MFB Tiers list Last Updated 27/12/11

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CS isn't that bad at stamina. Sure it's not great but it has much better stamina than RF and R2F and RSF.
CS is good for attack when fresh no doubt it matches an R2f as seen in drigergts galaxy VS unicorno VID he used it when fresh and janepegasus I dont no what your talking about your absolutely wrong! CS is probably the most versatile tip available Smile
(Apr. 04, 2011  2:23 PM)janpegasus Wrote: CS isn't quite gud at defense..... Its quite difficult to KO of the stadium though....Attack capabilities are above average, but like all rubber tips, its bad at stamina.... Let the rubber wear out, and then CS would be an awesome Attack tip!


Less shoutily,
"CS isn't quite gud at defense..... Its quite difficult to KO of the stadium though"
That is THE DEFINITION of defense

I already explained in my post, a TT CS has good stamina when fresh, as the rubber only makes contact and grips when you get pushed away from the centre (or when you've already lost balance, in some cases it can help re-right you, though). This means the sharp tip is in control of the stamina. Even when worn it has passable stamina, as long is the rubber isn't touching the floor, due to a SMALL AREA OF CONTACT, while the rubber helps a little with stability, and a lot with preventing KO. This is why MF-H Hell Kerbecs BD145 (Boost Mode) CS has great defence while still being able to outspin most stamina combos (combined the plastic of BD145 preventing LTSC's from working and combined with it's weight pushing them into the stadium, and Hell's great weight distribution (all round the outside)). If CS has bad stamina, you wouldn't last long even on a wheel like hell.

Thirdly, the reason we use CS is BECAUSE it has decent stamina. RS and maybe RSF ARE better in terms of pure defence, but RS in particular has APPALING balance, and terrible stamina. Pretty much anything not made entirely of rubber or called quake can outspin them. This means that in a tournament situation, unless a) you're sure your opponent is using RF, they're useless, and B) they're completely useless in the opening rounds of a tournament, as you generally fight newbies with one bey, which will almost always have a plastic tip and a wheel which won't KO itself against you (normally Dark). In the later rounds, it's still rare you'll face an RF bey, as most people now use CS-TIPPED defence/stamina combos, or D/WD stamina combos. The former being hard to KO with attack types anyway.

PLEASE go and actually read the wiki and the forums and other peoples posts before you continue to post your uninformed views on the forum, especially when advising others.

BigBangBlaze go read my last few posts. They explain that, he's either using a very specific sliding shoot and/or a SONOKONG CS. Shot at the centre of the stadium, a mint TT CS will barely move, if at all.
sorry, I will take care in the future....
(Apr. 04, 2011  3:47 PM)janpegasus Wrote: sorry, but I didn't mean to say that.... I posted... saw that I had written something that was drastically wrong, I changed it, and I see your post.... If you see, I edited my post before you posted.....

No, I don't see that you've changed anything, both the posts I mentioned are still completely incorrect, and as they were when I posted.

Edit: By the way ultrablader, Screw is IMO behind vulcan but before any other right spin wheel for attack, go to the "Screw Discussion" thread and have a look at my testings with pisces. While it doesn't do well against modern defence combos with basalt, hell, 230 and bd145, vulcan isn't great either in that respect, it's slightly better, but yeah. Screw does better than any ray I've ever seen, it hits like a truck. I can do more tests tomorrow if you want, just to get it up there, but it belongs at the TOP of second tier attack, unless I somehow got the magic screw of awesome

HOWEVER, include a note (*) that Clear Wheel Choice Matters, with a cw that gets in it's way, it's not as good as other options. Pisces is what I got great results with, Horogium should work too. The aim is to not get in the way of either of Screw's slopes. Pisces is the best at this, but Horogium isn't far behind and as it is far more common than pisces thanks to Basalt Horogium being on top of any serious bladers "TO BUY" list, so it should also be listed IMO.
With anything getting in it's way, I don't think it does as well, or, at least, I suspect might be why others got worse results than me, as the plastic absorbs the shock. I haven't actually tested with horogium, but it's just common sense, and I can do a few quick rounds later on or tomorrow to check that if you'd like?

Further argument, screw is actually weighty, I need to weigh it, but you can feel it if you have one, those are some SERIOUS chunks of metal it's got hanging off it. It's also rather compact so can achieve and maintain a good RPM too. It also appears to me that the "spike Up/secondary slope" of screw IS making contact and may be what causes the MASSIVE KO's it seems to get every so often, sending beys flying through the air. This would explain why that doesn't occur regularly (as the Fat slope would hit more often), but when it does LOOK OUT.
This means that covering those would decrease the MASSIVE KO wins, and decrease the overall win rate.
It also needs a good RF to work right, and needs a low track, but yeah. Just make sure to list the CW thing Smile
no man on his blog he stated he got the TT CS and in the video he just did a normal sliding shoot PS Screw does have attack potential a LOT but more defense go see my results in the screw discussion
I'm still unconvinced by your defense results, as I've posted in the screw thread, but I'll test that later myself.

I'd have to see the video, but I suspect his shot wasn't the standard sliding shot, as a perfect sliding shot tilt would have the sharp as the contact point (which is what banking does with RF, puts it at the same slant as the stadium), so it's as though CS is on a flat surface. I suspect he used a slightly different angle. I'll find the video later, though and look.

