In Japan, yes.

Please everyone, we have no news about what will happen with this new series outside of Japan.
Well there might be tournaments in u.s because of the beyblade news, I mean just kid doing there own tournaments
Blading Wrote:Well there might be tournaments in u.s because of the beyblade news, I mean just kid doing there own tournaments

If it's fans hosting the tournaments, it's not really official.
Bey Brad Wrote:Glad that e-mail had some effect! Haha.

That is the main reason I came back. I seriously can't wait for August.
I Think will be getting the new blades because they have new pages up, BeyBlade parts and Limited Edition BeyBlade
They stopped production... January 2006

Yeah, I'm back; I was never really "here" to begin with, but this news is amazing. Good thing I never really let go...

Better go to; make 'em update it... get rid of the "current" champ xD

So happy; going to ask my parents to buy the toys for me... I have no PayPal (wow... really?) I'll turn 14 this October. Hopefully they'll be nice

I'm totally going to ask Toys R Us if I could help doing any Beyblade "classes" and advertise. Even if I'm not paid.

Maybe there will be a 11U, 17U and then 18+?
An 18+ division would be silly. I'd like to say 12U and 13+ only. Personally as an nineteen year old I don't really feel that I have a "right" to compete ... and imagine Spinster, a 26 year old playing against 13 year olds ... I think we're better off just supporting the younger players.

Welcome back!

Also, is sad, sad, sad.
Umm it doesnt really matter what age u are, it just how your beyblade is custom
Blading Wrote:Umm it doesnt really matter what age u are, it just how your beyblade is custom

It would be hard to argue that a 18 year old does not have an innate advantage over a 12 year old. Either way, I don't think two players with such huge age gaps competing to be socially appropriate. I think us adults would be better playing amongst ourselves and running events and generating interest. Of course we should play with younger players, but not compete against them.
nah, I meant for age groups...

Thanks, good to be back.
Thanks for sending that email out, I really needed it ^^

Then again, maybe 6th grade U and 7th up because a lot of 7th graders are still 12. But it doesn't matter yet.

I'm going to contact my Toys R Us and ask if I could help with a Rip Zone.
Don't do it. We don't even know when/if we'll be getting these Beyblades locally. Wait for licensing info to come out.
Ok, I'll wait. But I'll be spreading the word by mouth to my friends, hopefully someone will actually be interested. Doubt it though -.-
Bey Brad Wrote:
Blading Wrote:Umm it doesnt really matter what age u are, it just how your beyblade is custom

It would be hard to argue that a 18 year old does not have an innate advantage over a 12 year old. Either way, I don't think two players with such huge age gaps competing to be socially appropriate. I think us adults would be better playing amongst ourselves and running events and generating interest. Of course we should play with younger players, but not compete against them.

You were better than a lot of 19 year olds at that age.
at least i can save up enough money to get one of everything.
I might hold off on buying until more come out. I don't have the money to buy a carp-load of these so i'm gonna pick a couple favorites and buy those.
Wait does new blades mean the RETURN OF THE BEHOLDER?
Everlasting_Blader Wrote:Wait does new blades mean the RETURN OF THE BEHOLDER?

No, DJ defeated him and leveled up already.
Composer of Requiems Wrote:
Everlasting_Blader Wrote:Wait does new blades mean the RETURN OF THE BEHOLDER?

No, DJ defeated him and leveled up already.

And he & MingMing lived happily ever after.
There must be a old beyblade that will win agasint these new full metal beyblades right?
As stoked as I am about this, I can't really see a UK/US revival in the craze.
I think they've made the best possible choice in waiting 4 years to revive it, in turn meaning there's a brand new target audience to an extent, as per usual the craze will revive in Japan since it was so massive over there, but with how quickly current crazes are passing and dying out (Duel Masters, B-Daman and to some extent Yu-Gi-Oh! to name a few)
Can't wait to try these out though, just hoping there's a considerable difference in performance between these and the older series (I'm assuming since these are mainly metal, they're similar in build to the HMS series)
, but I guess we'll have to see how the craze takes off.
Most kids seem to be more interested in ben-10 lightup wrist watches than collectible crazes now.
Lol I think that even The HMS blades will be kinda useless if these new ones are full metal. The only ones I see useful would be Wolborg MS, Dragoon MSUV and maybe DEMS...
well the email reached me too Joyful_3

i'm returning to the community somewhat... at least temporarily (uni is busy, ill check out the forum occasionally)
Bey Brad Wrote:Thanks to Ideal for this:

[Image: 2wr3ew4.jpg]
[Image: 2vct768.jpg]

Sadly I can't see them. :(