145MB. ;]. Just hoping if Hasbro wheel will make a difference. Seriously we need some [Hasbro] parts up there. Im sure people get confused with it like "hey, which one is TT and Hasbro?!". Just pointing out a thought and suggestion.
Yeah, Aquario should be top for defence, but only with a [Hasbro] tag. As should Gasher[Hasbro], and even Libra[Hasbro], apparently, as they're all heavier than TT Bull. Hasbro Bull should be second, TT Bull lower.
That said, though, we're talking .1-.4 of a gram, so it's not really a huge difference. Tongue_out

Maybe also include a note about Perseus (ATK) being better than Perseus Normal/Def, and Perseus Stamina being lame. That said, other than that, I wouldn't stress too much about other CW's, my CW thread (see my signature), covers most of it and how irrelevant they are.
lol didn't Chupa Chups have the original MF Gravity Perseus BD145MF thread? Or was it just something similar?
I forget, I remembered another thread but couldn't find it yesterday...

Anyway, why is CS still tier one for attack? IMO MF is generally better, and you don't see CS being used for top-tier attack regularly (at least not as regularly as MF). Considering the only person who's really used it offensively recently was Momiji with MF LLD BD145CS (Don't argue about it here, guys Tongue_out), I really don't think it's tier 1. If it is, MF is too, given MF-H Basalt Kerbecs 230/TH170MF/WF is beastly (though it's more of a defence/stamina combo, it KO's a lot of opponents), and Gravity BD145MF etc etc.

Heck, even WF could probably be Tier one if CS is...
No. If you put a [Hasbro] tag. Then its better. Look at beyblade random thoughts of what I said about CS. CS is generally better than MF when its on a left spinning bey. meaning its more aggressive. Get it and see for yourself.
Tier One

By the way, how on earth did you come up with the conclusion of CS being better with left-spinners, that is a load of carp.
some next members thinkin' they know 'bout CS.
Totally disagree. Yeah, you've got one aggro cs, hasbro CS hasn't been tested, and the old aggro CS was erratic and kinda pointless with RF around, TBH. Again, no useful combo's with it, and MF deserves to be up there more.
I think you meant WF, instead of one of those MF's, Dan.

And yeah, as Dan said, WTF about CS on left spinners?
Ah yes, I'll fix it.
Early on CS' had their use in one of my favorite combinations: MF Quetzalcoatl CH120CS. Right when CS came out IIRC, or very close to that time.
Wasn't bad when it came out, even I liked it on Gravity CH120, though I had moved off it by the time I got TT attack. But yeah, too erratic and often, RF can KO whatever it OS's anyway, and now, if you want stamina+Attack, MF is generally a better choice anyway.
Not sure sure whether Vulcan should be in tier 2 or not. It is definatly outclassed but is it enough to be downgraded to tier 2?
Tier One Attack Wheels

Sounds good to me.
(Jun. 03, 2011  7:41 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: Not sure sure whether Vulcan should be in tier 2 or not. It is definatly outclassed but is it enough to be downgraded to tier 2?

IMO it should be in tier two. like i said, it is good, but it cant do as good as the others in tier one

also hell should be tier two for attack

(Jun. 03, 2011  7:47 PM)Dan Wrote: Tier One Attack Wheels

Sounds good to me.

wait has the combo mf-h fang leone bd145rf been used if so carp if not its my special combo i made
Tier 2 wheels would be give mediocre smash like ray. Vulcan is a lot better than ray. Vulcan is still top tier. Also is lightning better than beat in the list because of lightning tank because I thought that anti-meta did not count as attack.
(Jun. 03, 2011  7:51 PM)rock L-drago Wrote: Tier 2 wheels would be give mediocre smash like ray. Vulcan is a lot better than ray. Vulcan is still top tier.

ray and pegasus should be tier three then, as vulcan gets around 0-20% win right now (IIRC), that percent does not say tier one at all
Lightning Tank is not anti Meta. It is an attack combo and nothing but. Anyway I just updated it.
Put Pegasis above Ray. It's WAY better. Seriously, I dunno if you've got both to compare, but Pegasis is an axe-murderer of a wheel against what ray works against Tongue_out

Also, Beat should probably be #2, it might be unpredictable, but it's not something I'd ever feel comfortable battling against, unlike gravity, which has it's weaknesses.

Also, lol @ Rock L Drago's post. Dude, seriously, WTF

[Image: cool-story-bro.jpg]
Used with BT, MB is quite a good part; it's not even on the list. Someone should add it.
What is BT? I thought we were past abbreviating combo's *sigh*