EDIT: Guessing it's not THIS video?
Meteor King on the topic of CS. I have a fresh TT CS and I was unable to keep it from moving in an attack pattern for a long time. It's taken a significant amount of use to allow it sit still. With the LibraGB145CS combo, was yours aggressive or defensive? For me, the power of this combo comes not from it's ability to survive impact but rather it's ability to deflect and KO most attacks because of CS's speed.
I'll need to check the libra combo, it's been a while since then, and I think I used a worn CS, probably sonokong from the dates that I did it. That said, my statements are taken from experience with two TT CS's, one from BB-93 and one from BB-100, with MF-H Hell Kerbecs BD145CS, MF-H Basalt Aquario 230CS, and MF-H Basalt Aquario GB145CS. I THINK I used libra on the more worn of the CS's and GB145 yesterday and it moved a bit, but that's the worn one, so yeah. My experience with the sonokong one is from a Sonokong Starter, which was a while ago, but I haven't bought another as it was too aggressive.

That said, your comment about the TT cs is interesting, are you absolutely 100% sure it's a TT one? If so, which set did it come from (is it from a bb-100 bey, the Ray Unicorno Booster (Trans-Black) or the Ray Unicorno Starter (Grey))? It may be that the starters one is aggressive, as I haven't had one for ages, and that is the only sonokong Unicorno, I believe. That said, I do recall being annoyed that my first CS (TT, Unicorno Starter) wasn't aggressive enough...

That said, at the very least, not ALL CS's are the same, we know that much.
(Apr. 04, 2011  4:28 PM)MeteorKing Wrote: I'll need to check the libra combo, it's been a while since then, and I think I used a worn CS, probably sonokong from the dates that I did it.

That said, your comment about the TT cs is interesting, are you absolutely 100% sure it's a TT one? If so, which set did it come from (is it from a bb-100 bey, the Ray Unicorno Booster (Trans-Black) or the Ray Unicorno Starter (Grey))? It may be that the starters one is aggressive, as I haven't had one for ages, and that is the only sonokong Unicorno, I believe. That said, I do recall being annoyed that my first CS (TT, Unicorno Starter) wasn't aggressive enough...

It was a TT Starter Version (grey D125 and CS). It was a little faster than RF at first, but had a horrible flower pattern. The idea for it was do a sliding shot without banking against attack types, and while Libra is just flying around the tornado ridge it will just bump attack types out.
Yeah, that's what I had with my sonokong one if I recall. Bigbangblaze, maybe that explains akirasdaddy, as the video I linked is from BB-93, the booster.

So, maybe my statement needs to be altered, with "TT" replaced with "TT CS's other than the one included in The Ray Unicorno STARTER" and "Sonokong" replaced with "CS's from Ray Unicorno Starters (BB-Whatever), which includes all currently released Sonokong CS's"

Either way, TT's newer CS's are the ideal, as, like you say, the "flower pattern" of the aggressive CS's is Disgusting and wastes a lot of stamina. I also found a sliding shot without banking was the best bet.

Maybe that's where Janpegasus' thoughts came from? If so, reading my posts still would've helped, but I apologise for being as harsh as I was. That said, you should read more in future.
i think you should specify that gravity mold 1 is tier 1
um both molds still have great attack... Gravity in general is tier 1.
but my gravity mold 2 dosent preform very well my pegasis gets better results
Yeah, the lighter mold would suffer worse recoil.

Also, I've posted some more testing with screw, against MF Libra GB145CS (not really a top tier defence combo, but that's explained in my post), comparing results with the Cancer and Pisces CW's. There's a noticeable difference, and should help to explain why early testing found it so-so, while I found it to be very impressive.
So, check it out:
(Apr. 05, 2011  2:26 PM)th!nk Wrote: Yeah, the lighter mold would suffer worse recoil.

also from the pictures mold 2 is smoother, its attack points are less pronounced then mold 1, which should make it less powerful.
My MF Pegasis 145R2F has been doing great smash attack with my defense combos.I don't really see Gravity doing a really strong smash attack on my defense combos.
(Apr. 09, 2011  6:00 PM)SpinMaster64 Wrote: My MF Pegasis 145R2F has been doing great smash attack with my defense combos.I don't really see Gravity doing a really strong smash attack on my defense combos.

what defence combos? and what combo, spin, and mode is gravity in? also is your gravity mold 1 or mold 2?
Glad you took care of jan, meteor. I would have completely torn him apart.. better of you to do it. :V
According to your list, Lightning L Drago is the best attack wheel, or am I missing something?
It is, yes. (Lightning and the LDrago CW are exclusive so its fine, I think.)
(Apr. 09, 2011  6:16 PM)LDragoDestroy Wrote: According to your list, Lightning L Drago is the best attack wheel, or am I missing something?

no you are not missing a thing, lightning is the best right now...
Well, so in the hasbro metagame once I get a Hasbro r2f, I have the best hasbro attack parts.
(Apr. 09, 2011  6:38 PM)LDragoDestroy Wrote: Well, so in the hasbro metagame once I get a Hasbro r2f, I have the best hasbro attack parts.

it depends, the hasbro metagame is different, most likely R2F will be bad in hasbro stadiums
(Apr. 09, 2011  6:42 PM)lord Wolfblade Wrote:
(Apr. 09, 2011  6:38 PM)LDragoDestroy Wrote: Well, so in the hasbro metagame once I get a Hasbro r2f, I have the best hasbro attack parts.

it depends, the hasbro metagame is different, most likely R2F will be bad in hasbro stadiums

Which I why i'll be using the RF for hasbro staduims, and for my TT staduim, the R2F.

And thanks for the answer BTW