(May. 12, 2011 2:47 AM)JonnB Wrote: Very Similar to Kei's Post a few pages ago where he used MF L Drago 100WF, I tested Lightning Tank against MF L Drago 90MF
MF Lightning LDrago BD145R2F vs. MF L Drago 90MF
MF Lightning L Drago BD145R2F: 3 wins (All KOs)
MF L Drago 90MF: 17 wins (16 OS, 1 Self-KO)
MF L Drago 90MF win percentage: 85%
It should be noted I used a R2F and not LRF since I didn't have a LRF.
I alternated launches and used a sliding shoot with both. L Drago was knocked around a lot but was able to stay in and eventually destabilize LT.
I was sooo keeping this a secret for the next tourney.